No sale of lots in any subdivision shall begin until the Court has approved the Final Plat and subdivision plat has been filed with the County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas. (See definition of “Sale”)
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
Prior to submission of a preliminary plat, the developer shall consult with and present two (2) concept plans in sketch form to the City Council; one concept plan in sketch form to the authorized agent for City of Ingram OSSF program; and an additional concept plan in sketch form to each of the appropriate utility companies. The City will forward one (1) copy of the Concept Plan to the County Engineer, if applicable. The developer will be responsible for fulfilling all of the requirements set forth herein, whether or not such requirements are specifically set forth at the Concept Plan.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
Plat Application Fees:
Any Preliminary Plat shall be accompanied by a filing fee as listed in Fee Schedule. The Council shall take no action until the filing fees have been paid. This fee is not refundable should the developer fail to make formal application for plat approval or should the plat be disapproved. This fee is intended to cover all cost of the City’s review of the subdivision plat and inspection of roadway and drainage improvements. This fee does not cover engineer review fees of the subdivision, roadway plan and profiles and drainage plans. The fee is paid to the Ingram City Secretary and a signed checklist shall be returned to the City Secretary, as outlined herein. (See Fee Schedule in Appendix F)
Engineering review: All subdivisions that require drainage plans and/or roadway plan and profile drawings shall be charged an engineer review fee to pay the actual cost to the City for such engineer review and any inspections required to monitor the construction of any drainage structures and/or roads. This engineer review fee is applicable during both the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat phase of subdivision review. This fee shall be paid prior to Final Plat approval.
Copies required:
The developer shall submit ten (10) prints of the plat to the City Secretary and one (1) to every agency that signs the Plat, twenty-one (21) days prior to the date requested on the City Council Agenda. A completed Routing Slip (Routing Slip Appendix I. [Appendix J]) and all required documentation and approvals must be submitted to the City Secretary a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the City Council date requested.
Form and Content:
The plat shall be drawn on sheets of appropriate size and scale necessary to accommodate the entire subdivision. Minimum size shall be twenty-one inches (21") vertical and twenty-six inches (26") horizontal. Maximum size shall not exceed thirty-six inches (36") vertical and forty-eight inches (48") horizontal. The plat shall provide the following:
Names and addresses of the developer, record owner, lienholders and engineer and/or surveyor.
Proposed name of the subdivision shall not have the same spelling as, or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located wholly or partially in the County. Subdivision names must be checked for duplication by the County Clerk.
Street names, road names, and addresses shall be approved by Kerr 911 according to their guidelines.
Names of contiguous subdivisions and/or indication of whether or not contiguous properties are platted. School District lines are to be indicated, or the district within which the subdivision is situated will be stated.
An accurate plat of the property, with reference to a patent [sic] adjoining established subdivisions. Subdivision boundary lines shall be indicated by heavy lines. The approximate acreage of the subdivision shall be shown.
The location, dimensions, names and description of all existing or recorded:
Roads, streets, alleys, reservations, easements or other rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersecting, or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries.
Structures, wells (water, oil or monitor), and septic systems.
The location, dimensions[,] description and name of all proposed streets, alleys, parks, other public areas, reservations, easements or other rights-of-way, blocks, and lots within the subdivision.
Date of preparation, scale of plat and approximate true north arrow.
Topographical information shall include:
Contour lines at five (5) foot for all lots, based on NGVD 1929 datum. The City may require contour lines of one (1) foot intervals based upon the drainage study and proposed residential density.
Delineation of all Special Flood Hazard areas as identified by the most current Flood Insurance Rate Maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The plat will show the location of all utilities lines and utility easements set forth herein.
The plat must show all road rights-of-way separate from individual lots, and whether or not such roads are dedicated to the public, or if they are to remain private.
For subdivisions that lie within, all or part, of the one hundred (100) year floodplain, the plat must show the minimum finished floor elevations of each lot in accordance with the City of Ingram Flood Damage Prevention Order.
A number or letter to identify each lot or site and each block. Lot lines should be contiguous with right-of-way lines for all roads and streets, where applicable.
Accompanying data:
Location map at a scale of not more than 4000 feet to an inch, which shall show the proposed subdivision, existing adjacent subdivisions, adjoining State and County road and School District lines.
A general location map of the subdivision showing the entire watershed (U.S.G.S. Quadrangle is satisfactory).
