The city civic center committee is created to assist the city and the city council in the planning and operation of the Schulenburg Civic Center, with the ultimate goal being to provide the best service possible to the citizens of the community. The purpose includes creating rules and regulations governing the use of the facilities at the civic center and to make recommendations to the city council for their adoption.
(Ordinance adopted 7/16/91, sec. 1; 1989 Code, sec. 2-126)
The civic center committee shall consist of ten (10) members, two (2) from each of the following organizations: Backstage, Inc. (president and vice-president); Chamber of Commerce (president and vice-president); Lion’s Club (past-president and president); festival committee (president and vice-president); and the city (councilmember and caretaker).
Appointment and term of members.
Members shall be appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council when appointments are made at the first regularly scheduled city council meeting in June. Terms of service shall be for one (1) year only.
(Ordinance adopted 7/16/91, sec. 2, 3; 1989 Code, sec. 2-127; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
Meetings shall be called by the caretaker on an “as-needed” basis.
(Ordinance adopted 7/16/91, sec. 4; 1989 Code, sec. 2-128)