The Town Manager shall be the chief administrative and executive officer of the Town. The Town Manager is appointed by and serves at the will of the Town Council. The Town Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his/her administrative ability, experience, and training. The Town Manager shall administer the business of the Town, and the Town Council shall ensure that such administration is efficient. The Town Council may by ordinance delegate to the Town Manager any additional powers or duties it considers proper for the efficient administration of Town affairs. The Town Manager shall execute a bond conditioned that he/she will faithfully perform the duties of Town Manager. The amount of such bond shall be as prescribed by ordinance adopted by the Town Council. The Town Council shall be authorized to enter into a Contract of Employment with the Town Manager and to prescribe such compensation therein as it may fix. The action of the Town Council in suspending or removing the Town Manager shall be final, it being the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and responsibility for such suspension or removal in the Town Council.
Neither the Mayor nor any Town Council member shall in any manner dictate the appointment or removal of any Town administrative officer or employee whom the Town Manager or any or his subordinates are empowered to appoint; but the Mayor and Town Council members may express their views and fully and freely discuss with the Town Manager anything pertaining to appointment and removal of such officers and employees.
Except for the purpose of inquiries and for investigations, the Mayor or Town Council members shall deal with Town officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the Town Manager solely through the Town Manager, and neither the Mayor nor Town Council members shall give orders to such officers or employees either publicly or privately.
If the Town Manager is temporarily unable to perform appointed duties, the Town Council or Town Manager may designate an alternate.
The Town Manager shall be responsible to the Town Council for the proper administration of the affairs of the Town and shall have the power and duty to:
Exercise control over all departments and subdivisions thereof created by this Charter or by ordinance.
Prepare and recommend items for inclusion in the official agenda of all Town Council meetings and meetings of the Boards and Commissions as established by this Charter or ordinance.
Prepare and submit to the Town Council the annual budget and capital program, and administer the budget as adopted by the Town Council.
Be responsible for the proper administration of all Town affairs entrusted to his/her authority.
See that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Town or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise are faithfully kept and performed.
See that all laws and ordinances are enforced.
Keep the Town Council at all time fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the Town, and prepare and submit to the Town Council an annual report on the finances and administrative activities of the Town, including the report of the annual audit required by state law.
Appoint, suspend, and or remove employees not otherwise provided for in this Charter.
Attend all Town Council meetings and take part in the discussion of any Town business.
Recommend to the Town Council for adoption such measures as he/she deems necessary or expedient; to execute deeds, deeds of trust, easements, releases, contracts, and all other legal instruments on behalf of the Town when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the Town Council, and approved as to form by the Town Attorney.
Perform such other duties as are specified in this Charter or as required by the Town Council by ordinance or resolution, not inconsistent with this Charter.