Proposed master plan of all the developer’s property when the subdivision is a part of a larger tract in accordance with these Rules & Regulations, using scale of not more than 400 feet to an inch.
Processing of Preliminary Plat:
Submit Preliminary Plat and other data as required by these Rules and Regulations at which time a Routing Slip shall be started by the developer. The City’s designee shall check the preliminary plat as to its conformity to these standards and specifications set forth or referred to herein and shall deliver the preliminary plat and data to the Council, with suggestions as to modifications or alterations of such plat and data, if applicable.
The Council shall approve or disapprove the preliminary plat or approve the plat with conditions. Conditional approval shall be granted by the Council in writing. A marked-up copy of the Plat shall be returned to the developer. A preliminary plat, which has been reviewed by the Council and altered at their direction, will not be considered conditionally approved until the applicant has agreed to such changes, in writing, and such changes made on the plat.
Preliminary Plat or conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall be effective for one (1) year unless reviewed by the City’s designee in the light of new or significant information, which would necessitate a revision of the preliminary plat. If the City should deem changes in a preliminary plat as necessary, it shall so inform the developer in writing. City Council may permit one extension if the request for extension is received before the expiration date of one (1) year.
Preliminary Plat or conditional approval of the preliminary plat by the Council will indicate their approval for construction, but will not constitute final plat consideration. Approved preliminary plats shall be filed at the office of the City Secretary and the County Clerk’s Office.
No sale of lots in any subdivision shall begin until the Council has approved the final plat and subdivision plat has been filed with the Kerr County Clerk and City of Ingram. (See definition of Sale page 10 [Section II])
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
Submit Final Plats to the City Secretary twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the City Council meeting at which the plat will be considered, and Routing Slip shall be started by the developer, to be returned to City Secretary fifteen (15) calendar days before City Council meeting requested. Developer shall submit one (1) reproducible Mylar. Plats shall be in correct order to be recorded with all required signatures except for the City Mayor and County Clerk. Plats shall not be removed from the City Secretary’s possession prior to filing. The Mylar copy shall be filed on record with the County Clerk.
The developer shall have a final plat prepared, along with the accompanying site improvement data and detailed cost estimates to determine value of bond or letter of credit.
Fees to City Secretary:
Any final plat shall be accompanied by a filing fee as per Fee Schedule (See Appendix F). No action shall be taken by the Council until the filing fees have been paid. This fee is not refundable should the developer fail to make formal application for plat approval or should the plat be disapproved. All fees shall be paid by developer.
Form and Content of Plat:
The final plat shall substantially conform to the preliminary plat as approved or conditionally approved by the Council, incorporating any and all changes, modifications, alterations, corrections and conditions required by the Council.
The final plat shall be on permanent reproducible Mylar, 21 inches vertical and 26 inches horizontal with margins of not less than 1/2 inch. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 200 feet to one (1) inch. Where more than one sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire subdivision, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at an appropriate scale shall be attached to the plat.
Ten (10) copies of the final plat shall be submitted, together with one (1) reproducible Mylar copy of the original, a digital copy in DWG computer format (labeled with subdivision name); and shall contain all of the features required for preliminary plats as set forth herein and shall also include the following:
Developer’s or Owner’s Certificate of Ownership, and written consent of all lienholders.
Certification by the surveyor responsible for surveying the subdivision area.
Certification by a register[ed] professional engineer for accuracy of topography and drainage.
Certification by the Administrator of On-Site Sewage Facilities. This certification is required only if any lot in the proposed subdivision is less than five acres. NOTE: All plats shall contain the following Note: Prior to construction on any lot the owner shall contact the City’s OSSF designated representative to determine if the proposed improvements will meet the exemption criteria. All lots in this subdivision are required to comply with all current and future OSSF regulations adopted by Kerr County.
Certification by the Administrator of Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District. This certification is required only if the subdivision:
Will utilize a public or community water system with less than 16 connections, or
A test well is required under applicable sections of the Ingram Water Availability Requirements.
Certification by the Administrator of Floodplain. 6.03.C.3.g. Certification by Kerr 911.
Certification by the Utility Companies verifying easements and utility layout.
Note on Status of Drainage Easements: Property owners may not utilize drainage easements for any purpose detrimental to their intended use. No objects, including but not limited to, buildings, fences, or landscaping, shall be allowed in a drainage easement except as approved by the City of Ingram.
Processing Final Plat:
No final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plat has been approved.
