There is hereby created the Panhandle-Carson County Joint Airport Zoning Board which board shall have the powers and exercise the duties set forth in Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 391 of the Acts of the Regular Session of the 50th Legislature, 1947.
The Panhandle-Carson County Joint Airport Zoning Board shall be composed of five (5) members, two (2) to be appointed by the Commissioners’ Court of Carson County, Texas, and two (2) to be appointed by the city council of the City of Panhandle, Texas. The fifth member shall be elected by a majority of the members so appointed and said fifth member shall serve as chairman of the said Panhandle-Carson County Joint Airport Zoning Board.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-94)
The airport board may adopt, subject to the approval of the city council, such rules and regulations governing its proceedings as it may deem proper. Such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the orders of the city council. The board shall appoint a secretary who may, but need not be, a member of the board. The secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the board. The manager, if any, of the airport shall provide the board with all information necessary for the performance of its duties.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-95)
The airport board shall from time to time make such general studies of airport construction and operation as may be useful in keeping the city-county airport efficient and adequate to the needs of the city and county and of the air transportation industry; it shall make recommendations to the city and county commissioners’ court in respect to construction, expansion, improvements, future plans, maintenance and operation of such airport. It shall call the manager’s attention to any failure by personnel of the airport to carry out any orders or policies adopted by the county Commissioners’ Court and/or the city Council, and it shall, acting in an advisory capacity, work toward the general improvement of the airport and the advancement of the city and County as an air transportation center.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-96)
No person having any financial interest in any commercial carrier by air, or in any concession, right or privilege to conduct any business or render any service for compensation upon the premises of the city-county airport shall be eligible for membership on the airport board.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-97)
All members of the airport board shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for all expenses reasonably incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members of such board when authorized by the county commissioner’s court and the city council.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-98)
The mayor and city secretary are hereby authorized to enter into a written agreement or agreements with the County of Carson as is or may become necessary to fully implement the terms of this article.
(1993 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article 11, Sec. 1-99)