The city is a type A general law municipality, as provided in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code section 6.011 et seq.
(1999 Code, sec. 2-1)
There is adopted the aldermanic form of government for the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 2-2)
Before the city shall be liable for damages for personal injuries of any kind, or for injuries to or destruction of property of any kind, the person injured, or the owner of the property injured or destroyed, or someone in his behalf, shall give the mayor and the city council notice in writing of such injury or destruction, duly verified, within six months after the injury or destruction has been sustained, stating in such written notice when, where and how the injury or destruction occurred, and the apparent extent of the injury or destruction, the amount of damages sustained, the amount for which the claimant will settle, the actual residence of the claimant by street and number at the date the claim is presented, and the actual residence of such claimant for six months immediately preceding the occurrence of such injuries or destruction, and the names and addresses of the witnesses upon whom he relies to establish his claim; and a failure to so notify the mayor and the city council within the time and manner specified in this section shall exonerate, excuse and exempt the city from any liability whatsoever. Nothing in this section shall conflict with the laws of the state.
The notice requirements stated in this section do not apply if the governmental unit has actual notice that death has occurred, that the claimant has received some injury, or that the claimant’s property has been damaged.
(1999 Code, sec. 2-3)