A planning and zoning commission is hereby created in order to accomplish the following purposes at the direction of the city council:
To identify community needs and to advise the city council of the short-range effect of these needs on the total development of the city;
To recommend achievable community goals for long-range planning and development of the city;
To recommend achievable plans, programs and policies that will aid the entire community in achieving defined goals; and
To help the public understand the plans, programs and policies adopted by the city council so that concerned citizens can conduct private activities in harmony with these plans, programs and policies.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19; )
The planning and zoning commission shall be composed of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, who shall all be residents and qualified electors of the city. The city council will consider for appointment to the commission only those persons who have demonstrated their civic interest, general knowledge of the community, independent judgment, interest in planning and zoning and an availability to prepare for and attend meetings. It is the intent of the city council that members shall, by reason of diversity of their individual occupation, constitute a commission which is broadly representative of the community. Members shall serve at the will of the council and may be removed with or without cause.
The alternate members shall serve in the absence of one or more regular members. An alternate member has voting privileges only when sitting in for an absent member.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19; Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 1/11/2021)
The members of the commission shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through seven (7). Regular members shall be appointed to places numbered 1 through 7, and alternate members shall be appointed to places numbered 8 and 9. The terms of office of said members shall be two (2) years beginning on June 1st of the year of appointment. Commission members may be appointed to succeed themselves. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular commission meeting after their appointment.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19; Ordinance 2021-02 adopted 1/11/2021)
The commission shall hold an organizational meeting in June of each year and shall elect a chairman and vice-chairperson from among its members. The commission shall meet regularly and shall designate the time and place of its meetings. The commission shall adopt its own rules and procedures and shall keep a record of its proceedings consistent with the provisions of this article and the requirements of law.
Any member of the commission who misses three consecutive meetings without commission approval shall be deemed to have vacated his commission membership. The city council, upon receiving certification of three consecutive absences, shall fill the vacancy for the expired term.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19)
The planning and zoning commission is hereby charged with the duty and invested with the authority to:
Inspect property and premises at reasonable hours where required in the discharge of its responsibilities under the laws of the State of Texas and the city.
Formulate and recommend to the city council for its adoption a city plan for the orderly growth and development of the city and its environs, and from time to time recommend such changes in the plan as it finds will facilitate the movement of people and goods, and the health, recreation, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city.
Formulate a zoning plan as may be deemed best to carry out the goals of the city plan and hold public hearings and make recommendations to the city council relating to the creation, implementation and amendment of zoning regulations and districts as provided in chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Exercise all the powers of a commission as to approval or disapproval of plans, plats or replats and the vacation of plans, plats and replats as set out in chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Initiate, in the name of the city, for consideration at public hearings, all proposals: for the opening, vacating or closing of public rights-of-way, parks or other public places and for the change of zoning district boundaries on an area-wide basis. No fee shall be required for the filing on any such proposal in the name of the city.
Submit each October a progress report to the city council summarizing its activities, major accomplishments for the past year, and a proposed work program for the coming year. The report shall contain for the year attendance records of all members and the identity of commission officers.
If requested by the council, prepare and recommend to the city council a five year capital improvement plan.
At the direction of the city council, study, hold public hearings and submit reports on any topics pertaining to planning, zoning and development that the council deems appropriate.
Conduct an ongoing assessment program pertaining to the planning, zoning and development ordinances of the city, recommending to the city council all necessary changes and updates to said ordinances.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19)
A quorum for the conduct of business shall consist of four (4) members of the commission. The members of the commission shall regularly attend meetings, public hearings and work sessions of the commission and shall serve without compensation, except for reimbursement of authorized expenses attendant to the performance of their duties. The members shall comply with all statutory time limits and public notice requirements and all meetings of the commission shall be held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance 2004 adopted 4/5/04; Ordinance 2019-02 adopted 2/13/19)