The regulations set forth in this article shall apply to fixed wireless transmission tower facilities as hereinafter defined which are proposed to be built within the city after the adoption of this article and the regulations contained therein.
The purpose of these regulations is to minimize the potential negative impact caused by fixed wireless transmission tower facilities upon surrounding or adjacent property by the application of reasonable technical and development standards to the installation and placement of fixed wireless transmission tower facilities.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Customer premises equipment.
The radio, normally incorporating an internal antenna, mounted to the customer’s premises by bracket mast or pole to allow and facilitate the receipt and transmission of wireless digital electrical communication impulses with the fixed wireless tower.
Fixed wireless.
A system of radios transmitting and receiving digital electrical impulses for communication between fixed locations. The system utilizes a straight line, or line of sight signal path for minimal physical obstruction of the radio electrical impulses.
Fixed wireless tower.
The tower of sufficient height to provide the radios mounted thereon a direct, line of sight path between the tower radio and the customer premises radio for the transmission and receipt of wireless digital communication electrical impulses.
Fixed wireless tower facilities.
The tower, mounted antennas, connecting cables, microwave transmission antennas, and structures and appurtenances utilized to aggregate the wireless digital communication electrical impulses and connect them to the public switched telephone network and such other wired and cabled facilities to connect with the internet backbone and worldwide web and other digital services.
A structure anchored to the earth or anchored to another structure affixed to the earth, the design of which may be freestanding as a tripod or monopole or may be guyed to ground anchors, and the purpose of which is to create an elevated platform to support wireless transmitting and receiving radios.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
No property within the corporate limits of the city may be used for the siting and construction of fixed wireless tower facilities thereon unless the owner or authorized agent of the owner of said property shall have first obtained a wireless transmission facilities permit for such use from the building inspector. The wireless transmission facilities permit shall be in addition to all other permits otherwise required by this code.
Only property zoned agriculture - open space, general commercial, light industrial, planned industrial, heavy industrial, or planned unit or property upon which an existing power transmission line tower is located and into which a fixed wireless transmission facility can be incorporated, may be used for the siting and construction thereon of a fixed wireless tower facility.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The owner or authorized agent of the owner of property zoned as described in section 3.09.003 may apply for a wireless transmission facilities permit for the siting and construction thereon of fixed wireless tower facilities from the city building inspector.
No such tower permit shall be issued for nor shall construction of such facilities be initiated without the prior review and approval of the building inspector of a sketch plan as part of the application for a wireless transmission facilities permit. The building inspector shall review the sketch plan for compliance with this article within ten (10) working days after the receipt of the sketch plan. If a sketch plan meets all the requirements of this article, the building inspector shall so notify the applicant and the city council in writing. The applicant may thereafter submit its final plan to the planning and zoning commission through the building inspector. If a sketch plan does not meet all the requirements of this article, the building inspector shall notify the applicant in writing of the deficiencies of the sketch plan so that the applicant may correct it and resubmit the plan. Any resubmitted plan will be subject to the same review timetables as if an originally submitted sketch plan.
No permit shall be issued for nor shall construction of such facility be initiated without the prior review and approval of the planning and zoning commission and the city council of a final plan submitted to the building inspector by the owner or his authorized agent as part of the application for such permit. The planning and zoning commission shall review the final plan for compliance with this article within ten (10) working days after receipt of a final plan and shall approve it if it meets all such requirements. Upon such approval, the building inspector shall notify the city council of such approval in writing and shall, within five (5) working days after approval by the planning and zoning commission, forward the final plan to the city council. The city council shall review the final plan for compliance with this article within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the final plan. If a final plan meets all the requirements of this article, the city council shall approve the final plan. The city manager shall notify the applicant in writing of the approval of the final plan and shall further notify the building inspector of such approval. The building inspector shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of such approval, issue the wireless transmission permit. If, at any point in he process of reviewing the final plan, it is determined that the plan does not comply with the requirements of this article, the building inspector shall so notify the applicant of such deficiencies of the final plan so that the applicant may correct same and resubmit the plan. Any resubmitted plan will be subject to the same review timetables as if an originally submitted final plan.
