The 2018 edition of the International Fire Code, along with the following amendments as adopted by the city, is hereby adopted by the city and is maintained on file in the office of the city secretary.
The following sections of the 2018 International Fire Code adopted by reference in subsection (a) are hereby amended:
Section 101.1
Insert: “City of Coleman” for name of jurisdiction.
Section 110.4
Insert: “misdemeanor” for specific offense; Insert: “$2,000.00” for amount as per section 1.01.009 of the Code of Ordinances; Insert: “NA” for number of days.
Section 112.4
Insert: “$500.00, $2,000.00” for amount.
Section 903.2.8.l
Replace “shall be permitted” with “may be permitted.”
(Ordinance 1196, sec. 1.F, adopted 1/17/19)