There is hereby created and established a police department in the city which shall consist of a chief of police and such police officers as the city council may from time to time deem necessary and proper.
The chief of police shall be the commander and administrative head of the police department.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.10)
All police officers shall be appointed and/or terminated by the chief of police with the approval of the city manager.
All police officers appointed to the police department shall take and subscribe to the official oath prescribed by the constitution of the state.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.11)
Each police officer shall execute a bond as the governing body requires. The bond must be conditioned that the officer will faithfully perform the officer’s duties. If such bond is required by the governing body, such bond shall be in an amount set by the governing body, shall be a corporate surety bond, and the city shall pay all costs, premiums, and expenses associated with the bond.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.12; Ordinance 2020.05.14B adopted 5/14/20)
All police officers shall meet the minimum standards for licensing as a peace officer as established by the state commission on law enforcement officer standards and education and have a current and valid peace officer license at the time of appointment. All police officers shall retain such license during their employment as a police officer with the city and will be subject to discharge if such license is suspended, revoked, or becomes invalid for any reason. In addition, all police officers must have a valid Texas vehicle operator’s license and must be insurable as a vehicle driver by the city’s automobile insurance carrier.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.13)
All police officers and other members of the police department shall be and are hereby invested with all the power and authority given to them as peace officers under the laws of the state in enforcing the criminal and traffic laws of the state and the ordinances of this city within the jurisdictional limits of the city. It shall also be the general duty of all police officers to quell riots, disorders and disturbances of the peace and to take into custody all persons so offending against the public peace. Such officers shall further use their best endeavors to prevent the commission within the city of offenses against the laws of the state and of the ordinances of the city, to observe and enforce all such laws and ordinances, to detect and arrest offenders against the same, to preserve the good order of the city, and to secure the inhabitants thereof from violence, and the property therein from injury. Such officers shall have no power or authority in civil matters, but shall execute any criminal warrant or warrant of arrest which may be placed in their hands by the duly constituted authorities of the city. In addition, all police officers shall execute all writs and processes issued from the municipal court of the city.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.14)
The chief of police shall prescribe the uniforms and badges for the members of the police department and direct the manner in which the members of said force shall be armed.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.15)
The city Police Department Manual, as amended, containing the general policies, procedures, and rules for operation of the police department of the city, is hereby adopted as the official departmental policy manual of the police department.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.16)
It shall be the duty of all policemen to treat all city officers, as well as other persons with whom they come in contact in the discharge of their duties, in a courteous and respectful manner.
(2014 Code, sec. 32.17)