[Adopted 5-4-2022 ATM by Art. 34]
The Southborough PILOT Committee charge is:
Research and examine how other towns in Massachusetts approach their local large nonprofit entities in regard to financial support from those nonprofit entities to pay for the taxpayer funded Town services they use, and examine any formal or informal agreements such towns may have;
Compare the funding received from nonprofits throughout the State of Massachusetts to their local communities with the funding received from nonprofits within Southborough;
Examine State Code regarding requirements for, and benefits of, nonprofit status within Massachusetts.
No later than 45 days after the Attorney General's approval of this article, the Select Board will appoint members of this committee, consisting of seven voting members, as follows:
Three members representing the taxpayers of Southborough, without any financial relationship with St. Mark's, Fay School or New England Center for Children;
One member of the Historic Commission, selected by the Historic Commission;
One member of the Capital Planning Committee, selected by the Capital Planning Committee;
One member of the Select Board, selected by the Select Board;
One member of the Council on Aging, selected by the Council on Aging;
Specifically excluding any ex officio members.