Such facility shall be subject to and must comply with the technical and developmental standards of this article, to the minimum standards in the zoning district in which the facility is located, and to such additional conditions that the planning and zoning commission may require in order to preserve and protect the character of the district in which the proposed use is located.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The application for a permit shall include a sketch plan and a final plan.
A sketch plan for the development of such facility shall be submitted by an owner or his authorized agent to the building inspector for his review and approval. The sketch plan shall describe the use and general development concept for the entire tract, shall comply with all of the applicable technical and development standards contained in this article and shall contain the following:
Be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet; and
Include the following:
Existing and proposed roads and drainage;
General landscape areas and planting screens;
Curb cuts and drives;
Building setback lines;
A vicinity map which shows the relation of the proposed development to the city; and
The names of the owners of all adjoining lots or tracts; and
Show the relation of the proposed development to:
The existing street system;
The immediate and surrounding use districts;
Adjacent tracts; and
Zoning of adjacent tracts.
After review of the sketch plan, but prior to the issuance of any such facilities permit or a building permit and prior to commencement of construction, the applicant shall have approval of the planning and zoning commission and city council of a final plan covering the entire tract or that portion proposed for development. The final plan shall comply with all of the applicable technical and development standards contained in this article and shall include the following:
Be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet;
Include the following:
Existing and proposed roads and drainage;
Landscaped buffer areas and planting screens;
Curb cuts, drives and parking areas;
The total square footage of the parking areas provided;
Building lines and the location of all structures;
The total square footage of building or structure provided;
The zoning of adjacent tracts;
The names of the owners of all adjoining lots or tracts;
A vicinity map which shows the location of the proposed development within the city; and
Contain a certification by a registered professional land surveyor that the boundaries have been surveyed and are true and correct and that all encroachments, easements and rights-of-way are shown.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The fee for the facilities permit is established by the city council and shall be contained within the city’s adopted fee schedule.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
A site plan approval by the city council shall be valid for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. If substantial construction on the facility has not begun within six (6) months of the city council’s approval, the approval shall expire and the applicant shall be required to resubmit plans to the planning and zoning commission for approval based on the latest technical and development standards.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
Technical standards.
The facility shall be subject to the following technical standards:
Radio frequency emissions standards.
The applicant’s engineer shall provide documentation that the proposed wireless transmission facility meets or exceeds the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions standards.
Tower height.
Maximum tower height shall be one hundred (100) feet for any tower base location within 1,500 feet of the southwest building corner of the city hall. The maximum tower height shall be two hundred (200) feet within the city limits beyond 1,500 feet of the southwest building corner of said city hall, 535 N. Main St.
Structural requirements.
Prior to the approval of any such subject tower in excess of thirty-five (35) feet in height, the applicant shall provide the board of adjustment with written certification from a registered structural engineer that the tower is able to minimally withstand winds of seventy (70) miles per hour, as per the ANSI standards, and/or one hundred (100) miles per hour and/or one hundred thirty (130) mile per hour wind gusts, whichever is greater.
Shared use.
The shared use of existing towers or the placement of towers less than thirty-five (35) feet in height at locations adjacent to an existing tower or power transmission line tower, shall be encouraged whenever possible, but not required.
The applicant shall state whether applicant shall permit shared use of the proposed tower after completion. A letter of intent describing proposed shared use terms, if any, shall be filed with the building inspector together with any changes and amendments thereafter.
Development standards.
For subject towers the base of which is located within 1,500 feet of the southwest building corner of the city hall, 535 N. Main St.
Buffer, landscaping, screening and fencing.
For ground structures and equipment buildings located in or abutting property zoned residential (either immediately adjacent to such property or across a public roadway), special care shall be taken to minimize the effects on the adjacent residential area. The following shall be considered minimum standards:
A minimum 50-foot buffer strip shall be required on the outer perimeter of the property, abutting property currently zoned for residential or commercial use. No internal roads or driveways, parking areas, structures or storage of material shall be allowed within the buffer strip. This standard shall not supersede any existing or future agreements or regulations that may provide for a greater buffer strip than outlined above.
The buffer strip shall consist of plantings and physical features sufficient to screen the view beginning at a specified level, reduce glare and noise, and provide greater privacy for nearby residential uses. The buffer shall be initially installed for the permanent year-round protection of adjacent property by visually shielding internal activities from adjoining property from ground level view to a minimum height of six (6) feet. A landscaping plan detailing the type, substance, design, width, height, opacity, growing period to maturity, time schedule for installation, and responsibility for perpetual maintenance of the buffer strip shall be submitted to and approved by the planning and zoning commission.
