There is hereby created and established the planning and zoning commission of the city, hereafter referred to as the “commission,” which shall be composed of seven (7) members and two (2) alternates. The members shall be resident citizens and qualified voters of the city. A majority of the seven (7) members present at any time shall constitute a quorum for purposes of holding a meeting.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. I, adopted 2/3/72; Ordinance adopted 8/6/02; 1989 Code, sec. 2-106)
The mayor shall appoint the members and alternates of the planning and zoning commission, and each person so appointed must be approved by three-fourths majority of the city council before becoming a member or alternate thereof. Alternates shall serve, upon call by the chair, when necessary to make up a quorum, and in the event that one (1) or more alternates are serving, any four (4) members or alternates who may be present shall constitute a quorum. The chair is a member of the commission and shall be counted in determining the members and alternates necessary to constitute a quorum. The chair shall vote only when necessary to break a tie vote.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. II, adopted 2/3/72; Ordinance adopted 8/6/02; 1989 Code, sec. 2-107)
Terms of office of members of the planning and zoning commission shall end on the first day of January in accordance with their appointment. All appointments shall be for terms of two (2) years. All vacancies on the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the mayor and approval by the city council. Members of the planning and zoning commission may be removed from office by the mayor, with approval of the city council, after a public hearing and for cause assigned in writing. Failure to meet three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings shall be deemed as neglect and cause for removal. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. II, adopted 2/3/72; 1989 Code, sec. 2-108)
V.T.C.A., Local Government Code sections 42.021 and 212.001 et seq., authorizing and empowering cities to regulate the platting and recording of subdivisions or additions within the corporate limits and establishing extraterritorial jurisdiction, are hereby adopted, and the planning and zoning commission, acting through its duly authorized officials, shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, and authority authorized and granted by and through the statutes pertaining to regulation of subdivisions and extraterritorial powers.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. III, adopted 2/3/72; 1989 Code, sec. 2-109)
The planning and zoning commission shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, and authority authorized and granted by and through the statutes of the state authorizing and granting cities the power of zoning as found in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code sections 211.001 through 211.007.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. IV, adopted 2/3/72; 1989 Code, sec. 2-110)
The planning and zoning commission shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from its membership. The city secretary shall act as secretary. The planning and zoning commission shall have the power to make rules, regulations, and bylaws for its own government, which shall conform as nearly as possible with those governing the city council, and same shall be subject to approval by the city council. Such bylaws shall include, among other items, provisions for:
Regular and special meetings, open to the public;
A record of its proceedings, to be open for inspection by the public;
Reporting to the governing body and the public, from time to time and annually; and
The holding of public hearings on its recommendations.
The planning and zoning commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty:
To make studies and project plans for the improvement of the city with a view for future development and extension, and to recommend to the city council all matters for the development and improvement of the city’s facilities, and shall pass upon the application for plats requested under V.T.C.A., Local Government Code section 212.002 et seq.
To make plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the city and of land outside the city limits located within the planning area of such city limits, and any other land outside the city which in the opinion of the city planning and zoning commission bears a relation to the planning of the city, and to make such changes in additions and extensions of plans or maps within the city as it deems advisable.
To advise and assist the city council in formulating and executing proper plans of municipal development and growth.
To plan and recommend the locations, scope, character and standards for streets, roads, alleyways, viaducts, bridges, subways, parkways, airports, automobile parking places, utilities, public buildings, schools, parks, playgrounds, railroads, water, lights, sanitation, sewerage, sewage disposal, drainage, flood control, transportation, transportation terminals, communication, marketing and shipping facilities, power and other facilities, and for the removal, relocation, widening, extension, narrowing, vacating, abandoning or changing of use of any of the foregoing public places, facilities and utilities.
To select and recommend to the city council routes of streets, avenues, and boulevards, including the opening, widening, and abandoning of the same or of any alley, or the changing thereof, to conform with the city’s system, present and future, with reference to traffic, land use and public facilities.
To investigate, evaluate, and report to the city council upon layout or platting of any new subdivision of the city, or of property situated within one-half mile of the city limits, and to recommend the approval, disapproval or modification of all plans, plats, or replats of additions within the city limits or within one-half mile of same, or the rejection of either.
To recommend, to the city council, plans for clearance of slums and blighted areas, the prevention of the spread of blight and dilapidation, and improvement of housing conditions.
To make any recommendations concerning future zoning plans.
To recommend to the city council, from time to time, passage of such ordinances as may be necessary to carry out the commission’s program.
To make recommendations for building codes.
(Ordinance 72-1, sec. VI, adopted 2/3/72; 1989 Code, sec. 2-111)