This Charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town of Fairview for adoption or rejection on the 13th day of May, 2006, at which election, if a majority of the qualified voters voting in such election shall vote in favor of the adoption of this Charter, it shall then immediately become the governing law of the Town of Fairview, Texas, until amended or repealed.
It being impracticable to submit this Charter so that each subject may be voted on separately, it is hereby prescribed that the form of ballot to be used in such election shall be as follows to wit:
This Home Rule Charter for the Town of Fairview, Texas, is respectfully submitted to the Town Council of the Town of Fairview for the purpose of calling an election on the question of adoption of the Home Rule Charter this 2nd day of March, 2006. This proposed Charter represents the recommendation of the members of the Home Rule Charter Commission, whose membership and signatures are evidenced below.
Bob Bieschke
Gene Byrne
Brayton Campbell
Pat Cunningham
Paul Hendricks
Sim Israeloff
Ron Kasian
Fred Carvajal
Anton Mattli
L. Michael Mints
Mary Price
Carolyn Sommers
Keith E. Steiner
Kelly Towery
Bill Wells