For the purpose of this division, the following terms shall carry the meanings as set out below:
Commercial vehicle.
A motor vehicle designed or used for the transportation of property or delivery purposes.
Gross motor vehicle weight.
The total weight of the vehicle as loaded.
Motor vehicle.
A vehicle that is self propelled.
Prohibited streets.
All streets not listed in section 12.02.033.
A mechanical device, other than a device moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, in, on or by which a person or property can be transported on a city street.
(Ordinance 176, sec. 1-1, adopted 3/24/08)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this division shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in the municipal court shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day the offense occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
(Ordinance 176A adopted 9/28/09)
No commercial vehicle having a gross motor vehicle weight in excess of 10,000 lbs. shall travel on any street other than:
Main Street, also known as State Highway 1729;
Interstate I-27 or either of its access roads; such access roads are known as Auburn and Aspen Streets;
Monroe, also known as Loop 461; except as provided in section 12.02.034.
(Ordinance 176, sec. 1-2, adopted 3/24/08)
Commercial vehicles having a gross motor vehicle weight in excess of 10,000 lbs. may travel on prohibited streets:
When necessary to reach a terminal or to load or offload materials located at a destination point on such street or when no other permitted route is available to reach a terminal or destination point;
When doing so, the operator of the vehicle follows the shortest practical route consistent with the reasonable operation of the vehicle;
The operator of the vehicle keeps in the operator’s possession a log book, delivery slips, or other evidence of the operator’s destination and point of origin; and
When the commercial vehicle’s point of origin is located adjacent to one of the prohibited streets.
(Ordinance 176, sec. 1-3, adopted 3/24/08)
When traveling over the prohibited streets, the operator of the commercial vehicle affected by this division shall permit a peace officer, upon request, to inspect the log book, delivery slips or other evidence of the operator’s destination and point of origin.
(Ordinance 176, sec. 1-4, adopted 3/24/08)
The director of public works shall post appropriate signage indicating the permitted commercial vehicle routes established herein.
(Ordinance 176, sec. 1-5, adopted 3/24/08)