For the purpose of this article, certain terms, words, and phrases shall have the meaning hereinafter ascribed thereto:
Building official.
The designated inspection authority of the city, or its authorized representative.
City council.
The city council of the City of Overton, Texas.
Any vehicle which is intended to be used as sleeping and/or living quarters, mounted on wheels, and which is or may be propelled either by its own power or by another power-driven vehicle to which it is or can be attached. This definition does not include HUD-code manufactured homes.
Common access route/internal street.
A private drive allowing the principal means of access to individual HUD-code manufactured mobile home lots or auxiliary buildings.
A minor entranceway off the common access route within the park, into an off-street parking area serving one or more HUD-code manufactured mobile homes.
HUD-code manufactured home.
A structure constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is ten body feet or more in width or 50 body feet in length, or, when erected on-site, is 500 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems. Anything less than the length and/or width specified in this subsection shall not be allowed in a HUD-code manufactured home park.
HUD-code manufactured home park.
A parcel of land under single entity ownership which has been placed and improved for the placement of HUD-code manufactured homes, accessory uses, and service facilities, meeting all requirements of this article and any applicable deed restrictions and state laws.
A written license issued by the city council, permitting a person to operate and maintain a HUD-code manufactured home park under the provisions of this article.
Mobile home.
A structure that was constructed before June 15, 1976, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is ten body feet or more in width or 50 body feet or more in length, or, when erected on-site, is 500 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems. Mobile homes shall not be allowed in a HUD-code manufactured home park.
Parking street [space], off-street.
A minimum space nine feet (9') in width by 22 feet in length, located within the boundary of a HUD-code manufactured home space, or in a common parking and storage area having unobstructed access to an internal street.
A written permit/certification issued by the city council permitting the construction, alteration, or extension of a HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) under the provisions of this article and regulations issued hereunder.
Any natural individual, firm, trust, partnership, association or corporation.
Plot plan/site plan.
A graphic presentation, drawn to scale, in a horizontal plane, delineating the outlines of the land included in the plan and all proposed use locations, accurately dimensioned, the dimensions also indicating the relation of each use to that adjoining and to the boundary of the property.
Sewer connection.
A connection consisting of pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the drain outlet of a HUD-code manufactured mobile home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer service riser pipe of the sewage system serving the HUD-code manufactured home park.
Sewer service riser pipe.
That portion of sewer service which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at a HUD-code manufactured home space.
A plot of ground within a HUD-code manufactured home park designated for accommodation of one HUD-code manufactured home, together with such open space as required by this article. The term includes “lot” and “site.”
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 1, adopted 10/7/14)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any manufactured home or coach on any street, alley, highway, sidewalk or other public place in the city for a longer period than three (3) hours.
No manufactured home or coach shall be parked, used, or occupied on any tract of ground within the city limits except in a duly licensed manufactured home park; provided, however, that:
The code enforcement/building official may allow the parking, use, and occupancy of a manufactured home or coach outside of a duly licensed manufactured home park for a period of time not exceeding ten (10) days, when such home or coach is occupied by persons employed in the operation of a temporary recreational, amusement, or civic activity. Such temporary parking, use and occupancy of a manufactured home or coach shall be permitted only when the home or coach is parked on the same premises on which the activity is located and only when adequate sanitary facilities are available upon the premises for the use of the occupants of the manufactured home or coach.
Coaches may be located on private property, provided that such location is for the purpose of storage only, not habitation, and provided that the owner of the coach owns and resides on that same property.
The code enforcement/building official may allow the parking, use and occupancy of a coach on property containing a dwelling for a period of time not exceeding ten (10) days. Such temporary parking, use and occupancy of a coach shall be allowed only when adequate sanitary facilities are available upon the premises for the use of the occupants of the coach.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 2, adopted 10/7/14)
Permits required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to do the following unless he/she holds a valid permit issued by the city council in the name of such person for the specific transportation, installation, construction, alteration or extension proposed:
Transport or install by using any city-maintained street a HUD-code manufactured home (formerly called a mobile home).
Construct a HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park).
Alter a HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park).
Extend or expand any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) within the limits of the city.
Remove or cause to be removed by using any city-maintained street a mobile home (pre-1976 dated mobile home) or a HUD-code manufactured home from any piece of property or HUD-code manufactured home park within the city.
Application requirements.
All applications for permits shall be made upon standard forms provided by the city council and shall contain the following:
Name and address of the applicant.