A final plat of an approved preliminary plat or a portion thereof shall be submitted to the Council within twelve (12) months after the date of approval of preliminary plat; otherwise, the approval of the Council shall become null and void, unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Council.
If the final plat is not approved, the Council or its designee shall inform the developer in writing of the reasons at the time such action is taken.
After the final plat has been approved and the developer has filed the security and maintenance bond hereinafter provided, the Council shall cause the final plat to be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk.
Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing and length of every road, boundary line, and the building setback line, whether curved or straight. This shall include accurate dimensions, bearing or deflecting angles and radii, area, and central angle, degree of curvature, tangent distance and length of all curves where appropriate.
The minimum surveying requirements shall conform to the accuracy standards set by the “Texas Board of Land Surveying 1992 Act” except that in no case shall the requirements be less than the following:
The raw unadjusted angular error in the field survey shall not exceed fifteen seconds when multiplied by the square root of the number of angles in the traverse.
The boundary shall be adjusted, and the bearings shall be shown to the nearest 10 seconds and the lengths to the nearest 0.01 of a foot.
Location and description of monuments in the subdivision, when required by Section 5.05 herein.
Number of all Lots and Blocks shall be shown on the plat.
A certification of dedication of all roads and easements, and other land intended for public use, signed by the owner or owners of the property.
Certification by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, registered in the State of Texas, to the effect that such plat represents a complete and accurate survey, and meets all City of Ingram Subdivision Rules & Regulations.
The location, dimensions, names and description of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, easements, or other rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersection [intersecting] or contiguous with its boundary or forming such boundary, with accurate dimensions.
Accompanying Data:
When submitted, the final plat shall be accompanied by the following site improvement data, prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer.
Roads: Three copies of, drawings, construction details, and test reports on all materials used and verification of installed materials, on all roads.
A general location map of the subdivision showing the entire watershed (U.S.G.S. Quadrangle is satisfactory).
Final As-Built Drainage plan shall be submitted if required by Section 5.06 of these regulations.
When filed, the final plat shall also be accompanied by:
Tax Certifications from the school district, County and other Tax Districts, which indicate that all ad valorem taxes have been paid on all land, included within the subdivision as shown on the final plat.
Signatures of Certification by the proper authorized official of each Public Utility Company or board involved that easements shown are adequate for their purposes.
A check, payable to the City of Ingram in the amount required for recording the final plat in the office of the County Clerk.
A certification of authorization to file from any city in whose Extraterritorial Jurisdiction the subdivision may be located.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
The City Council may approve an alternate process for plat approval for any subdivision with less than four (4) lots as set forth in this section.
Alternate Plat Approval Process
Sections 6.01 and 6.02 shall not be applicable in the Alternate Plat Approval Process
Section 6.03 shall be required in Alternate Plat Approval Process with the exception that Sections 6.03.D.1 and 6.03.D.2 shall not apply.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
A person who has subdivided land that is subject to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations of City of Ingram may apply in writing to the Council for permission to revise the subdivision plat filed for record with the county clerk, per sections 212.014 and 212.015 of the Texas Local Government code.
A revised plat must be prepared by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor registered in Texas. A written application and a checklist must be submitted to the City Secretary twenty-one (21) days prior to the requested Council Date along with the names and addresses of all property owners in the subdivision.
A recorded copy of the Restrictions and Covenants of the Subdivision being revised must be submitted at the time of the application.
After the application is filed with the City Secretary, the Council shall publish a notice of the application in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. The notice must include a statement of the time and place at which the Council will meet to consider the application and to hear protests to the revision of plat. The notice must be published at least two times during the period that begins on the 30th day and ends on the seventh day before the date of the meeting. If all or part of the subdivided tract has been sold to non-developer owners, the Council shall also give notice to each of those owners by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, at the owner’s address in the subdivided tract.
During a regular term of the Council, the Council shall adopt an order to permit the revision of the subdivision plat if it is shown to the Council that:
the revision will not interfere with the established rights of any owner of a part of the subdivided land; or
each owner whose rights may be interfered with has agreed to the revision.
If the City Council permits a person to revise a subdivision plat, the person may make the revision by filing for record with the county clerk a revised plat or part of plat that indicates the changes made to the original plat.
The City Council is not required to give notice by mail if the plat revision only combines existing tracts.
The revised plat shall be subject to all of the provisions of City of Ingram Subdivision Rules and Regulations. If the revision to the plat revises less than four tracts, the alternate platting process set forth in Section 6.035 may apply. However such alternate process does not change the requirements set forth in Section 6.04.
