This Ordinance, shall govern every person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity owning any tract of land within the corporate limits of the City of New Deal Lubbock County, Texas and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of this City as prescribed by the Texas Local Government Code in Chapters 211 and 212, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes (V.T.C.S.), as from time to time amended, who may hereafter divide any tract into two (2) or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition to said City, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parks or other portions indicated for public use or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00; Ordinance adopting Code)
For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined: terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance with other City Ordinances, or adopted ordinances. Other Codes, Building Codes, or Texas Civil Statutes, or Regulations, or their customary usage and meaning.
The City of New Deal, Lubbock County, Texas
Mailing address -
City of New Deal
P.O. Box 126
New Deal, Texas 79350
A subdivision is any of land division regulated as authorized by the Texas Local Government Code and further described herein. The provisions contained herein shall apply to any of the following forms or types of land subdivision and development activity within the City limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction.
The following conditions constitute a subdivision and require subdivision approval
The division of any lot, tract, or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots or Sites for the purpose of sale or building development or transfer of ownership, Whether immediate or future[.]
The resubdivision of land or lots previously divided or platted whether the approval was by Lubbock County, the City of New Deal, or was legally recorded in Lubbock County with no documented approval.
The combining of two or more contiguous tracts, lots, sites, or parcels for the purpose of creating one legal lot for the development or sale for the purposes of the construction of a structure or structures.
Division of land into parcels of any size which requires the creation of streets or public access on right-of-ways.
The following conditions shall be exempt from subdivision approval:
Land legally platted and filed for record and provided with public streets, right-of-ways and utility service prior to the date of this ordinance[.]
Inheritance, or testamentary division of property for wills, trusts, estates, or gifts of land by metes and bounds of tracts on which no improvements or alterations are occurring.
Divisions of land created by court orders of competent jurisdiction, of lands on which no improvements are made, no change in utility service is required and no access by additional public street or right-of-way is created,[.]
The word “shall” shall be deemed mandatory; the word “may” shall be deemed permissive.
A map or chart of the subdivision. It shall include the plan, plat or replat, both singular and plural.
A principal traffic thoroughfare, which continues, or is intended to continue, across the City and which serves to connect remote parts of the City. It may also be a principal connecting street with State or Federal highways[.]
A continuous street through several residential districts intended as a connecting street between residence districts and major streets or business districts.
All streets not otherwise indicated.
The City Secretary of the City of New Deal also referred to, as Secretary is a staff position duly appointed by the City Council, or outer [other] authorized representative of the City Council.
That area adjacent to the corporate limits of the City over which the City is authorized to control, among other things, subdivisions, building codes, public utilities, or as prescribed or defined by Texas State Law.
A map or plat designed to illustrate the overall general design features and street layout of a proposed subdivision which is proposed to be developed and platted in sections.
A plat which has been previously submitted and is being resubmitted with changes[.]
A letter from the City documenting that a proposed plat can be adequately served with water and sewer according to historical events on record, regulations of the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) or enforcement actions thereof, and any utility planning documents approved by the City Council.
A duty qualified and licensed engineer(s) retained by the City. In the event the City does not have an engineer or retain an engineer, his duties herein shall be performed by a person designated by the City Council[.]
Written report, map, or other document developed by the City, the City’s consultants or staff, or other entities and has been adopted and amended by the City Council.
The City Council may appoint a Planning and Zoning Commission to act in the capacity of reviewing subdivision submittals all planning and zoning matters, and recommending action to be taken by the Council. The Council shall approve all such matters and may as governing body, in the event that it does not appoint a Planning and Zoning Commission; may also serve or act as the Planning and Zoning Commission. Herein after the terms, “Planning and Zoning Commission” may be used to mean the Planning and Zoning Commission as duly appointed by the City Council, or the City Council serving or acting as the Planning and Zoning Commission.
A legal lot is any singular lot, platted, surveyed, legally divided by metes and bounds, and recorded for legal title with the Lubbock County Clerk’s office, before the date of this ordinance.
The Planning and Zoning Commission will establish a regular meeting date each month, and special called meeting dates as deemed necessary. The regular meeting schedule will be posted at City hall at all times. The Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman or the Planning and Zoning Commission may at any time, suspend, or reschedule any meeting date and time as necessary due to a lack of business, a quorum, a conflict in schedule, or other matters. Any changes will be posted as Public Notices at City Hall. Persons having business before the Planning and Zoning Commission are advised to check at City Hall to verify the meeting schedule, indicate the character of their business and request placement on the next available meeting agenda.
