It shall be unlawful for any person to drill or otherwise construct a well, or to engage upon such work, within the corporate limits of the city, or to employ anyone else to engage in such work, without first applying for and securing a permit from the city council. The fee for such permit shall be as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. The application shall be in writing, and include the following:
Applicant’s name, address, and telephone number.
Legal description of the property on which the well is to be constructed, and general location of the well or proposed well on that property.
Size of pump desired, and maximum number of gallons to be pumped.
Proposed uses of water to be pumped.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(1), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-191; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The provisions of section 13.05.001 of this article do not apply to water wells on any lot in the limits of the city which were complete and operating on the effective date of this article.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(2), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-192)
The provisions of this article do not apply to water wells drilled at the direction of the city council.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(3), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-193)
New wells.
All water obtained from wells constructed under section 13.05.001 of this article must meet water quality standards for approved drinking water as established and promulgated by the state commission on environmental quality.
Existing wells.
All water obtained from wells permitted under section 13.05.002 of this article must be brought into compliance with water quality standards for approved drinking water as established and promulgated by the state commission on environmental quality within one year of the effective date of this article, unless, for good cause shown, the city council should grant a variance. Such variance shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, after which it will expire. At that time, the water obtained from the well must be in compliance with this section or a variance must again be obtained from the city council. If granted, such subsequent variance will be treated in the same manner as is an original variance.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(4), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-194)
Any person who shall drill or attempt to drill a water well on any lot within the corporate limits of the city without a valid permit shall be given notice in writing that his actions are in violation of this article and that drilling and use of such water well shall cease immediately.
Any person who shall maintain a water well on any lot within the corporate limits of the city which is in violation of the water quality standards set out in section 13.05.004 of this article shall be given notice in writing that his actions are in violation of this article and that use of such water well shall cease immediately.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(5), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-195)
Any person, firm or individual who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code. Such person shall also be required to fully cap and secure, in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations relating to the closing of wells, any well which is in violation of this article. Each and every day on which the violation continues after notice shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
At the discretion of the city, any person in violation of the water quality standards found in section 13.05.004 of this article may be granted leave to bring the violating well into compliance with that section rather than being required to cap and secure such well.
(Ordinance 12-01, art. I(6), adopted 12/13/2001; 1999 Code, sec. 98-196; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)