As used in this article:
Authorized commercial waste
means any item mentioned in the residential classification plus any packing material, styrofoam, office waste, bagged vegetables, bagged fruit, bagged processed meat, and bagged unusable food items.
Authorized residential waste
means refuse generated by normal household use, including paper products, cardboard, tin, plastic, plastic containers, aluminum, food containers, glass, and clothing.
means a container, either plastic or paper, designed to store refuse or waste, with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. Total weight of the bag and its contents shall not exceed forty (40) pounds.
means any producer, homeowner, renter, lessor, business corporation, individual, or person who receives city water or sewer service and generates waste. All customers shall be required to subscribe to the city waste collection service. This service provides for collection and disposal of authorized waste stored in dumpsters.
means a heavy gauge metal receptacle with hinged lids for access, designed to be lifted and emptied by mechanical means.
means all domestic kitchen, household, or business waste such as, but not limited to, paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, tin cans, food containers, or clothing. As used in this article, garbage does not include yard waste, grass clippings, branches, dirt, concrete, tile, sheetrock, rocks, building materials, roofing materials, metal appliances, furniture and such substances or materials not generated by normal and routine household or commercial waste.
means the operator of the collection truck or some other city employee will perform routine random spot checks of city dumpsters to assure no unauthorized materials are in the containers.
means the grounds used or designated by the city for the disposal of garbage, trash, refuse, and other municipal wastes.
means any person, persons, firm, business, corporation, or employee thereof residing or established outside the existing city limits.
Prohibited waste
means grass, grass clippings, brush, branches, tree trimmings, hedge trimmings, leaves, dead animals, animal carcasses, wood, lumber, sheetrock, plaster, tile, carpet, concrete, bricks, and any other masonry items, roofing materials, metal, appliances, furniture, mattresses, paint, paint cans, varnish, lacquer, lacquer thinner, antifreeze, oil, oil filters, tires, batteries, chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, any hazardous and/or toxic materials or container thereof, medical waste, grease or like byproducts from eating establishments, and non-bagged or loose food scraps.
means the process of collecting and turning used products into new products by reprocessing or remanufacturing them.
Yard waste
means all grass, grass clippings, turf, sod, weeds, flowers, leaves, small hedge clippings, or other vegetation generated by routine and normal yard maintenance.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/2012)
Any person, persons, customer, citizen, corporation, business or employee thereof who violates any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in municipal court shall be subject to a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 7, adopted 9/18/2012; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The Environmental Protection Agency and state commission on environmental quality have deemed certain items no longer acceptable in landfills. All items prohibited by federal and state restrictions are also prohibited by the city.
Records and statistics indicate that at least 25% of the volume in landfills today is directly related to and attributed to yard waste. It shall be deemed a violation for any person to deposit, place, or in any way dispose of yard waste in city dumpsters.
Yard waste is a great and growing concern to the landfill, but equally important are the other items mentioned in the definition of prohibited waste above; therefore, it shall be deemed a violation of this article for any person, business, or individual to deposit, place or in any way dispose of any prohibited waste in city-owned dumpsters.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 2, adopted 9/18/2012)
It will be considered a violation of this article to dispose of any yard waste in city dumpsters. The city council would like to minimize any hardship this decision might cause on its citizens and customers; therefore, the city will create and provide a bag pickup service on a regular basis for yard waste. The waste generator may elect to mulch grass clippings. The waste generator can elect to construct a backyard compost site. The waste generator may bag all yard waste for collection.
All yard waste that is to be disposed of by the city must be bagged in an acceptable container as described in this article. All yard waste must be stored on, behind, or in front of each customer’s, person’s, individual’s, or waste generator’s property. It will not be acceptable to place, pile, store, or drop bagged yard waste next to the city dumpsters. (Currently one dumpster is shared by several households and placed conveniently in or near the center of those customers sharing the dumpster. If it were allowed to place all the bagged yard waste next to the dumpster, it would have the potential to create an unnecessary eyesore and/or health hazard, especially for those customers that the dumpster is located on, behind, or in front of.)
At this time there will be no additional charge to the waste generator for the weekly yard waste disposal. If any citizen, customer, person, or individual generates more yard waste than can be disposed of on a regular basis, or the generator determines he/she needs or wants collection service more frequently, the city will make arrangements to increase the frequency of collection from that generator for an additional charge to be determined by the council.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 3, adopted 9/18/2012)
In view of safety concerns and the potential for loss of property or destruction and damage to adjoining property, it shall be deemed a violation of this article for any citizen, customer, person, persons, business, firm, corporation, or employee thereof to openly and knowingly burn or cause a fire to start within the city limits. This is intended to include, but not be limited to, any garbage, paper, cardboard, trash, brush, wood, building materials, grass, yard waste, weeds, leaves, and tree branches.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 4, adopted 9/18/2012)
It shall be deemed a violation of this article for any person, persons, individual, firm, corporation, or employee thereof outside the existing city limits to bring in, deposit, or drop off or in any way attempt to dispose of garbage and/or waste material in dumpsters located inside the existing city limits.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 5, adopted 9/18/2012)
It shall be deemed a violation of this article for any person, persons, individual, firm, corporation, or employee thereof to recover, retrieve, salvage, or attempt to save items already discarded in city dumpsters. This is intended to include, but is not limited to, the following items: aluminum, tin, metal, vegetables, food items, paper, clothing, glass, or plastic.
An exception to the previous subsection occurs if a person or business accidentally threw away or discarded any item of value or documents that are needed in order to conduct their business; then he/she would be authorized to search the dumpster in which the item was placed, or believed to have been placed, for same said item or document.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 5, adopted 9/18/2012)
The rates and charges to be charged and/or assessed by the city for collection and disposal of residential and commercial waste shall be determined by the city council. The charges will include tax and be forwarded to the state comptroller. The charges established by the city council entitle commercial or business customers to be flexible and they will be allowed to choose the amount of service for their particular needs. The number of dumpsters and the frequency of service will determine the monthly charge for commercial or business accounts.
The city council shall review and examine the waste collection charges as needed and by majority vote set and approve the waste disposal charges. The city shall not be obligated or required to provide waste collection service outside the existing city limits.
(Ordinance 09-2012, sec. 6, adopted 9/18/2012)