The term “Building Code” means the latest revision of the building code identified in other City of New Deal Ordinances as “being adopted.” Information is available at City Hall when requesting Building Permits.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00; Ordinance adopting Code)
The City Council of the City of New Deal does hereby adopt the following regulations to hereafter control the subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the City of New Deal and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction thereof, in order to provide for the safe, orderly and healthful development of the community and to secure adequate provisions for traffic, light, air, recreation, transportation, water, drainage, sewage, public safety, and other public facilities.
The territorial jurisdiction under this Chapter shall include all land located within the corporate limits of the City and all land lying within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction which is currently one-half (1/2) mile or as otherwise described by amendments of Texas State Law, of the corporate limits of the City, as from time to time extended.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00; Ordinance adopting Code)
It shall be unlawful for any landowner, or the agent of any landowner, to lay out, identify and divide by metes and bounds, subdivide, plat, or replat any land into lots, blocks, and streets within the jurisdictional limits of the City without the approval of a City Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. It shall also be unlawful for any such owner or agent to offer for sale or to sell, or to otherwise transfer ownership of any such property therein or thereby which has not been laid out, subdivided, platted, or replatted in accordance with this Chapter.
The City will make no improvements nor will the City maintain any streets or furnish any public utility service in any addition or subdivision for which approved final plat is not on file with the City Secretary and legally recorded at the County Clerk’s Office.
No street number and no building permit shall be issued for the construction of any building on any piece of property subdivided after the date hereof; unless said property has been subdivided or resubdivided in accordance with this Ordinance.
Any owner, person, or entity of any type may be assessed penalties for the sale or otherwise transfer of ownership of land in violation of this ordinance, or other violations, up to the amount provided for in the Penalties section until the violation is remedied or otherwise ceases.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00; Ordinance adopting Code)
The Concept Plan is not required as part of the subdivision approval process and is provided to allow a subdivider the opportunity to discuss with the Planning and Zoning Commission conceptual ideas regarding potential tracts of land considered for development and to receive information that may be useful in the subdivider’s planning. The following criteria allows the Planning and Zoning Commission to have certain information available when related items are placed on the agenda and discussed.
Required Copies: Filing Deadline
The subdivider may submit a concept plan of the entire area being subdivided. Ten (10) legible copies shall be submitted to the City Secretary for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the designated deadline for preparing agendas preceding the meeting at which consideration is requested. This date may be obtained by contacting the City Secretary.
Minimum Information Required
Map including current property owner, and owners of adjacent tracts, outboundary, topographical information (from USGS or other source), name of major streams if any, desired lot and street layout, desired zoning or end use, location, general sizes on [of] lots and structures, and conceptual drainage and utilities features.
Letter listing approximate number of utility connections, total acreage, estimated number of lots, special items, any variances that are expected to be requested, and questions that the subdivider desires to have responses to.
The concept plan shall be drawn to a scale sufficient to adequately show the detail required or a minimum of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') and shall show or be accompanied by the information outlined herein.
Planning and Zoning Commission to Review within Forty-five (45) Days
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the concept plan and within forty-five (45) days, act upon said plan as submitted or as modified, and shall express its general concurrence as “taking no exception,” state the conditions of such concurrence, if any, or if not in concurrence, shall express its disapproval as “exceptions taken,” and the exceptions and reasons therefor. At the meeting during which the concept plan comes up for review, the party submitting such plan shall appear in person or by agent and shall be prepared to make a presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Planning and Zoning Commission to Note its Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall note its action and conditions or exceptions, if any, on three (3) copies of the concept plan.
Distribution of Concept Plan
Of the three (3) copies, one (1) shall be returned to the subdivider, one (1) shall be filed with the City Secretary, and one (1) shall be retained by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Authority to Proceed
Taking no exceptions to the concept plan does not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, nor do the exceptions taken, or conditions represent all such current or future items. The concept plan is a mechanism for the early discovery of historical or obvious problems without the expenditure of large amounts of money on professional services. Any work done on the subdivision before the final plat is accepted and recorded is done at the risk of the subdivider; If any major exceptions resulting in significant changes are required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the commission will review the submission of a revised concept plan. The subdivider is not required to submit a revised concept plan and may proceed directly to submittal of the preliminary plat.
