[Added 2-7-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-02[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Art. IV as Art. V.
To ensure that the Village of Suamico will be prepared to cope with emergencies resulting from enemy action, natural or man-made disasters, requests for assistance during public health emergencies, or technological emergencies, an Emergency Management Organization is created to carry out the purposes set forth in Ch. 323, Wis. Stats.
The Head of Emergency Management Services for the Village of Suamico shall be the Fire Chief.
The Head of Emergency Management Services shall have the duties and responsibilities as set forth under §§ 323.14 and 323.15, Wis. Stats., as it relates to the Village.
In his/her capacity as Head of Emergency Management Services, he/she shall, subject to the policy and oversight and direction of the Village Board and Village Administrator, perform the following on behalf of the Village:
Direct the Village emergency management programs and coordinate with the county.
Advise the county and, if necessary, state administrator of all emergency management planning for the Village emergency management and render such reports as may be required by the county or state administrator.
In the case of an emergency, coordinate and represent the Village emergency management activities and coordinate with the county the emergency management activities within the Village [operate at the County or Village Emergency Operations Center (EOC)].
Declare a localized municipal Village emergency and within 72 hours work with the Village Clerk to ensure that a meeting with a quorum of the Village Board is held to ratify such a declaration.
Issue predeclarations prior to emergencies happening (in front of and before storms or anticipated events).
In the case of a state of emergency proclaimed by the governor or county, coordinate the Village emergency management activities, subject to the coordinating authority of the county or State Administrator of the Division of Emergency Management.
Shall be a coordinator and shall take all actions or duties and follow such as is consistent with federal laws, presidential directives, state statutes and administrative codes and county ordinances. This includes interaction with the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and coordination with other municipal emergency management coordinators as well as working with the various incident commanders or unified command structure operating at an incident(s) within the Village political limits.
The Village Board shall adopt an effective program of emergency management consistent with the state and county plans of emergency management. The Village Board may appropriate funds and levy taxes for this program.
During the continuance of a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor, the Village Board may employ the Organization for Emergency Management and the facilities and other resources of that organization to cope with the problems of the emergency.
The cost of equipment and services related directly to the implementation of the Village Emergency Operations Plan shall be paid through the Village budget.
All moneys received as revenues derived from federally subsidized programs shall revert to the Village as appropriate.
Upon the declaration of a state of emergency within the Village, the head of emergency services shall be granted the authority to bypass normal Village purchasing policies for a period of 72 hours. All expenditures shall be recorded and reported to the Village Board at its next meeting.
There shall be an Organization for Emergency Management which will coordinate resources and efforts during Village-declared emergencies. Lead members of the organization shall include the Village President and all appointed officials as listed in § 2.06 of the Suamico Village Code.
All officers and employees, together with those volunteer forces enrolled to aid them during a disaster, and all groups, organizations and persons who may by agreement or operation of law be charged with duties incident to the protection of life and property during disasters shall constitute the Emergency Management Organization.
In preparing and executing the Emergency Operations Plan, the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the county and Village shall be utilized to the maximum extent practicable, and the officers and personnel of such departments and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services and facilities as are required by them.
Department heads will fulfill emergency and nonemergency duties as assigned under the Village of Suamico Emergency Operations Plan. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the Emergency Management Director from immediately commencing organizational and planning programs as required by the Village's Emergency Operations Plan adopted by the Village Board. The emergency plan of Brown County shall be utilized as needed where no specific local planning element is in place.
In order to ensure that in the event of an emergency all responding agencies have the ability to operate in a coordinated manner, utilizing recognized management processes, incident management objectives, common terminology, common communication procedures and equipment designations, the Village of Suamico formally recognizes and adopts the use of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
All ICS operations shall be consistent with the Village Emergency Operations Plan and/or county-level plans.
State statute and Brown County ordinance adopted by reference. This subchapter adopts the Brown County ordinance (Emergency Management for Brown County) and Ch. 323, Wis. Stats. (Emergency Management), and any amendments thereto, by reference, as applicable to the Village.
The Village of Suamico's designated emergency operations center (Village EOC) shall be the Suamico Fire Department Station No. 1 located at 3270 West Deerfield Avenue in the Village of Suamico. An alternate site shall be the Suamico Municipal Building located at 12781 Velp Avenue in the Village of Suamico.
The Village of Suamico recognizes the need to carry out government in the event of certain emergencies and at times of war or self-defense. As such, this section provides for continuity of office for those elected and appointed officials within the Village.
One of the single most important elements for achieving continuity of government is the preservation of leadership. In order to ensure continuity of local government operations in periods of emergency, it is necessary to provide for prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of public offices.
Applicability. This section shall be used in the event of any attack, illness resulting in quarantine, death, incapacitation, and major designated emergencies where officials are unable or unavailable to carry out their offices or duties due to these situations. This includes temporary absences from the country, state, or county in cases where the federal government enlists emergency travel restrictions upon its citizens.
This subchapter shall apply to all predesignated and actual declared emergencies within the Village of Suamico. This subchapter shall serve as a baseline, and all other Village ordinances, state statutes, and state administrative codes shall become, by reference, part of this subchapter.