Location and legal description of the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park). To this application shall be attached five (5) copies of a site plan, at a minimum scale of 1" = 200' for sites of 30 acres or more, and at a minimum scale of 1" = 100' for sites under 30 acres. The site plan shall include all data required under division 2 of this article.
Written permission from all property owners having property within one thousand (1,000) feet of the nearest property line giving their permission for the installation of the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) or the installation of a HUD-code manufactured home (formerly called a mobile home). If a property owner cannot be located or identified, the city council shall have the option to waive that one specified piece of property. Such written permission shall be presented at the time the permit application is presented for consideration by the city.
Permit fee.
All applications to the code enforcement officer/building official shall be accompanied by the required fee as provided for in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Issuance of permit.
When, upon review of the application, the city council is satisfied that the proposed plan meets the requirements of law, a permit shall be issued.
Denial of permit; request for rehearing.
Any person whose application for a permit under this article has been denied may request in writing a rehearing by the city council within thirty (30) days on the matter and offer additional evidence if desired.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 3, adopted 10/7/14)
License required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate, or maintain or permit to be established, operated or maintained upon any property owned or controlled by him any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) within the limits of the city unless he/she holds a valid license issued annually by the city council. All applications for licenses shall be made in writing on forms furnished by him, to the city council, who shall issue a license upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this article. The city council shall not issue a license unless the applicant is in compliance with all applicable ordinances and laws. Said license shall expire on the 31st day of December each year.
Application for original license.
Application for an original license shall be in writing signed by the applicant, accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the application and by the deposit of the license fee hereinafter provided, and shall contain:
The name and address of the applicant.
The location and legal description of the park.
A site plan of the park prepared in accordance with division 2 of this article.
Right to rehearing.
Any person whose application for a license under this article has been denied may request in writing and within ten (10) days a rehearing which shall be granted by the city council.
Application for license renewal.
Application for renewal of a license shall be made in writing by the licensee on forms furnished by the city council on or before December 1 of each year. Such application shall contain any change in the information occurring after the original license was issued or the latest renewal granted and be accompanied by the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) register as hereafter provided.
License fee.
All original license applications or renewals hereof shall be accompanied by a fee as provided for in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. All renewal fees shall be due on the issuance of the license.
Transfer of license.
Every person holding a license shall give notice in writing to the city council within fifteen (15) days after having sold, transferred, given away, or otherwise disposed of interest in or control of any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park). Application for transfer of license shall be made not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of the sale, transfer, or gift, or other disposition of interest in or control of HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) and the city council shall act thereon at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Fee for transfer of license.
All applications for license transfer shall be accompanied by a fee as provided for in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
Suspension of license.
Whenever the city council finds that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provisions of this article it shall give notice in writing in accordance with section 4.06.006 of this article, to the permittee or licensee or his agent, that unless such conditions or practices are corrected within a reasonable period of time of not less than thirty (30) days nor more than one (1) year as specified in such notice, the license or permit shall be suspended. At the end of said period of time and if such conditions or practices have not been corrected, the city council may suspend the license and give notice in writing of such suspension to the licensee or his agent at the address provided in the application. Upon receipt of the notice of suspension, the licensee shall cease operation of such park within ten (10) days after the notice is issued.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 4, adopted 10/7/14)
Any duly authorized inspector of the city shall be permitted to make reasonable inspections of any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) to determine compliance with this article.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 5, adopted 10/7/14)
Whenever it is brought to the attention of the council that there has been a violation of any provisions of this article, the city council shall give notice of such alleged violation to the permittee or licensee or agent, as hereinafter provided. Such notice shall:
Be in writing;
Include a statement of the reasons for its issuance;
Allow a reasonable time of not less than thirty (30) days nor more than one year, based upon the nature and severity of the violation and having due regard for the safety and protection of the community, for the performance of the act it requires;
Be served upon the licensee or his agent; provided that such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such licensee or his agent; provided that such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such licensee or agent [sic]when a copy thereof has been sent by mail to his last known address, or when he/she has been served with such notice by any method authorized or required by the laws of this state; and
Contain an outline of remedial action when, if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this article. If the violation is not remedied in accordance with the notice, and a breach of this article continues, then the council may revoke any permits or licenses issued in addition to any punishment provided in section 4.06.008 hereof.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 6, adopted 10/7/14)
The installation of mobile homes or HUD-code manufactured homes for use or occupancy as a residential dwelling in the city are prohibited exterior to HUD-code manufactured home parks. Only HUD-code manufactured homes are permitted only within HUD-code manufactured home parks. This provision is prospective and shall not apply to any mobile homes in use and occupied as residential dwellings in the city on the effective date of this article.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 7, adopted 10/7/14)
Any person, firm or corporation violating this article or any portion thereof shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each day that such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense and punishable accordingly.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 9, adopted 10/7/14; Ordinance adopting 2021 Code)
The site plan shall be filed as required by section 4.06.003(b) of this article and shall show the following:
The name, address, fee owner and record owner of the proposed or existing HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park).