Required Copies: Filing Deadline
The subdivider shall submit a preliminary plan of the entire area being subdivided; Ten legible copies shall be submitted to the City Secretary for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission fifteen calendar days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. When the Preliminary Plat is approved, a permanent reproducible copy with any revisions is to be submitted prior to submittal of Final Plat.
Plat Requirements
The Plat shall be drawn to a scale of one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100') and shall show and be accompanied by the following information:
Name of Subdivision;
Complete legal description by metes and bounds;
Total acreage and numbers of lots and blocks;
Name and address of the owner and the owner’s agent;
Name and seal number of registered engineers or surveyors responsible for the project;
Scale 1' = 100' [1" = 100'] unless otherwise approved in writing;
North point;
Date, and date of each revision;
Boundary dimensions and bearings;
A survey tie to the original survey of which said land is a part;
Name and location of adjacent subdivisions, streets, easements, pipelines, watercourses, etc., and the property lines and name of adjoining property owners in unsubdivided tracts;
Existing and proposed topographic and planimetric features within the subdivision, including watercourses and ravines, high banks, width of existing or proposed easements, contour lines at two (2) foot intervals, and any other physical features pertinent to the subdivision;
Existing transportation features within the subdivision including the location and width of rights-of-way, streets, alleys and easements;
Proposed features including location, width, surfacing, and name of streets; approximate width and depth of all lots, location of building lines, alleys and easements; and schematic plans and outline specifications for drainage, sanitary facilities and. utilities.
Designation of any sites for special uses including churches, sewage disposal plants, water plants, business, industry, or other special land uses. If proposed use is unknown, show as undesignated. Where a proposed site in the area taken in by a proposed addition or subdivision is planned for a school, park or public building such site shall be reserved on the preliminary plat for the proposed facility.
Limits of the 25-year and 100-year floodplain for all drainageways draining into or away from a ten (10.0) acres or more subdivision before and after the development. If the subject subdivision is proposed to be located on a tract contributing to downstream drainageways where damage to structures is known to occur, the aforementioned requirement shall pertain to subdivision tracts of one (1.0) acre or more.
Statement that the preliminary plan conforms to the adopted concept plan if any and including a written request for all variances, stating the justifications, and;
Statement outlining the estimated average single-family lot size; and the estimated range of lot sizes by groupings of
less than 7,000 square feet,
7001 - 8,000 square feet,
8,001 - 10,000 square feet,
10,001 - 20,000 square feet,
20,000+ square feet.
Utility, Commitment Letters
The subdivider shall submit copies of utility commitment letters from all the utilities including the City of New Deal, that will provide utilities for the subdivision.
City Secretary to Check for Complete Information
The City Secretary or other staff so designated is to check that the above information has been included in the submittal. If the submittal, is not complete, it will be returned prior to further review.
Planning and Zoning Commission to Review within Forty-five (45) Days
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the preliminary plat, and within Forty-five (45) days, act upon said plat as submitted or as modified and, if approved, shall express its approval as “conditional approval” and state the conditions of such approval, if any, or if disapproved, shall express its disapproval and the reasons therefor. At the meeting during which the preliminary plat comes up for review, the party submitting such plat shall appear in person or by agent or by attorney.
Planning and Zoning Commission to Note its Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall note its action and conditions, if any, on four (4) copies of the preliminary plat[.]
Distribution of Plat Copies
Of the four (4) copies, one (1) shall be returned to the subdivider, one (1) shall be filed with the City Secretary, one (1) shall be furnished to the building official, and one (1) shall be retained by the Planning and Zoning Commission[.]
Authority to proceed
Approval of the preliminary plat does not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but is authority to proceed with the preparation of the final plat. Any work done on the subdivision before a final plat is accepted and recorded is done at the subdivider’s risk and is discouraged.
All [An] approved preliminary plat expires at the end of one (1) year. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, if written request from the subdivider is received prior to the end of the one-year period, grant an extension for up to one (1) additional year.
If any major changes are required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the commission may require submission of a revised preliminary plat for approval.
Required Copies: Filing Deadline
Subdivider shall provide one (1) reproducible copy and ten (10) legible white print copies of the final plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission after the preliminary plat has been approved and all required changes and alterations thereto have been made[.]