At the discretion of the Council, the person requesting the revision may be required to provide Council the names and addresses of all property owners in the subdivision.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
A person owning real property in the City that has been subdivided into lots and blocks or into small subdivisions may apply to the City Council for permission to cancel all or part of the subdivision, including a dedicated easement or roadway, to reestablish the property as acreage tracts as it existed before the subdivision. If, on the application, it is shown that the cancellation of all or part of the subdivision does not interfere with the established rights of any purchaser who owns any part of the subdivision, or it is shown who owns any part of the subdivision [sic], or it is shown that the purchaser agrees to the cancellation, the City Council by order shall authorize the owner of the subdivision to file an instrument canceling the subdivision in whole or in part. The Council shall enter the order in its minutes. After the cancellation instrument is filed and recorded in the deed records of the county, the county tax assessor-collector shall assess the property as if it had never been subdivided.
The City Council shall publish notice of an application for cancellation. The notice must be published in a newspaper, published in the English language, in the county for at least three weeks before the date on which action is taken on the application. The Council shall take action on an application at a regular term. The published notice must direct any person who is interested in the property and who wishes to protest the proposed cancellation to appear at the time specified in the notice. The cost of such notice shall be paid by developer.
If delinquent taxes are owed on the subdivided tract for any preceding year, and if the application to cancel the subdivision is granted as provided by this section, the owner of the tract may pay the delinquent taxes on an acreage basis as if the tract had not been subdivided. For the purpose of assessing the tract for a preceding year, the county tax assessor-collector shall back assess the tract on an acreage basis.
On application for cancellation of a subdivision or any phase or identifiable part of a subdivision, including a dedicated easement or roadway, by the owners of 75 percent of the property included in the subdivision phase or identifiable part, the City Council by order shall authorize the cancellation in the manner and after notice and a hearing as provided by Subsections, (A) and (B). However if the owners of at least 10 percent of the property affected by the proposed cancellation file written objections to the cancellation with the Council, the grant of an order of cancellation is at the discretion of the Council.
To maintain an action to enjoin the cancellation or closing of a roadway or easement in subdivision, a person must own a lot or part of the subdivision that: abuts directly on the part of the roadway, or easement to be canceled or closed; or connected by the part of the roadway or easement to be canceled or closed, by the most direct feasible route, to: a) the nearest remaining public highway, county road, or access road to the public highway or county road; or b) any not canceled common amenity of the subdivision.
A person who appears before the City Council to protest the cancellation of all or part of a subdivision may maintain an action for damages against the person applying for the cancellation and may recover as damages an amount not to exceed the amount of the person’s original purchase price for property in the canceled subdivision or part of the subdivision. The person must bring the action within one year after the date of the entry of the City Council’s order granting the cancellation[.]
The Council may deny a cancellation under this section if the Council determines the cancellation will prevent the proposed interconnection of infrastructure to pending or existing development.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)
The City Council may cancel, after notice and a hearing a subdivision for which the plat was filed and approved before September 1, 1989.
The City Council must publish notice of a proposal to cancel a subdivision under this section and the time and place of the required hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county for at least 21 days immediately before the date of cancellation order is adopted. The county tax assessor-collector shall, not later than the 14th day before the date of the hearing, deposit with the United States Postal Service a similar notice addressed to each owner of land in the subdivision, as determined by the most recent county tax roll.
At the hearing, the City Council shall permit any interested person to be heard. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Council shall adopt an order on whether to cancel the subdivision. The Council may adopt an order canceling subdivision if the Council determines the cancellation is the best interest of the public. The Council may not adopt an order canceling a subdivision if: 1) the cancellation interferes with the established rights of a person who is a non-developer owner and owns any part of the subdivision, unless the person agrees to the cancellation; or 2) the owner of the entire subdivision is able to show that: a) the owner of the subdivision is able to comply with the minimum state standards and model political subdivision rules developed under Section 16.343, Water Code, including any bounding [bonding] requirements; or b) the land was developed or improved before September 1, 1989.
The City Council shall file the cancellation order for recording in the deed records. After the cancellation order is filed and recorded, the property shall be treated as if it had never been subdivided, and the county chief appraiser shall assess the property accordingly. Any liens against the property shall remain against the property as it was previously subdivided.
(Ordinance 1219062 adopted 12/19/06)