Fees have been established by the Township as adopted by a fee resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors or as otherwise allowed by law to defray plan review and construction inspection costs incurred by the Township. All fees listed in § 178-35A shall be paid by the applicant at the time of SWM site plan submission.
The fees required of the applicant by this chapter shall at a minimum cover:
Administrative costs;
The review of the SWM site plan by the Township, the Township Engineer and other Township consultants;
Coordination and meetings with the applicant;
The inspection of erosion and sediment control measures, BMPs, conveyances and other related improvements during construction;
Review of project communications, reports, and additional supporting information;
Other site inspections;
The final inspection upon completion of the BMPs, conveyances, and other stormwater management facilities and related improvements presented in the SWM site plan; and
Review of final as-built plan submission and revised calculations, and inspections as needed.
The applicant shall also reimburse all expenses incurred by the Township for any additional work or Township consultant fees required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and ensure proper completion of remedial actions.