No final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plat has first been submitted and approved, except:
that the requirement for a preliminary plat may be waived, in writing, by the Planning and Zoning Commission if in the commission’s opinion, the proposed subdivision requires no new streets or utilities and has an established land use by either existing zoning or existing development, and
when the requirement for a preliminary plat is waived in accordance with (i) above, the applicant shall provide a list of adjacent property owners outlined in other parts of this section and a public hearing shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission in conjunction with consideration of the final plat.
The final plat shall be filed with the City Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which approval is requested.
Where land to be subdivided lies wholly or partially outside the existing city limits a final plat shall be accompanied by a petition for annexation; except where the Planning and Zoning commission determines, in writing, that the city does not wish to annex or is not capable of annexing the subject land at the time the application for final plat approval is requested[.]
Plat to be Accompanied by Application for Zoning
Where land to be subdivided lies outside the existing City Limits and is to be annexed and requires original zoning; or where land to be subdivided lies within the existing City Limits and requires rezoning for the uses proposed in the Concept plan, a final plat shall be accompanied by a zoning request which shall be in conformance with any planning documents approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission,[.]
Plat Requirements
The final plat shall be drawn on substrate of the type, size and configuration as currently required for filing at the County Clerk’s Office of Lubbock County and to a scale of one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100'). Where more than one (1) sheet is required, an index sheet of similar size shall be filed showing the entire subdivision. All restrictive covenants approved or required by the Planning and Zoning Commission are to be shown on the Index sheet or separate sheet. The currently accepted size is 18 inches by 24 inches and the material is mylar. The following information will be shown on or will accompany the plat:
A title including the name of the subdivision - the name of the landowner or owners; the name of the registered public land surveyor responsible for the preparation of the plat; the scale and location of the subdivision with reference to an original corner of the original survey of which said land is a part; the date, north point, and total acres in the subdivision.
The certificate of the registered public land surveyor who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land shall be placed on the face of the plat as follows:
That I, _____ R.P.L.S. do hereby certify the [that] I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate on-the-ground survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed by current “Minimum Standards for Professional Land Surveyors” as adopted by the Texas Board Of Professional Land Surveying, under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of NEW DEAL, TEXAS
Original Signature and Seal of Registered Professional Land Surveyor Registration Number
A certificate of ownership and dedication to the public of all streets, easements, alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other dedicated public uses, signed and acknowledged before a notary public by the owners and any Holders of liens against the land.
An accurate on-the-ground boundary survey of the property with bearings and distances and showing the lines of all adjacent land, streets, easements, and alleys with their names and width. (Street, alleys, and lot lines in adjacent subdivisions shall be shown dashed.) All necessary data to reproduce the plat on the ground must be shown on the plat.
A certificate of approval to be signed by the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Secretary shall be placed on the face of the plat. The plat shall show all existing features within the area being subdivided, such as existing watercourses, railroads, width of streets, alleys and easements to be retained and other physical features deemed pertinent to the subdivision.
Streets, alleys and easements that are to be dedicated shall be shown with the following engineering data:
For streets: Complete curve data (Delta, Length of Curve, Radius, Point of Curvature, Point of Reverse Curvature, Point of Tangency) shown on the centerline of on each side of the street; length and bearing of all tangents; dimensions from all angle points of curve to an adjacent side lot line shall be provided. The number of feet of roadway shall also be shown on the plat.
For watercourses and easements: Distances to be provided along the side lot lines from the front lot line or the high bank of a stream.
Traverse line distances are to be provided along the side lot lines from the front lot line along the edge of all large watercourses in a convenient location, preferably along a utility easement if paralleling the drainage easement or stream.
Lot and block lines and numbers of all proposed lots and blocks with complete dimensions for front, rear and side lot lines.
Building setback lines shall be shown on all lots.
Two (2) sets of plans and specifications prepared by a registered engineer shall be provided for the installation of water, sewer, paving and drainage, and said plans and specifications must be approved by the city engineer or designated city official prior to the beginning of any construction of the subdivision.
A receipt showing that all taxes have been paid shall be submitted with the final plat.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be satisfied that the subdivider will be in a financial position to install or cause to be installed at his own cost, risk, and expense all of the improvements herein required. The Planning and Zoning Commission may require such security as it in its sole and absolute discretion may deem best in order to insure the orderly development within any subdivision.
It is expressly understood that as a condition to the approval of said subdivision, no sales will be completed until all utilities are installed and all other improvements required by this Ordinance are made and signed off on within the block in which said lot is contained.
