For the purpose of this division, the term:
The City of Coleman Water Conservation Board.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15)
Acting under the authority granted by the city charter, article XII, section 12.01, there is hereby created a water conservation board to be known as the city’s water conservation board.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15)
The board shall serve in an advisory and support role to the city council and city management for the purpose of developing sound management, conservation and long-term planning for the city’s water resources, including, without limitation, addressing city water concerns, maintenance of city water infrastructure, including water transportation lines, exploring funding opportunities related to municipal water systems, addressing legislative issues related to municipal water systems, and any other issues that can affect the city water system, properties and resources.
All decisions made by the board are subject to the final approval of the city council.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15)
The following shall represent the membership requirements for the board:
The board shall consist of five (5) regular members and four (4) alternate members. Alternate members are entitled to participate in every meeting of the board, but shall not be entitled to vote except in the absence of a regular member. The board shall adopt rules for the selection of which alternate members may vote for the regular members.
The board members shall be appointed by the city council.
The board members term of office shall be two years unless removed by the city council at an earlier time, except for the initial one-year appointments. The board members shall have staggered terms.
Initially, three (3) members of the board shall serve two years.
Initially, two (2) members of the board shall serve for a one-year term and then two years thereafter.
Members of the board may continue to serve consecutive terms unless they resign or are removed by the city council.
The city council reserves the right to terminate any or all members of the board at will and/or dissolve the board.
Members of the board shall be individuals with a knowledge and experience in water related matters that have the expertise to make water related recommendations to the city council.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15)
The board shall conduct regular meetings at a minimum of a quarterly basis and in special called meetings as the board deems necessary as provided below. All such meetings shall be open to the public and posted and conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Notice of the meetings shall be posted at city hall in advance of the meetings by the secretary of the board or his designee. All meetings shall be conducted at the city hall council chambers.
A quorum of the board, three members, shall be required to conduct a meeting.
Meetings may be held more often than quarterly and may be called by the president or two (2) members of the board.
The members of the board shall not conduct any water related business or discuss water matters outside of posted board meetings as per the requirements established in the Open Meetings Act, chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15; Ordinance 1163 adopted 8/6/15)
New officers shall be appointed at the first meeting of the board, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and at the beginning of the new fiscal year of the city each year.
The president shall preside over all meetings. All special meetings shall be called by the president of the board or by two members of the board. The president shall represent the wishes of the board and shall represent the board at all city council meetings where pertinent matters and recommendations relative to the board and/or water are discussed. The president shall represent the board as may be required and shall provide an annual report to the city council at the end of each fiscal year regarding the activities of the board.
Vice president.
The vice president shall preside over all meetings when the president is unable to attend meetings and shall represent the board as may be required in the same manner as required of the president.
The secretary shall be responsible for preparing all agendas and posting same in a timely manner at city hall in accordance with the Local Government Code and in compliance with the Open Meetings Act. The board shall use the same meetings format as that being used by the city council. The secretary shall also be responsible for recording and typing all board minutes. The original copy of the tape and original copy of the approved minutes shall be retained by the office of the city secretary. The board shall retain a copy of the minutes for their files.
(Ordinance 1159 adopted 5/21/15)