There shall be such administrative departments as are established by this Charter and such other administrative departments as may be deemed necessary by the Town Council and as are established by ordinance, all of which shall be under the control and direction of the Town Manager.
There shall be a Department of Taxation to assess and collect taxes, the Director of which shall be the Town Tax Assessor and Collector who shall be appointed by the Town Council; however, in the alternative, the Town Council may provide for such services by contract.
The Town Council shall have the power, and is hereby authorized, to levy, assess, and collect annual taxes not to exceed the maximum limit set by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, as they now exist or as they may be amended, on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of all property having a location within the corporate limits of the Town and not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas.
All taxes due the Town shall be payable at the office of the Town Assessor and Collector and may be paid at any time after the tax rolls for the year have been completed and approved, which completion and approval shall be not later than October 1st. Taxes shall be paid before February 1st of each year succeeding the year for which the taxes are levied. All such taxes not paid prior to such date shall be deemed delinquent and shall be subject to such penalty and interest as may be provided by law. Failure to levy and assess taxes through omission in preparation of the approved tax rolls shall not relieve the person, firm or corporation so omitted from the obligation to pay such current or past due taxes shown to be payable by recheck of the rolls and receipts for the years in question, unless otherwise provided by law.
All property having its location in the Town on January 1st of each year shall stand charged with a lien in favor of the Town from said date for the taxes due thereon. The lien provided hereby shall be superior to all other liens except other tax liens, regardless of when such other liens were created. All persons purchasing any of said property on or after January 1st in any year shall take the property subject to the lien herein provided. In addition to the lien herein provided on January 1st of any year, the owner of property subject to taxation by the Town shall be personally liable for the taxes due thereon for such year. The Town shall have the power to sue for and recover personal judgment for taxes without foreclosure, or to foreclose its lien or liens, or to recover both personal judgment and foreclosure. In such suit where it appears that the description of any property in the Town assessment rolls is insufficient to identify such property, the Town shall have the right to plead a good description of the property to be assessed, to prove the same, and to have its judgment foreclosing the tax lien and/or for personal judgment against the owner for such taxes as such ownership and property appears on the certified tax roll.
The fiscal year of the Town shall begin on October 1st and end on the following September 30th of each year, but the fiscal year may be changed by the Town Council by ordinance.
It shall be the duty of the Town Manager to submit an annual budget not later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current fiscal year to the Town Council for its review, consideration and revision. The Town Council shall call a public hearing or hearings on the budget. The Town Council may adopt a budget with or without amendments. The Town Council may increase or decrease amounts or programs and may delete any programs or amounts except expenditures required by law or for a debt service, provided that no amendment shall increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the total of the estimated income for the current fiscal year plus funds available from prior years. At the close of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance of each appropriation shall revert to the fund from which it was appropriated and shall be subject to future appropriations, but appropriations may be made in furtherance of improvements or other objects of work of the Town that will not be completed within the current year.
If the Town Council fails to adopt the budget by September 30th, the amounts appropriated for the current fiscal year shall be deemed adopted for the ensuing fiscal year on a month to month basis with all items in it prorated accordingly until such time as the Town Council adopts a budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The levy of property tax will be set to equal the total current fiscal year tax receipts, unless the ensuing fiscal year budget is approved by September 30th of the current fiscal year.
The Town shall have the power to borrow money on the faith and credit of the Town. The Town shall also have the authority to issue or sell bonds, warrants, certificates of obligation, notes or other securities authorized by the laws of the State of Texas for permanent public improvements or for any other public purpose not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and to issue refunding bonds to refund outstanding bonds and other evidences of indebtedness of the Town previously issued. All such bonds shall be issued in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas.
The Town shall further have the power to borrow money for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, improving, extending or repairing of public utilities, recreational facilities or any other self-liquidating municipal function not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and to issue revenue bonds to evidence the obligations created thereby. Such bonds shall be a charge upon and payable from the properties, or interest therein pledged, or the income there from, or both. The holders of the revenue bonds of the Town shall not have the right to demand payment thereof out of monies raised or to be raised by taxation. All such bonds shall be issued in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas. The Town shall have the power to borrow money for public improvements in any other manner provided by law, including certificates of obligation as authorized by Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code. All bonds and evidences of indebtedness of the Town having been approved by the Attorney General and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts shall thereafter be incontestable in any court or other forum for any reason, and shall be valid and binding obligations of the Town in accordance with their terms for all purposes.