Drainage easements to cover the limits of the 25-year floodplain
Limits of the 100-year floodplain and a citation of the source of floodplain data.
Minimum finished floor slab elevations, at a minimum of two (2) feet above the 100-year floodplain level, for all lots adjacent to or affected by the floodplain.
Slab elevations on all structures are to be a minimum of one and one-half (1-1/2) feet above the top of the curb along any point along the front lot line.
A certificate of a Registered Professional Engineer shall be placed on the face of the plat as follows:
I, _____, do hereby certify that the information contained on this plat complies with the Subdivision Ordinances and any stormwater drainage policy adopted by the City of NEW DEAL, Texas.
Original Signature and Seal of Registered Professional Engineer Registration Number
Planning and Zoning Commission to Review Final Plat
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the final plat, and when satisfied that all conditions and requirements have been met, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve said plat, using the following format:
Approved this _____ day of _____ 2000 by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of NEW DEAL, Texas,
City Secretary
Disapproval of the Final Plat
Should the final plat, as submitted, fail to meet the conditions and requirements of this Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall disapprove said plat and note its disapproval thereon, and attach thereto a statement of the reasons for disapproval. In the event of disapproval, the City may withhold all City improvements of whatsoever nature including the furnishing of sewerage facilities and water service from all additions which have not been approved as provided by law and, further, permits may not be issued by the Building Inspector or designated public official of the City on any piece of property other than an original of a resubdivided lot in a duly approved and recorded subdivision.
Time of Approval
Approval or disapproval of the final plat shall be voted by the City Planning and Zoning Commission within forty-five (45) days after submission of said final plat. Failure to act within forty-five (45) days of the regularly scheduled meeting at which the plat would have been presented, shall constitute approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless additional time is requested by the developer.
If the Preliminary Plat of a subdivision meets with the hereinbefore set forth requirements for a Final Plat, the Planning and Zoning Commission may, on request of the subdivider, consider such plat as a Final Plat and approve or disapprove the same as such. If the Preliminary plat is approved only as such, a Final Plat shall be filed in accordance with the other provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance.
If the subdivider elects to use this alternative, then he shall provide one (1) reproducible tracing and ten (10) white-print copies of the plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
If a subdivider or developer wishes to obtain City water, sewerage, or other services for his proposed or revised subdivision, he shall be required to obtain approval in writing for the number of proposed or revised lots prior to submitting a final plat or revised plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its approval pursuant to the terms and provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance.
After a proposed final or revised plat has been issued, approved for utilities and has received final approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, no additional approval shall be required for the issuance of building permits for lots located within the approved subdivision.
Application for Utilities
With respect to an application for utilities, the City Engineer will be primarily guided by the most current planning documents approved by the City Council.
The City Engineer shall issue an opinion to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council based [on] his interpretations of regulations by the TNRCC, historical performance of the utility, and sound engineering practice. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall issue a Utility Commitment Letter in accordance with action taken by the Board.
Any participation in off-site utilities by the City of New Deal shall be approved by the City Council,
Where any of the area to be resubdivided or replatted was, within the immediate preceding five (5) years, limited by an interim or permanent zoning classification to residential use for not more than two dwelling units per lot, or if any lot in the preceding plat was limited by deed restrictions to residential use for not more than two residential units per lot, then the following additional procedures shall apply:
Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.
Written notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the owners (according to the most recently approved ad valorem tax roll) of all lots that are within the original subdivision and that are within 200 feet of the lots to be replatted, together with a copy of Section 212.015(c) in the Local Government Code for the State of Texas.
If the proposed replat is protested in accordance with this subsection, the proposed replat must receive, in order to be approved, the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the members present of the planning commission and/or city council, as applicable. For a legal protest, written instruments signed by the owners of at least 20 percent of the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining the area covered by the proposed replat and extending 200 feet from that area, but within the original subdivision, must be filed with the municipal authority responsible for approving the replat, prior to the close of the public hearing. In computing this percentage of land area, the area of streets and alleys shall be included within the adjacent lots.
Compliance with subsection (3) above is not required for approval of a replat of part of a preceding plat, if the area to be replatted was designated or reserved for other than single or two-family residential use, by notation on the last legally recorded plat or in the legally recorded restrictions applicable to the plat.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00; Ordinance adopting Code)
[1] The subdivider shall retain the service of a qualified Registered Professional Engineer, registered in the State of Texas. The engineer shall design the items is as follows:
Original has this as Subsection (I).
