All police officers shall be appointed and/or terminated by the police chief.
All police officers appointed to the police department shall take and subscribe to the official oath prescribed by the constitution of the state.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.50)
All police officers shall meet the minimum standards for licensing as peace officers as established by the state commission on law enforcement officer standards and education, and shall have a current and valid peace officer license at the time of appointment.
All police officers shall retain such license during their employment as police officers with the town, and will be subject to discharge if such license is suspended or revoked or becomes invalid for any reason.
In addition, all police officers must have a valid Texas vehicle operator’s license and must be insurable as a vehicle driver by the town’s automobile insurance carrier.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.51)
All police officers and other members of the police department shall be and are hereby invested with all the power and authority given to them as peace officers under the laws of the state, in enforcing the criminal and traffic laws of the state and the ordinances of this town within the jurisdictional limits of the town.
It shall also be the general duty of all police officers to quell riots, disorders and disturbances of the peace and to take into custody all persons so offending against the public peace.
Such officers shall further use their best endeavors to prevent the commission within the town of offenses against the laws of the state and of the ordinances of the town; to observe and enforce all such laws and ordinances; to detect and arrest offenders against the same; and to preserve the good order of the town and to secure the inhabitants thereof from violence, and the property therein from injury.
Such officers shall have no power or authority in civil matters, but shall execute any criminal warrant or warrant of arrest which may be placed in their hands by the duly constituted authorities of the town.
In addition, all police officers shall execute all writs and processes issued from the municipal court of the town.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.52)
The chief of police shall prescribe the uniforms and badges for the members of the police department, and direct the manner in which its members shall be armed.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.53)
There is hereby established a reserve police force to function in addition to the regularly constituted police department of the town. It shall be composed of personnel who have volunteered to join the organization and whose application for membership has been reviewed and accepted by the police chief and appointed by the town council.
The purpose and necessity of the reserve police force is to assist in the creation of an active and efficient civil defense program in the town, and as an aid to the regularly constituted police department in the performance of assigned duties as set forth in this code and/or directed by the town council.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.60)
The members of the reserve police force shall be under the control and command of the police chief, who shall exercise supervision over training and utilization of the reserve police force membership.
Members may be terminated by the police chief for any cause deemed sufficient by the police chief. Any member may resign from the reserve police at any time by notifying the police chief of his or her resignation.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.61)
The reserve police force shall not exceed a total of ten members. The police chief may diminish or expand its number as exigency may require, but may not exceed a total of ten members.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.62)
Members of the reserve police force must at all times conform to the rules and regulations of the police department, as approved by the town council.
Reserve police officers must comply with the minimum training standards established by the state commission on law enforcement officer standards and education for all reserve law enforcement officers, which must be fulfilled before a person is appointed as a reserve law enforcement officer.
All applicants for positions in the reserve police force must also meet the following basic qualifications:
Over 21 years of age;
United States citizen;
High school graduate or equivalent;
Good moral character; and/or
Never have been convicted of a felony.
All applicants shall complete an examination which will be developed and periodically revised as necessary by the chief of police. The examination shall be impartial and practical and shall relate to those matters that fairly test the relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they expect to be appointed.
All applicants successfully completing the examination shall be subjected to the following prior to appointment:
Background investigation;
Fingerprint check for criminal record;
Driver’s license record check;
Good credit rating; and/or
Physical examination.
Failure to receive a favorable report on any of the five investigations referenced in subsection (e) shall result in rejection of the applicant.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.63)
All applicants, before appointment to the reserve police force, shall subscribe to the same oath as given to regularly appointed officers of the police department.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.64)
An identification card or other insignia or evidence of identity, as the police chief may prescribe, shall be issued to each new member of the reserve police force, who must carry the card and other identification at all times while on duty. The card and other identification must be surrendered upon termination of membership.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.65)
When on duty, members of the reserve force shall wear the uniform and equipment prescribed by the police chief.
Uniforms and equipment will normally be furnished by the individual reserve member at his own expense, but used uniforms and equipment belonging to the town may be utilized by the reserve force with approval of the police chief.
Budgeted public funds in approved amounts will be utilized for necessary training, supplies, equipment maintenance, and replacement thereof to the reserve police force.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.66)
Members of the reserve police force shall serve on a voluntary pay basis and shall not receive monetary compensation unless specifically authorized by the town council.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.67)
Reserve police officers may act only in a supplementary capacity to the regular police force and may not assume the full-time duties of regular police officers without complying with the requirements for regular police officers.
The police chief may establish rules and regulations to fix the specific duties of its members and to provide for the maintenance of discipline. He or she may change such orders from time to time, and may command members of the reserve police force to obey the instructions of regular police officers in carrying out their duties.
Members of the reserve police force serve as peace officers during the actual discharge of official duties.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.68)
A reserve police force officer may carry a weapon only when authorized to do so by the police chief and only when discharging official duties as a peace officer.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.69)
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to wear, carry or display an identification card or otherwise represent oneself to be connected with the reserve police force unless one is in fact a member in good standing.
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to wear a uniform or badge of the reserve police force unless he or she is in fact a member in good standing.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.70)
The police chief will prepare a report on the status of the reserve force, to be submitted to the town council.
(1998 Code, sec. 31.71)