Name of the subdivision where the park is located.
Names of adjacent public streets and roads.
Contour lines at two-foot (2') intervals.
Locations and dimensions of all HUD-code manufactured mobile home spaces, utility easements, drives, recreation areas, streets and sidewalks. Each HUD-code manufactured mobile home space shall be numbered.
Scale of plan (no smaller than 1" = 200') and complete dimensions.
Density in units per gross acre.
Area and dimensions of the site.
Areas defined for waste containers and method of disposal of garbage and refuse.
Location of shower and toilet facilities.
Water and sewer plans. Water and sewer plans must be submitted showing the following:
Sewer line locations, grades and sizes.
Water line locations and sizes and source of water supply.
Paving and drainage plans. Paving and drainage plans must show the directions and calculated quantities of runoff and the proposed specifications for streets. The responsible city employee shall notify the applicant in writing as to whether the plan was approved or disapproved, stating the reasons for disapproval and the modifications or conditions that must be made or met before approval can be obtained upon subsequent submission.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(A), adopted 10/7/14)
Any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) constructed after adoption of this article and any extension/addition to an existing HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) in the city shall be done in compliance with the following site requirements:
Density and park area.
A HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall have no more than 10 spaces per acre.
Park area.
Each HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall be planned for and shall provide a minimum of five (5) acres in area.
Basic minimum site requirements.
Height regulations.
The height limit for any structure intended for occupancy in the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall be 20 feet.
The average height of the HUD-code manufactured mobile home frame above ground elevation, measured at 90 degrees to the frame, shall not exceed four feet from the top of the pad.
Spacing regulations.
HUD-code manufactured homes shall be located no closer than twenty feet (20') from any exterior wall to the closest exterior wall of the nearest HUD-code manufactured home.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(B), adopted 10/7/14)
Each and every HUD-code manufactured home shall be located on separate space which shall conform to the following standards:
Be served with sanitary sewer, water, electrical power, telephone service, and natural gas.
Provide a minimum average width of forty (40) feet and a minimum average depth of eighty (80) feet (3,200 square feet).
Access to street.
Abut and/or have access to a private street for a minimum distance of twelve (12) feet.
Pad and foundation.
Provide a HUD-code manufactured home pad which shall provide an adequate foundation for the placement and tie-down of one single-family HUD-code manufactured home thereby securing the superstructure against uplift, sliding rotation, and overturning. Said pad shall:
Be constructed of concrete which shall adequately support the weight of the HUD-code manufactured home placed thereon and be durable and well-drained under normal use and weather conditions.
Provide anchors and tie-downs such as cast-in-place concrete with dead-men eyelets embedded in concrete foundations or runway screw augers, arrowhead anchors, or other devices which secure the stability of the HUD-code manufactured home, and shall be placed at least at each corner of the HUD-code manufactured home.
Cover an area of at least two hundred forty (240) square feet or at least one-third the area of the largest HUD-code manufactured home which is to be placed on the HUD-code manufactured mobile home space, whichever is greater. No surface provided for a purpose other than the foundation of HUD-code manufactured home shall be considered a part of such HUD-code manufactured home pad.
Parking spaces.
Provide a minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces, which shall be constructed of concrete.
Double frontage.
Double street frontage of HUD-code manufactured home spaces shall be avoided.
Access from public street prohibited.
No vehicular access to a HUD-code manufactured home space is permitted from a public dedicated street.
The ground surface in all parts of every HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) and especially beneath HUD-code manufactured homes and other structures shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe efficient manner so as not to permit water to stand or become stagnant.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(C), adopted 10/7/14)
Storage facilities with a minimum capacity of 200 cubic feet per HUD-code manufactured home space may be provided on the space, or in compounds located within 200 feet of the space. Where provided, storage facilities shall be faced with a durable, fire resistant material. Storage outside the perimeter walls of the HUD-code manufactured home shall be permitted only if in such facilities. No storage shall be permitted under a HUD-code manufactured home. Storage facilities shall not be located within ten (10) feet of the boundary line of any HUD-code manufactured home space boundary line.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(D), adopted 10/7/14)
No HUD-code manufactured home or accessory structure such as a refuse container, carport cabana, awning, fence, or storage locker shall be permitted within ten (10) feet of a private street or the boundary line of a HUD-code manufactured home space boundary line. Provided further that two (2) HUD-code manufactured homes shall not be placed less than twenty (20) feet apart.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(E), adopted 10/7/14)
Setback areas.