Streets, pavement design
Calculation of floodplains
Set slab elevations in relationship to floodplains.
The engineer’s utility plans shall meet the minimum requirements for submittal to TNRCC and shall be on 24" by 36" paper. They are to be signed and sealed by the engineer and to include all information for the construction of the project. Specifications are to be in bound sets or on the face of the plans to assure that all City requirements are followed.
The registered engineer responsible for the project is to perform periodic inspections to determine if the work is performed in substantial conformance with the approved plans and specifications.
When the project is complete, and tested, the engineer is to certify to the City of New Deal that the work both on and off site, if any, has been performed in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and change orders. Engineer is to deliver to the City a reproducible copy of as-built plans for the project and three sets of blue-lines. The plans are to be clearly marked as “as-built” drawings with all as-built changes signed by the responsible engineer,[.]
The subdivider shall provide a one-year warranty on all work located in dedicated City right-of-ways or easements including all utilities, streets, drainage, streetlights, or other improvements. The warranty is to begin at final acceptance by the City.
The subdivider shall be responsible for constructing paved streets and curbs and gutters within the subdivision, subject to the conditions contained herein.
Unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, provision shall be made for the extension of major streets through any new subdivision. Collector streets shall be provided as required by the Planning and Zoning Commission for the circulation of traffic through the subdivision and the connection thereof to the major streets. Adequate minor streets shall be provided to accommodate the subdivision. Off-center street intersections with streets in adjacent subdivisions should be avoided. All major and collector streets shall be continuous or in alignment with existing streets unless variations are deemed advisable by the Commission due to topography and requirements of traffic circulation. A minimum of one future access, by street, to all adjacent tracts is to be maintained through stub-out streets as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Residential developments which introduce new street systems shall be encouraged, within the framework of applicable ordinances, to plan street systems that offer curvilinear design while facilitating safe and adequate traffic circulation and drainage compatible with existing patterns.
Street Design Criteria
Soils Investigation
The subdivider shall, at his own expense, cause to be made a soils investigation by a qualified and independent geotechnical engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas. The field investigation shall include test borings or profile holes within the rights-of-way of all proposed streets. The number of locations of such borings or holes shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. A minimum depth of holes is to be eight (8) feet or until one (1) foot of solid, continuous rock is encountered. Atterberg limits, Plasticity Index, moisture contents, and other required data and information to quantify the bearing capacity, shrink-swell potential, and other characteristics necessary for a pavement design shall be determined for all significant boring samples. The method used for these determinations shall be the same as those used by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation using their latest Manual of Testing; Procedures, 100-E Series test methods. The results of the soils investigation shall be presented to the subdivider and to the City Engineer in written report form. Minimum depth of soil profile boring holes shall be eight feet (8) unless solid rock formations of 12" or more are encountered sooner.
Pavement Design
Pavement design shall be based on the State Department of Highways and, Public Transportation triaxial design criteria as follows:
Type of Street
Total Equivalent 18 Kip Single Axle
Load Frequency Design Factor Load Applications
Wheel Design Load Kips ATDH
Major Thoroughfare
A written report containing pavement design data and recommendations based on the soils investigation shall be prepared at the subdivider’s expense by a qualified engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas and shall be presented to the subdivider and to the City Engineer. The report shall state the load criteria and the soil classifications used.
Curb and Gutter
All streets shall have reinforced concrete curbs described as follows:
Height above pavement
Concrete Gutter width
Overall width
Overall height above subgrade
Valley gutters
6" min.
6'-0" min.
#4 rebar @ 8" on-center each way
Minimum Radii
Street intersections
Commercial Driveways
Residential Driveways
Street Widths
Major Streets
R.O.W. 80'
Collector streets
R.O.W. 60'
Minor or residential Streets
R.O.W. 50'
150' either side of major intersections
Widened Per Commission Approval
Curve Centerline Radii
Major Streets
Radius 2,000' or less based on design speed and good engineering practice as approved by the Commission
Collector Streets
Radius 400'
Minor Streets
Max. 150'
Min. 60'
Reverse Curves
Min. connecting tangent 100'
Intersection Separation
150' centerline to centerline
Intersecting angle
80 degrees without variance
Acute angles
Curb radii min., 25'
Maximum length dead-end street 600'
Dead-end streets at boundaries to adjacent tracts that are developable with [will] be allowed with proper signage
Minimum diameter 70' pavement
Minimum diameter 90' R.O.W.
