The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
means a dog, cat or any other animal which has been deserted by its owner; to wit, such animal has been left at an unoccupied residence, has no food nor water provided, roams at large, and is neither tagged nor licensed.
means any living creature, including but not limited to dogs, cats, cows, horses, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, insects, fowl and livestock, but specifically excluding human beings.
Animal control officer
means any person designated by the city as an officer who is authorized and qualified to perform animal control duties under the laws of the city.
Animal shelter
means any facility designated or recognized by the city for the purposes of impounding and caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter and state law.
At large
means off the premises of the owner and not under the complete control either by leash, cord, chain or effective verbal command of the owner who is then physically present with the dog, or on the premises of the owner and not within the direct, constant and immediate presence of a person having effective verbal command of the dog, or otherwise confined to such premises by means of an enclosure.
means all members of the feline family of either sex, including one neutered or sterilized.
means all members of the canine family of either sex, including one neutered or sterilized.
means any live bird.
Harbors or harboring
means the act of keeping or caring for an animal or of providing premises to which the animal returns for food, shelter or care for a period of three days or more.
Humane manner
means care of an animal, including but not limited to adequate heat, ventilation and sanitary shelter, wholesome food and water, consistent with the normal requirements and feeding habits of the animal’s size, species and breed.
means to take into custody or to place in the animal control shelter of the city or other authorized confinement area.
Inhumane treatment
means any treatment to any animal that deprives the animal of necessary sustenance, including food, water or protection from weather, or any treatment of any animal such as overloading, overworking, tormenting, beating, mutilating or teasing, or other abnormal treatment as may be determined by the animal control officer or a law enforcement officer.
means an establishment kept for the purposes of breeding, selling or boarding dogs or cats or engaged in training dogs or cats.
means any domestic cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules and donkeys.
means surgically sterilized sexually; that is spayed or castrated; rendered permanently incapable of reproduction.
means a dog or cat or other animal, either licensed or unlicensed, that:
Molests passersby;
Chases passing vehicles;
Is not vaccinated against rabies as required by this chapter;
Is repeatedly at large;
Turns over garbage cans;
Barks, whines or howls in an excessive, loud, continuous fashion so as to unreasonably disturb nearby persons;
Yowls, growls or hisses in an excessive, loud, continuous fashion so as to unreasonably disturb nearby persons;
Damages, soils, defiles or defecates on private property other than the owner’s or on public walks and recreation areas unless such waste is immediately removed and properly disposed of by the owner;
Causes unsanitary, dangerous or offensive conditions;
Molests, attacks or interferes with persons or other domestic animals; or
Is without an owner.
means any person who has, harbors, keeps or causes or permits to be harbored or kept, or has in his care or who permits a dog, cat or other animal on or about his premises for a period of three days or more.
Poisonous animal
means any animal that normally kills or stuns its prey by chemical means.
means chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and guineas.
means any object of value that a person may lawfully acquire and hold; that which may be owned as land, a residence, a vehicle, an animal, etc.
means strict confinement under restraint at a facility approved by the city health officer.
means an acute viral disease of man and animals affecting the central nervous system and usually transmitted by an animal bite.
means a house, apartment, room or duplex inhabited as the principal dwelling place of a person.
Residential building
means a structure or building designed, constructed or converted for use as a residence.
Running at large.
Off premises
Any dog which is not restrained by means of a leash or chain of sufficient strength and not more than six feet in length to control the actions of such animal while off premises.
Any cat off the owner’s property.
On premises
means any dog not confined on premises of the owner by a substantial fence of sufficient strength and height to prevent the animal from escaping from the premises. A dog intruding upon the property of another person other than the owner shall be deemed at large. Any animal within an automobile or other vehicle of its owner or its owner’s agent shall not be deemed at large.
means running free with no physical restraint beyond the premises of the owner.
means any device placed by an animal control officer, employed or used in the capture of animals that is not under the constant supervision of an officer and that functions in such a manner as to confine any animal entering the device.
with respect to an attack by an animal, means that the animal was not hit, kicked or struck by a person with an object or part of a person’s body nor was any part of the animal’s body pulled, pinched or squeezed by a person.
means an injection of rabies vaccine approved by the United States Department of Agriculture administered every 12 calendar months by a licensed veterinarian.
Vicious dog
Any dog that, when unprovoked, inflicts severe injury or death to a person, or bites a person on public or private property.
Any dog that has killed a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner’s property.
Any dog that, when unprovoked, chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public or private property in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack such that the person reasonably believes that the dog will cause physical injury to that person.
Any individual dog with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury, or to otherwise threaten the safety of persons or domestic animals.
Wild animal
means any nondomestic animal normally found in a natural habitat.
(1999 Code, sec. 18-1; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
Interference with traps set by department of animal control.
It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, spring or cause to malfunction any trap set by the department of animal control or to release any dog or cat from any such trap. Fees charged to set such traps on private property shall be as determined by the city council and on file in the office of the city secretary.
Prohibited traps.
No person shall set up or allow to be set up on his property steel jaw traps, spring traps with teeth or perforated edges on the holding mechanism, or any type of trap with a holding mechanism designed in such a fashion as to reasonably ensure the cutting, slicing, tearing or otherwise traumatizing of the entrapped prey for the purpose of ensnaring domestic or wild animals within the city limits, unless the use of such traps is specifically deemed necessary by the department of public health in or for the control of communicable disease.
This section is not to be construed to include those traps designed to kill common rodents, i.e., rats, mice, gophers and groundhogs; provided that the owner is responsible for taking care that any of the rodent traps are not placed or used on or about his property in such a manner as to reasonably ensure the trapping of any other domesticated or wild animal or of a human. It shall be a prima facie violation of this section that the traps prescribed in this section were, in fact, set up by the person in question; no intent or further culpable mental state shall be required to prove such a prima facie violation.
(1999 Code, sec. 18-2)
No person shall interfere with, hinder or molest any agent of the animal control department in the performance of any duty of the agent, or seek or release any animal in the custody of the animal control department or its agents.
(1999 Code, sec. 18-3)
A reward may be offered by the city as set by the city council to any person who shall furnish testimony or evidence leading to the conviction of any person who has willfully poisoned any dog or cat within the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 18-4)
The keeping of more than three (3) dogs or cats (exclusive of puppy or kitten litters under the age of six (6) months) shall constitute a public nuisance subject to abatement and prosecution as provided in article 2.05 of this chapter.
(Ordinance 09-02-04 adopted 9/17/2002)
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep poisonous or wild animals within the city limits without first obtaining a permit from the chief of police.
No permit for keeping a poisonous or wild animal shall be issued unless the person requesting such permit shall furnish proof to the issuing officer of the following:
The name and address of the owner and/or keeper of such poisonous or wild animal;
That such poisonous or wild animal is possessed in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations;
That such poisonous or wild animal is possessed for purposes of public exhibition or scientific or educational purposes;
That such poisonous or wild animal is kept in an enclosure which prevents its escape or endangering the public; and
That such poisonous or wild animal will be kept in sanitary and humane conditions.
The fee for a permit under this section shall be as determined by the city council and on file in the office of the city secretary.
(1999 Code, sec. 18-240)