The city council or designee is charged with the responsibility of maintenance of all traffic controls, devices and regulations and, in addition thereto, the city council or designee is hereby authorized:
To determine and establish school zones, no parking zones, regulatory devices, signs and signals, save and except traffic signal lights and speed limit zones, and all other traffic-control devices as shall be deemed necessary for the public safety and welfare or to regulate, warn or guide traffic for the safe and expeditious flow thereof.
To place and maintain traffic-control signs, signals (save and except traffic signal lights and speed limit zones) and devices when and as required under the provisions contained in this article to make effective the provisions of this article.
The city council or designee is hereby authorized to make and enforce temporary or experimental devices to cover emergency or special conditions. No such temporary or experimental devices shall remain in effect more than ninety (90) days. If the city council or designee determines there is a necessity for the erection, removal or change of any traffic-control device or regulation, such determination shall be based upon a traffic and engineering survey, conducted upon the following standards:
The public welfare, including safety and traffic factors to insure the safe and expeditious flow of traffic, shall be considered.
The development of the property surrounding the proposed area shall be analyzed.
The requirement of vehicular traffic flow in the proposed area shall be determined.
The amount of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the proposed area shall be considered.
If at any time the council finds that these guidelines where not followed and/or specified warrants were not sufficiently met, it may by resolution remove any so established traffic regulatory sign or signs.
(Ordinance 751 adopted 2/20/75)
The public record, which shall be called the traffic register, shall contain a record of every specific location in the city where any traffic-control device, marking or special regulation is made applicable. The city council finds that the conditions prerequisite to the establishment of all special traffic regulations prescribed in this chapter, and the installation of all traffic-control devices, signs, signals and markings evidenced by the record thereof in the traffic register, exist, and such findings are hereby confirmed and such regulations shall continue in operation until modified as provided in this code. The traffic register shall be continuously maintained by the police department as provided in this chapter, and all persons shall be charged with notice of the contents of the same.
(Ordinance 751 adopted 2/20/75)