Temporary turn-around required on stubbed-out future streets in excess of 400' long
Street Names
Similar street names are to be avoided - List to be submitted to City and U.S. Post Office prior to putting on plat.
Sidewalks are to be included in deed restrictions for residential subdivisions. All sidewalks are to be solely within the R.O.W., and 36" wide with minimum Building Code reinforcement. Sidewalks are required in deed restrictions for commercial/retail subdivisions, unless concrete paving is used in appropriate areas.
7,000 square feet minimum
Further described in Zoning Ordinances
60 feet minimum
Minimum frontage 50' unless in Cul-De-Sacs
Block length
Through Streets
Minimum 1,350 feet
Major Streets
Minimum 1,500 feet
Building Lines
Front lot
Min. 25'
Side lot
Min. 10'
Rear lot
Min. 25'
Front lot
Min. 25'
Side lot
Min. 10' off of commercial property
Min. 25' off of single-family residential property
Rear lot
Min. 25'
Other (Requires approval of planning and Zoning Commission)
Drainage and Public Utility Easements are to be:
Front lot
Rear lot
Side lot
To contain 25-year design storms flows
As otherwise necessary for maintenance
Drainage and Storm Sewers
Storm sewers and drainageways are to contain 25-year storms.
Storm flows into and out of a tract are to be controlled to prevent flooding of existing structures and facilities, and increasing 100-year storm elevations up or down grade of the tract resulting in damage.
100-year floodplains are to be shown on all site plans and plats
Existing or Major Streams
Major streams shall not be modified without consent of applicable state and federal agencies.
Sedimentation Controls
Brush berms, hay bales, sedimentation basins and similar recognized techniques and materials shall be employed during construction to prevent point source sedimentation loading of downstream facilities.
Water System
The subdivider shall provide all water lines necessary to properly serve each lot of the subdivision and insure that existing and/or new water facilities can supply the required demand for domestic use and for fire protection at the desired pressure. The subdivider shall install all mains and shall extend the service to all lots terminating thereon with a curb stop and meter box. The subdivider shall submit a certificate to the City Council certifying that the system has been designed in accordance with the requirements of the TNRCC, and rules of the Texas Insurance Commission.
Water Mains
Piping for water mains and connections shall be ductile iron Class 200, or PVC AWWA C-900, either mechanical or single rubber gasket joint. Service piping shall be copper or plastic as approved by Building Code.
Water mains smaller than six inches (6") shall not be permitted.
Fire Hydrants
Fire hydrants are to be compatible with the existing equipment in the City to assure availability of parts
Fire hydrant nozzles, threads, and thread type to be compatible with Fire Department Equipment and nozzles
Intersection Valves and line Valves
All water system valves are to be AWWA gate valves with operator boxes as designed for buried service. A list of approved manufacturers are available at City Hall.
Three valves are required at four-way intersections unless four-direction feed is possible. A minimum of two valves are required at tees.
All subdivisions shall be provided with a sewage disposal system approved by the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
Connection With Sanitary Sewer System Required[;] Exception
Connection with the sanitary sewer system shall be required except where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that such connection would require unreasonable expenditure of funds when compared with other methods of sewage disposal. Where septic tanks are installed, the subdivider shall conduct percolation tests on each lot under the supervision of a registered engineer or sanitarian and determine the adequacy of the lots sizes proposed in accordance with septic tank regulations for Lubbock County and the TNRCC.
Materials of Construction
Gravity sewer, minimum 6" SDR 35 PVC, for buried service. For elevated crossing, bores, road crossings, and conflicts with water lines, pipe may be ductile iron or other type pipe as required by other agencies, such as the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, or as approved in writing by the Building Official.
Sewers shall be constructed according to the TNRCC Regulation and will be bedded in a 6" envelope of washed sand or free flowing; pea gravel bedding, with compacted backfill.
Piping Size
Six (6") inch diameter pipe shall be the minimum acceptable for sewer mains and lines.
Manholes shall be spaced not more than four hundred (400') feet apart and shall be; constructed of precast concrete sections with poured floors, or concrete precast complete manholes. Neoprene gaskets are required in all penetrations.
