For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
A park, reservation, playground, recreation center, greenbelt, open space or any other area in the town owned or used by the town, and devoted to active or passive recreation, including but not limited to all planted expressways, parkways, triangles and traffic circles maintained by the town, except the parkway strips between the curb or edge of street pavement and sidewalks along the several streets and highways of the town.
Town manager.
A person so designated and in charge of the park and recreational department.
Every device in or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, except devices moved only by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
(1998 Code, sec. 32.070)
A parks and recreation advisory board consisting of seven active members is hereby established as follows:
Members shall be qualified voters of the town and reside within the town.
Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses as approved by the town council.
Members’ terms shall be two years, with no maximum number of years or terms. A vacancy on the board shall be filled by the town council as expeditiously as practical after the date of the vacancy.
If a replacement has not qualified upon the expiration of a member’s term, then that member shall continue his membership until replaced.
A chairman shall be appointed by the town council. The parks and recreation board shall annually elect a vice-chairman and secretary.
The chairman shall preside over meetings and shall be entitled to vote upon each issue.
The vice-chairman shall assist the chairman in directing the affairs of the advisory board. In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall assume all duties of the chairman.
The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, and, in the secretary’s absence, the chairman shall designate another member to act as secretary. The secretary shall submit a written report of all proceedings of the board to the town council no more than five weeks following each meeting. The secretary shall read once a year, at the first regular meeting following the appointment of officers, the parks and recreation ordinance. The secretary may accept the assistance of town personnel in taking and transcribing minutes, when available, but shall sign same officially before presenting same to the board for approval.
The town manager shall be an ex officio member of the board, with the responsibility to participate in discussions but without the right to vote.
Absence from three consecutive regular meetings without explanation acceptable to a majority of the board shall be deemed to constitute the retirement of that member and a vacancy on the board shall thereby be created. The vacancy shall be filled by the town council within 60 days following the date the vacancy was created.
Members shall serve at the discretion of the town council and may be removed at the discretion of the town council.
The board shall meet a minimum of four times per year.
(Ordinance 2011-8-2C adopted 8/2/11; 1998 Code, sec. 32.071; Ordinance adopting Code)
The parks and recreation board shall have the following powers and perform the following duties:
The board shall act solely in an advisory capacity to the town staff and the town council in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation; shall acquaint itself with and make a continuous study and review of the complete parks and recreation services of the town; and shall advise with the staff and town council from time to time as to the present and future maintenance, operation, planning, acquisition, development, enlargement, and use policies of the town park and recreation services.
The board shall study and encourage the development of parks and recreation areas and study and encourage the development of wholesome recreation for all residents of the town.
The board shall advise the town council on problems with the development of areas, facilities, programs, and improved recreation services.
The board shall recommend the adoption of standards for areas, facilities, programs and financial support.
The members of the board shall study and review the master plan for parks and recreation and become familiar with such plan and its relation to existing and proposed facilities and shall become aware of any revision or updating thereof.
The board shall advise and recommend to the town council on the development of long-range capital improvement programs and, when in its opinion the need exists for additional park and recreational facilities, grounds, or premises, it shall make appropriate recommendations to the town council. It shall also recommend the acquisition of additional land for parks, as well as park and recreational equipment and supplies.
The board shall develop, for the town council’s review and approval, the rules and regulations as may be prescribed for the conduct of the board’s business.
The board shall develop, for the town council’s review and approval, the rules and regulations and policies governing the use of park and recreational facilities.
The board shall make any other recommendations to the town council regarding park and recreation matters that it considers advisable.
The board may solicit, for the town, gifts, revenues, bequests, or endowments of money or property as donations or grants from persons, firms or corporations, subject to the guidance, approval, and acceptance by the town council.
The board may, from time to time, recommend to the town council amendments or changes to this division.
The board, through its chairman, shall make both an oral and written report annually to the town council concerning its activities during the past year and its proposals for the coming year.
The board’s authority shall not extend to the direction, supervision, employment, or termination of employees of the parks and recreation department. No supervisory power of the board is created by this division.
The board shall develop written policies and procedures for the town to follow in the conduct of all recreational activities. All policies and procedures shall be approved by the town council.
The board will review the proposed parks and recreation budget and make any recommendations to the town council it deems necessary. However, the board is not authorized to add, delete or change in any way the budget as prepared by the town staff and town council.
The board will not have the power to obligate the town for any funds or expenditures or incur any debt on behalf of the town.
All powers and duties prescribed and delegated herein are delegated to the board as a unit and all action hereunder shall be of the board acting as a whole. No action of an individual member is authorized except through the board or town council.
(1998 Code, sec. 32.072; Ordinance adopting Code)
The procedures of the parks and recreation board are as set out below:
Regular meetings.
The parks and recreation board shall establish the regular meeting place, which shall be a public place with public notice as prescribed by law.
Special meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the chairman or by written request sent to the chairman or vice-chairman by three members of the board.
Meetings to be public.
All meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with applicable law.
A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.
All questions presented for vote of the parks and recreation board shall be decided by a simple majority of those members present. Only those members present can vote.
(1998 Code, sec. 32.073)