No HUD-code manufactured home or structure in a HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall be located within the yard setback area. The minimum setback area for each space is:
No part of the front of manufactured homes shall be closer than ten feet (10') to the paved surface of the private street.
No part of any manufactured home shall be located less than twenty-five feet (25') from any dedicated public street.
No part of any manufactured home shall be located less than fifteen feet (15') from the manufactured home park perimeter property line.
Screening requirements.
The following screening requirements shall be applicable: A landscaped strip, not less than ten (10) feet in width, or a screening device as defined herein shall be located along all HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) boundary lines abutting upon a public dedicated street or abutting residential property. Such landscaped strip shall be continuously maintained and shall be devoted exclusively to the planting, cultivation, growing, and maintenance of sight-obscuring trees, shrubs, and plant life, as described below. Trees, shrubs, cane, and/or other vegetation shall be planted, cultivated, and maintained as a sight- and noise-obscuring buffer that will effectively achieve sight and noise obstruction within approximately five (5) years. At least one row of trees with a minimum initial trunk diameter of one inch and minimum initial height of five (5) feet shall be planted on twenty-five-foot centers. Also, two (2) rows of cane, non-deciduous shrubs and/or other suitable screening plants shall be planted on ten-foot centers. The buffer strips are intended to provide a seventy-five (75) percent or more opaque screen when viewed horizontally between 2 and ten (10) feet above the natural ground at the end of the growing period of five (5) years from the date of planting. Additional planting, cultivation, and maintenance may be required by the city officials during the use period of the buffer strip to achieve and maintain this effect.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(F), adopted 10/7/14)
Internal streets generally.
Internal streets shall be privately owned, built, and maintained. Streets shall be designed for safe and convenient access to all spaces and facilities for common use of park residents.
Specifications for streets; maintenance.
All internal streets shall be constructed to specifications set by the city council and shall be maintained by the owner.
Paving and drainage.
All private streets shall be constructed with asphalt or concrete and shall be durable and well-drained under normal use and weather conditions.
Design requirements.
Street width.
Internal streets shall be a minimum pavement width of 20 feet. Parking shall not be allowed on the minimum street width. An additional lane of nine (9) feet minimum width may be added to one or both sides for off-street parking.
Internal streets shall permit unobstructed access to within at least 200 feet of any portion of each HUD-code manufactured home.
Street names and address numbers.
Within each HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park), streets shall be named, and HUD-code manufactured homes numbered. Park signs and numbers shall be of standard size and placement to facilitate location by emergency vehicles.
Through traffic.
Private streets which may connect two (2) public street right-of-way(s) shall, by the use of curves, offsets, location, and/or the use of two (2) or more streets, be located so as to discourage through traffic.
Private street intersections shall generally be at right angles; offsets at intersections of less than 125 feet (centerline to centerline) shall be avoided; the intersection of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided.
Dead-end streets.
Dead-end private streets shall be limited to a maximum length of one thousand (1,000) feet and shall be provided with a vehicular turning space, with a turning circle of eighty (80) feet in diameter.
Layout of streets and blocks.
Streets shall be laid out to provide a minimum distance of two hundred and forty (240) feet, center to center of parallel streets, between intersections.
The private streets, parking lots, walks, and service areas shall be lighted at all times so the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall be safe for occupants and visitors, provided further all entrances and exits shall be lighted.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(G), adopted 10/7/14)
Liquefied petroleum gas and flammable liquids.
The storage, handling, and use of liquefied petroleum gases and flammable liquids shall be done in compliance with applicable city ordinances and state statutes.
Access for firefighting.
Approaches to all HUD-code manufactured homes shall be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
Water lines and fire hydrants.
Water lines and fire hydrants shall be provided and suitably located for adequate fire protection as determined by the fire marshal but in no case shall the park provide less than a system of standard hydrants located not more than five hundred (500) feet from each HUD-code manufactured home space and served by water lines not less than six (6) inches in diameter installed in a looped system.
Rubbish collection.
The HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) licensee or agent shall provide an adequate system of collection and safe disposal of rubbish.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(H), adopted 10/7/14)
All approved water supply for domestic use and fire protection purposes shall be supplied to meet the requirements of the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park).
All plumbing shall be in accordance with applicable state statutes and the ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(I), adopted 10/7/14)
From and after the effective date of this article, the following shall apply:
Waste from all toilets, lavatories, sinks and showers in HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall be discharged into a public sewer or a private disposal system approved by the city council.
All plumbing shall comply with applicable plumbing codes.
Each HUD-code manufactured home pad shall have a sewer riser pipe of at least four inches (4"), which shall be capped when not in use.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(J), adopted 10/7/14)
From and after the effective date of this article, the electrical distribution system shall comply with applicable electrical codes and other applicable laws of the state.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(K), adopted 10/7/14)
All rooms containing bathrooms or laundry facilities shall have fire-resistant walls extending to the ceiling between male and female sanitary facilities. Walls and partitions around showers, tubs, lavatories, and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense, nonabsorbent, waterproof materials or covered with moisture-resistant materials.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(L), adopted 10/7/14)
Enrollment in a valid garbage service for a HUD-code manufactured home park and its residents shall be the exclusive and sole responsibility of the HUD-code manufactured home park owner. Solid waste shall be stored in fly-proof, waterproof containers, which shall be emptied regularly and maintained in a usable, sanitary condition and the collection and disposal of said refuse and garbage shall be so conducted as to create no health hazard. A refuse pickup easement shall be granted by the owner of the HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) to the city, if these facilities are located so as to require the entrance of a municipal vehicle into the trailer park.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(M), adopted 10/7/14)
The owner of the park shall be responsible to insure that it is maintained in a manner which will not attract or aid the propagation of insects or rodents or create a hazard. Growth of plant materials such as weeds and grass, especially beneath HUD-code manufactured homes and other structures, shall be continuously controlled. All streets, parking and storage areas shall be maintained to provide a fully paved surface.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(N), adopted 10/7/14)
HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) facilities and HUD-code manufactured homes contained therein shall conform without limitation to the codes and ordinances of the city, including the building, plumbing, electrical, and fire codes and all applicable laws of the state.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(O), adopted 10/7/14)
Every HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall have an office in which a copy of the park permit or license shall be posted and the park register shall be in such office. It shall be the duty of the licensee to keep a register of park occupancy which shall contain the following information:
Name and address of the owner and occupant.
The make, model, serial number, year, and dimensions of all HUD-code manufactured homes.
The date of arrival and departure of each HUD-code manufactured home.
The park operator shall submit the park register to the city council each year upon requesting license renewal and shall make said register available to any authorized city official upon reasonable request. Upon gaining knowledge of a departure of any HUD-code manufactured home, the park operator shall notify the city tax assessor. Failure to do so shall place the operator in violation of this article.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(P), adopted 10/7/14)
It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to insure that all requirements of this article are met and maintained. Any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) issued an initial license after adoption of this article that is found to be in violation of any provisions of this article shall be notified in writing by the city council in accordance with section 4.06.006 and upon failure to comply said license shall be revoked.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(Q), adopted 10/7/14)
Any HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) in use and/or existence on the effective date of this article, and not complying with all applicable provisions of this article, shall be considered a nonconforming HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park). Such nonconforming HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall conform to the requirements of the ordinance of the city as it existed prior to the effective date of this article. Nonconforming parks shall however, comply with the requirements of section 4.06.043 hereof.
Any land area added to a nonconforming HUD-code manufactured home park (formerly called a mobile home park) shall conform to all requirements of this article.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(R), adopted 10/7/14)
Responsibilities of park management.
All responsibilities set out elsewhere in this article shall apply.
The licensee or his agent shall operate the park in compliance with this article and other applicable ordinances and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park and all facilities in good repair, and in clean and sanitary condition.
The licensee or agent shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this article and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this article.
Responsibilities of park occupants.
All responsibilities of occupants set out elsewhere in this article shall apply.
The park occupant shall comply with all requirements of this article.
The park occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of his HUD-code manufactured home in its HUD-code manufactured home pad and proper installation of all utility connections in accordance with the instructions of the park management.
The use of space immediately beneath a HUD-code manufactured home for storage shall not be permitted.
Mobile homes prohibited.
Mobile homes shall not be permitted in a HUD-code manufactured home park.
(Ordinance 2014-10-07B, sec. 8(S), adopted 10/7/14)