This zone is established principally to provide limited retail, convenience goods and service for persons residing in the surrounding residential areas. The uses in this district include most types of retail activity, and should be located on major thoroughfares, intersections, and in existing and new shopping centers. Warehousing, large shopping centers, strip commercial, lumberyards, and contractor’s yards, and similar large commercial businesses that create heavy volumes of truck traffic and low volumes of retail traffic are not included in this district.
The GB zone should not be a major retail district, nor have intense commercial use or heavy volumes of traffic. Traffic, noise, litter, late night hours of operations and other influences that may be harmful to nearby residential areas require adequate buffering from residential areas. Traffic from GB zone uses must not pass through residential areas, with the exception of being located on arterials and collector streets, and there will be restrictions on access to prevent congestion of traffic or adverse effect on major thoroughfares.
Areas zoned for this usage should be located on or near arterials and collector streets to carry the additional traffic this zone will generate, and in areas where there is increased water, fire protection, wastewater and drainage capacity.
This is a light retail zone and only light retail uses fall in this district. Due to being located near residential areas, higher requirements are necessary for these uses.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.100)
The following are permitted uses:
Retail businesses, including groceries, supermarkets, meat markets (if sales are in permanent structures only), pharmacies, drugstores, variety and apparel stores, and similar uses, personal services, professional services or business services and similar uses.
Planned shopping centers of less than ten acres in area, and neighborhood service/convenience centers.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities and uses.
Paved parking lots, not including commercial parking lots.
Dance studios, for the instruction of methods, and techniques of the dance.
Temporary on-site construction offices, limited to the period of construction.
An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district.
Special uses may be allowed in this zone subject to the conditional use regulations in section 14.02.511 et seq. of this article.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.101)
The following are conditional uses: Such uses as may be permitted by grant of a conditional use permit zoning change pursuant to the provisions of the conditional use permit district as provided for in this article.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.102)
All businesses, other than those selling a service, must be of a retail nature selling directly to the public. All goods produced on the premises must be sold at retail prices on premises where produced or through home delivery at the request of the customers.
The storage, sale, lease or rental of more than one boat or more than five hauling trailers is prohibited.
The owner, builder or developer shall submit, prior to the issuance of a building permit, a site and building plan of the proposed development or building to the planning and zoning commission and the town council, or their designated representative, for review and approval. The contents of the site and building plan shall comply with the requirements of the subdivision and site plan review regulations of the town. Upon approval, such development shall comply with approved site and building plan.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.103)
Minimum site size: One acre excluding road or street rights-of-way easements or dedications.
Minimum site frontage on a public street: 120 feet.
Minimum site depth: 150 feet.
Minimum setback from front property line: 35 feet exclusive of parking spaces from the future right-of-way as shown on the adopted thoroughfare plan or comprehensive plan, or as actually exists, whichever is greater.
Minimum setback from side property lines: 35 feet not including parking or loading spaces.
Minimum setback from rear property line:
Abutting nonresidentially zoned property: 35 feet.
Abutting residential property: 75 feet not including parking or loading spaces, but including a landscape barrier.
Minimum distance between detached buildings on the same lot or parcel of land: 25 feet.
Minimum requirement for construction materials:
All structural materials shall consist of 100% noncombustible materials.
Exterior building facing.
All building exteriors shall be constructed of materials which shall be approved through the site plan review process and shall exclude concrete block and metal.
Standard fire hydrants will be provided by the developer, located within 150 feet of every structure, measured along driveways or streets.
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area: 40%.
Maximum amount of impervious coverage as a percentage of lot area: 75%.
Minimum amount of landscaped areas: 10% of the total parking area. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained by the landowner and shall have an irrigation system installed meeting all applicable town codes and the landscape plan is to be approved in writing by the building official. Due to the proximity of this district to residentially zoned districts, the defined permanent landscape and irrigation system requirements shall be strictly enforced by the building official.
Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
Minimum number of paved off-street parking spaces required: All zones require off-street parking facilities as indicated by section 14.02.015(b). No on-street parking shall be permitted at any time.
Maximum number of entrances and/or exits:
Arterial streets.
One per each 200 feet of street frontage.
Collector and local streets.
One per each 100 feet of street frontage.
Screening: GB zone uses having a side or rear contiguous to or separated only by an alley, easement or street from any residential district, must be separated from said residential district by a screening wall at least eight feet in height of a substantial nature and a landscape buffer as referenced in sections 14.02.012 and 14.02.013. Chain-link fencing will not be considered adequate screening. All such screening must be permanently maintained in good condition (please refer to site plan review regulations set forth in article 14.03 of this Code of Ordinances).
Sidewalks: A concrete sidewalk, with a minimum width of four feet, shall be provided along the building site frontage and around the perimeter of any building site with side and rear setbacks that are on a public street. Sidewalk specifications are provided in the applicable ordinance.
Litter and trash: Due to the proximity of a GB zone to residentially zoned property, said area shall be strictly maintained at all times in regard to litter and trash and its disposal. Trash receptacles and/or dumpster locations should be out of view from public street, but if the location can be viewed from a public street, a screening fence of masonry or wood construction of a substantial nature shall be provided. Loading pad for a dumpster shall be concrete construction (refer to site plan review regulations set forth in article 14.03 of this Code of Ordinances, and the solid waste ordinance set forth in article 13.02, division 2, of this Code of Ordinances).
Signs: All signs shall be in conformity with the sign regulations as outlined in article 3.13.
No public address, broadcast, or playing of music shall be permitted through any speaker system external to the establishment except for two-way speaker systems that are commonly used in “drive-up tellers” at financial institutions and “drive-thru” service windows at retail prepared-food businesses.
The town building code may impose more restrictive area requirements, depending on the size, use and construction of the structures.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.104)
The following are prohibited uses:
Any building erected on land used for any other uses than those shown on the site development plan as approved by the town council.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimensions and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acreage as shown in the development’s recorded development plan as approved by the town council.
Any use deemed by the town council as being detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the town.
(1998 Code, sec. 154.105)