In areas of the town where municipal water and sewer service is not provided, water supply and sewage disposal systems must be sized to meet the needs of the proposed use. All water, septic and sanitary sewer systems must be sized to meet the needs of the proposed use and will be guided by the regulations in chapter 13 of this Code of Ordinances.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.090)
Buildings to be used by the public and/or for human occupancy must contain an adequate fire alarm/warning system. Such fire alarms shall be indicated on the plans and installed by the applicant. Sprinkler systems should also be installed as per the building code specifications.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.091)
Provision must be made to accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development. Sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped by the use of sediment basins or other acceptable methods until the disturbed area is stabilized. Diversions, sediment retention basins, and other such devices shall be constructed prior to any on-site grading or disturbance of existing surface material.
Control must show measures both during construction and any permanent controls to remain after construction.
The site plan must identify, locate, and show elevation, grades and/or contours at intervals of not more than two feet for the existing and proposed drainageways, drainage easements, drainage structures and water bodies.
Stripping of vegetation, regrading or other development shall be done in such a way that will minimize soil erosion. The disturbed area shall be kept to a minimum and the duration of exposure shall be under a maximum of six months. Temporary seeding and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during development. Whenever practical, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected and supplemented.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.092)
All nonresidential developments and businesses shall follow the state regulations applicable to matters such as emission of toxic, noxious and odorous matter, and must follow state regulations which address permissible decibel limits.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.093)
The PC zone site development regulations, as may be adopted or amended by council from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference as if set forth in full in this article.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.094)
The town engineer, or, in the absence of a town engineer, a registered engineer hired by the town, shall inspect all site improvements.
The applicant must pay the cost of the planning commission’s employment of said engineer and the cost of any inspector(s) and test(s) deemed necessary by the commission or the engineer.
A letter certifying to the applicant’s concession to the employment of said engineer shall be filed with the planning commission as part of the site plan review.
The town engineer shall, among other duties, certify to the planning commission and the town council that the site development is in accordance with all plans and other data upon which the site plan review approval was based, or, finding otherwise, render to those boards a report(s) describing in detail any deficiencies found and, if appropriate, his recommendations as to the seriousness of these deficiencies and measures required for the correction thereof. A copy of his findings shall also be filed with the building inspector. There shall be no release as respects any performance bond or other financial guaranty until the town engineer agrees that all conditions to this approval have been met.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.095)
Any proposed land use, including construction thereon, shall be subject to the regulations outlined in article 3.12, division 2, of this Code of Ordinances.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.096)
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the engineer for the developer shall submit to the town a complete set of drawings of the paving, drainage, water, and sanitary sewer improvements showing all changes made in the plans during construction and containing on each sheet a “record drawing” stamp bearing the signature of the engineer and the date. In addition, six reproducible drawings of the utility plan sheets, containing the record drawing information, shall be submitted to the town.
No final acceptance of the site plan will be made by the town until this requirement has been made to the satisfaction of the town. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to furnish copies of the record drawing plans to the appropriate state agencies.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.097)
Where applicable, all site plans, preliminary plats and final plats shall reserve land for future public use as designated in the comprehensive plan.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.098)
If the completed application is approved with one or more conditions precedent which are to be fulfilled prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the town council shall, at its discretion, hold a compliance hearing to determine whether the applicant has complied with and fulfilled the conditions previously set. Notice and time limitations prescribed elsewhere in these regulations shall apply to this hearing.
If the town council finds it necessary, it shall request the town engineer to certify as to compliance, and all reasonable costs in connection therewith shall be borne by the applicant.
(1998 Code, sec. 155.099)