A person commits an offense if he/she operates or drives a vehicle in a school zone in the following designated areas or on the following designated streets at a speed greater than the speed designated by this section for that area or street or portion thereof, and any speed in excess of the limit provided in this section shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable nor prudent and is unlawful. Based on recommendations of the town engineer, the town council shall designate school zones with appropriate street markings, warnings or signs, which street markings, warnings or signs shall be placed at the school zones by the town engineer. The speed limit designated for school zones shall be effective only at times when appropriate flashing warnings and/or signs advising motorists of the speed limit are placed in conspicuous places.
In accordance with the recommendations of the town engineer, the following designated locations, measured from centerline of roadway to centerline of roadway, and areas are declared to be school zones and the maximum speed limit for all motor vehicles operated within such areas and locations and on such streets on school days, when either a flashing warning signal is in operation, or when appropriate signs are in place and conspicuous shall be as follows:
Sloan Creek Middle School.
Thirty-five (35) miles per hour. Located at 90 feet north of the northern school property line to 90 feet south of the southern school property line, a distance of 1,059 feet.
Puster Elementary School.
Twenty (20) miles per hour. Hart Road, from its western terminus east a distance of 1,650 feet; and Stoddard Road, from the southern right-of-way of FM 1378 to the southern terminus of Stoddard.
School days, as that term is used herein, shall be each Monday through Friday throughout the calendar year when the school nearest the school zone is in session, and for purposes of this section, shall include the time period between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on such days.
(Ordinance 2008-8-5F adopted 8/5/08; Ordinance 2009-12-1B adopted 12/1/09)