This section applies within the boundaries of a special entertainment zoning overlay district (“SEO district”), said boundaries having been established by Town of Fairview Ordinance No. 2011-12-06A, and said boundaries of the SEO district are incorporated herein by reference. Said SEO district shall be in full force and effect within said boundaries as of the date that this ordinance becomes effective. The purpose of this section is to allow within the SEO district, in addition to uses otherwise allowed in the area underlying the SEO district (as well as uses allowed in any other overlay district(s) to the extent such districts also overlay any area within the SEO district), the uses listed in section 14.02.752 to locate in the SEO district, subject to the requirements and restrictions set forth in this section.
(Ordinance 2014-9-11B, sec. 4, adopted 9/11/14)
Permitted uses as defined and only to the extent permitted in article 4.04 of the Fairview Code, including and limited to:
Adult arcades.
Adult audio or video centers.
Adult cabarets.
Adult motion-picture theaters.
Adult theaters.
Adult media stores.
Adult retail stores.
Uses allowed by right and uses allowed when a conditional use permit has been approved in accordance with the underlying zoning and or any other applicable overlay districts in the SEO district shall be allowed in the SEO district, which shall not be designated exclusively for the uses permitted under this section.
(Ordinance 2014-9-11B, sec. 4, adopted 9/11/14)
All uses permitted under section 14.02.752 shall conform to all applicable requirements and restrictions as stated in article 4.04 of the Fairview Code, as amended.
All uses permitted under section 14.02.752 shall meet the requirements of section 14.03.134 of the Fairview Code, as amended.
All development in the SEO district shall meet all applicable requirements within the FDC (Fairview Development Code) as said code is defined in article 7 of the CPDD adopted under this ordinance, including but not limited to provisions related to accessory uses and accessory structures or buildings.
(Ordinance 2014-9-11B, sec. 4, adopted 9/11/14)