The landscaping provisions of this section may be varied or reduced if the proposed plan provides for unique and innovative landscaping treatment or physical features that, in the opinion of the planning and zoning commission, meet the intent and purpose of this section. In instances where significant physical features exist (i.e., railroads, major roads, and utility easements, etc.) which in the opinion of the planning and zoning commission provide adequate buffering between land uses, the existing buffers may be used to meet landscaping provisions of this section.
Security fencing shall be required around the area of the wireless transmission facility.
Wireless transmission facilities mounted on a building or structure in a commercial district shall be screened and/or designed to blend visually with the roof and/or structure and surroundings where mounted. Such methods and materials shall require approval by the board of adjustment. Customer premises equipment is exempt from this requirement.
Off-street parking.
At least one (1) off-street parking space shall be provided per subject facility.
Outside lighting, if required for safety and security purposes, shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent residential properties and public streets. Subject tower facilities shall not be artificially lighted unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other governmental authority.
Vehicle access control.
The location and design of driveways and/or accesses to reach such facility from a public street shall be approved by the planning and zoning commission.
The minimum distance from the base of the tower to any right-of-way and adjoining property line shall be equivalent to or greater than the height of the tower plus ten (10) feet. No buildings or structures, except for associated appurtenances, shall be located within the setback area, thereby providing a clear fall zone for the tower to any right-of-way and adjoining property line. The setbacks for all associated appurtenances, including buildings, cabinets, structures and facilities, shall correspond with the minimum setbacks established by this section and of the zoning district in which the use is proposed.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The owner or his authorized agent shall provide the city with a letter of certification from the design engineers (electrical, structural and civil) indicating that the subject facility was constructed according to the plans approved by the city. The letter shall be submitted within forty-five (45) days of completion of the facility.
The owner or his authorized agent shall provide the city with a certified copy of an annual inspection report prepared by a qualified tower inspector, which includes, but is not limited to:
The condition of the grounding system;
The structural integrity of the facility;
Any damage incurred over the past year;
The condition of the bolts; and
A plan to correct any deficiencies.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
The owner or his authorized agent, at his sole cost and expense, shall be responsible for the removal of all buildings, cabinets, structures and facilities, and appurtenances relating to the subject facility constructed and situated upon his property permitted for such use within thirty (30) days of the discontinuation of the property as a wireless transmission facility.
The owner of property upon which a subject tower facility is situated, or his authorized agent, shall give the city notice in writing thirty (30) days prior to an anticipated discontinuation of use of his property as a wireless transmission facility. If the discontinuation of use as a wireless transmission facility shall occur prior to the expiration of thirty (30) days, then the owner, or his authorized agent, shall give such notice of discontinuation within ten (10) days of learning of the anticipated discontinuation.
Legal use of the property for a subject facility shall be deemed discontinued when all facility users have vacated the site for a minimum period of sixty (60) days.
The owner, or his authorized agent, shall, at the time of giving notice to city of the anticipated discontinuation of the use of the property as a subject facility, post a performance bond payable to the city in the full amount of the cost of removal of the buildings, cabinets, structures and facilities, and appurtenances relating to the subject facility.
Upon the removal of the buildings, cabinets, structures and facilities, and appurtenances relating to the subject tower facility by the owner to the satisfaction of the city and in accordance with this article, the city shall release the bond to the owner.
In the event that fewer than all of the users of a subject tower facility vacate the facility, it shall be the responsibility of the remaining facility user and the owner to maintain the site in accordance with the approvals granted by the city. Each remaining user that vacates the property shall be responsible for removal of their respective buildings, cabinets, structures and facilities, and other appurtenances, at their expense.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
It shall be unlawful to commence the excavation for the construction of any wireless transmission facility, including all associated appurtenances, until the building inspector has issued a wireless transmission facilities permit and any building permit for such work required by this code.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)
A person who violates any provision of this article regarding a wireless transmission facility is subject to prosecution for a class C misdemeanor.
(Ordinance adopted 2/18/19)