Any person desiring to build or erect any curbing or sidewalk upon the streets of the city shall first petition the city council in writing, stating in such petition the street upon which the curbing or sidewalk is to be built or erected and the lot and the block in front of which such curbing or sidewalk is to be built or erected. Such petition shall be passed upon by the city council in regular or called session and, after a vote of the council, if a majority vote in favor of the building or erecting of such curbing or sidewalk, the council shall grant the petitioner a permit to erect such curbing or sidewalk according to the provisions of this division. Every person securing such a permit shall pay to the city a fee as established in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-43; 1989 Code, sec. 15-76; Ordinance adopting 2016 Code)
All curbs and sidewalks constructed in the city shall be made and constructed in accord with specifications designated by the council for the particular class of curbing or sidewalk to which it belongs. Additional specifications include:
Citizens are financially responsible to install a first time curb.
During street reconstruction, the city will replace, at the city’s expense, any curbing that has failed.
It will be at the city’s discretion as to which curbs need to be replaced.
Citizens will not be required to install curbing during street construction or reconstruction.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-44; Ordinance adopted 11/2/99, sec. 1; 1989 Code, sec. 15-77)
All curbing and sidewalks constructed in the city shall conform to the grade established by the city engineer. The top of curbing shall conform to the established grade of the contemplated sidewalk.
All grades of sidewalks shall preserve a uniform surface level, as near as practical, taking into consideration the general surface of the ground.
All existing sidewalks and curbing which do not conform to the grade lines established by the city engineer, or which are not upon a general surface level, so far as same is practicable, shall, at the request of the city council, be reconstructed or repaired by the property owner in front of whose property the same may be, to conform to such grade.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-45; 1989 Code, sec. 15-78)
The distance between the curbline and the property upon and along the streets of the city shall be as follows:
Width of Street
(curb to curb)
Distance from Curbline to Property Line
30 feet
5 feet
40 feet
8 feet
45 feet
7-1/2 feet
50 feet to 70 feet
10 feet
Notwithstanding the above provisions, the distance from the curbline to the property line shall not exceed ten (10) feet in the business district of the city.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-46; 1989 Code, sec. 15-79)
The inside line of a sidewalk constructed upon a street forty (40) feet or more in width shall be a distance of two (2) feet from the property line.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-47; 1989 Code, sec. 15-80)
Whenever any sidewalk is in such defective condition as to likely cause personal injury to any person, it shall be repaired and such defect removed by the property owner in front of whose property such defect is located.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-48; 1989 Code, sec. 15-81)
Whenever any defect shall exist in any sidewalk so that it becomes the duty of any person to repair the same, or for any reason it becomes the duty of such person to construct a sidewalk along any street, so as to comply with the ordinances regulating the same or with the grade that may be fixed and defined as provided for in this division, and such person fails to do so, it shall be the duty of the city administrator to notify such person to construct or repair the same as may be required by the ordinances or the grade, and within five (5) days thereafter the same shall be so repaired or constructed by such person, and a failure to do so is hereby declared a violation.
(1965 Code, sec. 16-49; 1989 Code, sec. 15-82)
It shall be the responsibility of a property owner to maintain the area between the property line and the curbline of adjacent streets and alleys, and where no curb exists, the area extending to the adjacent street or alley surface. It is an offense for a property owner to fail to maintain these areas. A property owner is entitled to written notice and ten days to maintain the parkway before a citation is issued.
(Ordinance adopted 8/31/18; Ordinance adopted 9/4/18)
It shall be unlawful for the owner, lessee, or tenant of any premises abutting on any sidewalk, curb or right-of-way to permit such sidewalk, curb, or right-of-way to become covered with solid waste, sand, dirt or leaves or to permit grass or weeds to grow on or extend over such sidewalk, curb or right-of-way. Trees overhanging a sidewalk, curb or right-of-way shall be kept trimmed to a minimum eight-foot height for egress. Grass and vegetation on median between the street and sidewalk shall be limited to a height of 12 inches.
Property owners shall be responsible for maintaining their driveway aprons, including the portion of the driveway apron that is integrated with the sidewalk.
During periods of constructions on abutting property, the owners, tenants or lessees shall also be responsible to keep all streets and sidewalks free of safety hazards to vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
(Ordinance adopted 8/31/18; Ordinance adopted 9/4/18)