Force Mains
Force mains shall be ductile iron or pressure class 200 PVC pipe and fittings, Pressure Class Pipe shall have either mechanical joints or rubber gasket joints, approved by the Building Official.
Street lighting shall be provided by the developer and shall conform to the current Edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. Lighting levels shall be as recommended for very light traffic lit [in] residential areas; medium traffic on feeder streets; and heavy traffic on thoroughfares.
[2] All traffic-control signs shall be provided and installed by the developer and shall conform with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Vols. 1 and 2. All street signs and water meter boxes shall be provided and installed by the developer, and said street signs and water meter boxes must meet the specifications set forth by the City of New Deal[.]
Original has this as Subsection M.
[3] All floodplain calculations, and the design of changes to the floodplain shall be in accordance with the Emergency Phase of the National Flood Insurance Program, Article 8280-13, V.A.C.S. The City shall review each proposed subdivision to assure the following:
Proposals to Minimize Flood Damage
All such proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
Public Facilities to Minimize Flood Damage
All public utilities and facilities, such as sewage, gas, electrical, and water systems shall be located, elevated, and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
Adequate Drainage to be Provided
Adequate drainage shall be provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards[.]
Original has this as Subsection N
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
Violation of any provision or provisions of this Chapter by any subdivider shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction of such violation in Municipal Court of the City of New Deal shall be punishable as per existing City of New Deal Code of Ordinances. Furthermore each violation shall constitute a separate offense and each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The fine of any violation shall be up to $500.00 per offense per day.
No conviction or convictions under the penal provision of this Ordinance, [or] under the Texas Penal Code, shall ever be considered as any bar to any injunctive or other legal remedy, relief, right or power existing in the City of New Deal, Texas, to enforce the application and provisions of this Ordinance by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas.
Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to relieve the obligation of the subdivider to comply with ordinances, rules and regulations, and laws of any other jurisdiction including Lubbock County, the State of Texas, or the Federal Government.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
When a subdivider can show that a provision of these regulations would cause unnecessary hardship if strictly adhered to and where, because of some condition peculiar to the site, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, a departure may be made without destroying the intent of such provisions and does not establish undesirable precedences, the City Council may authorize a variance. Variances shall not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, and shall not be injurious to other property. All requested variances must be fully described in writing along with the full justification including citations from laws, policies, design manuals, regulations, and other documentation, and submitted along with the plat submittals. Exhibits of data and documentation may be required. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to hold a public hearing if deemed necessary and formally notify adjacent or otherwise directly affected property owners and take the resulting testimony, and any other data into consideration in their recommendation to the City Council. A variance may be granted conditionally based on agreed-to conditions that may be affected by future actions. Conditional variances granted during or before the Preliminary Plat may be denied during the Final Plat approval, if the conditions or future actions do not occur.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
The engineer representing the subdivider shall present to the Planning and Zoning Commission, reproducible complete “as-built plans” for all paving, drainage structures, water lines, and sewer lines within thirty (30) days after completion of each contract. All drawings shall to be obviously marked as-built or record drawings, and signed and dated by the engineer.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid into the general fund of the City of New Deal when any map or plat is tendered to the planning department, and each of the fees and charges provided herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the city planning and zoning commission or any other board or any other agency shall be valid until the fee shall have been paid.
Concept Plan
Twenty-five ($25.00) each for two per year
Thereafter fifty dollars ($50.00) each.
Preliminary Plat
First Submittal Fifty dollars ($50.00) plus three Dollars ($3.00) per acre
Final Plat
First Submittal Fifty dollars ($50.00), plus three Dollars ($3.00) per acre,
All resubmittals
No charge for the first resubmittal
Second resubmittal one-half the cost of the Original submittal.
Third and each resubmittal thereafter shall cost One-half the cost of the second or the Subsequent resubmittal.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
The Planning and Zoning Commission may at any time recommend amendments to any section of this ordinance. The City Council shall approve or disapprove any amendment at a public meeting. If an ordinance is disapproved, tie City Council shall advise the Planning and Zoning Commission the reasons for the disapproval. The City Council and the Planning and Zoning [Commission] may hold one or more public hearings to consider testimony regarding any amendments to this ordinance,[.]
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
Any person, firm or individual who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each and every day the violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
All prior ordinances of the City Council of the City of New Deal in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)
This ordinance shall take effect upon completion of publication as provided by law.
(Ordinance 134 adopted 2/28/00)