There is hereby adopted the 2021 edition of the International Plumbing Code, regulating and governing the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems in the city providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor.
(Ordinance 61 adopted 9/13/83; Ordinance 113, sec. I, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 6; Ordinance 232 adopted 9/12/00; Ordinance 340, sec. 1(C), adopted 4/9/13; Ordinance 351, sec. 1(C), adopted 10/14/14; Ordinance 434, sec. 1(C), adopted 10/11/22; Ordinance 454 adopted 6/11/2024)
Editor's note–Former section 3.02.152 pertaining to the 2020 plumbing code amendments, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 454 adopted 6/11/2024. Prior to the deletion this section derived from the following: Ordinance 340, sec. 2(C), adopted 4/9/13; Ordinance 351, sec. 2(C), adopted 10/14/14; Ordinance 434, sec. 2(C), adopted 10/11/22.
The mayor shall serve as the plumbing official for the purpose of enforcement of the plumbing code. The mayor, with the approval of the city council, shall appoint such inspectors as may be necessary to assist in the enforcement of the plumbing code. Such appointments may be temporary and applicable to only one (1) inspection or permit when it is deemed in the best interest of the city to obtain inspectors with special qualifications. Appeals of decisions of the plumbing official shall be made to the city council.
(Ordinance 61 adopted 9/13/83; Ordinance 113, sec. II, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 7(A))
Plumbing permit for residential.
The fee is as listed in the fee schedule to this code.
Plumbing permit for commercial.
The fee is as listed in the fee schedule to this code.
Additional trips.
In case the city inspector is required to make more than one (1) trip from his office for the purpose of inspecting any work on account of violation of rules, wrong address or any other irregularities caused by the master plumber or his agent, a charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be made for each additional trip.
(Ordinance 61 adopted 9/13/83; Ordinance 76, sec. II, adopted 8/14/84; Ordinance 113, sec. II, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 7(B); Ordinance 256 adopted 5/13/03; Ordinance 371 adopted 10/10/17; Ordinance 373 adopted 10/10/17; Ordinance 380 adopted 10/9/18)
The city does hereby expressly adopt the provisions of V.T.C.A., Occupations Code, ch. 1301, known as the Plumbing License Law, together with all revisions and amendments thereto relating to such act in the future, and the same is hereby adopted as the plumbing licensing act of the city insofar as the same does not conflict with the terms and provisions set out in this division.
(Ordinance 113, sec. II, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 7(C))
Appeals under the plumbing code and enforcement thereof shall be directed to the city council.
(Ordinance 113, sec. II, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 7(D))
Neither the city, or any authorized agent, acting under the terms of this division shall be liable or have any liability by reason of orders issued, work done, inspections made, or failure to make inspections under the terms of this division.
(Ordinance 113, sec. II, adopted 4/18/89; 1982 Code, ch. 3, sec. 7(E))