The municipal court shall have jurisdiction over all matters, civil and criminal, given or permitted to municipal courts of the state and ordinances of the municipal courts by the city.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
Every act of omission in violation of any ordinance of the city, now in force or that may hereafter be passed, which is declared to be a misdemeanor by any ordinance now in force, or that may hereafter be passed, shall be held and defined to be a misdemeanor. Whenever anything is forbidden or declared not to be lawful, or is declared to be unlawful, or declared to be a duty, by the ordinances of the city, anyone doing the thing forbidden or declared not to be lawful, or declared to be unlawful, or failing to do the things prescribed as a duty, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, notwithstanding there be no words in such ordinance expressly declaring the same to be a misdemeanor.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
The court shall be presided over by the duly designated municipal court judge.
The complaint, seal, prosecution, service of process and commitment in the court shall comply with the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure or other applicable law.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
All powers, duties, and responsibilities of the municipal court shall be exercised by the judge of the municipal court, who will be appointed by the city council. The compensation of the judge will be set by the city council.
The judge of the municipal court shall establish such procedures, rules, and practices as he deems proper for the efficient handling of the court’s business. He shall report to the city council, through the city manager, at such times as the city manager may direct, concerning the business and operation of the court. Concerning the administration and operation of the municipal court, the judge shall be responsible to the city manager.
Neither the city council, any member of the city council, or the city manager shall attempt to influence any decision of the municipal court in any case pending before it.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
All fees, court costs, fines, bond forfeitures, and all other funds received by the municipal court shall be public funds, and shall be paid into the city treasury. The city manager or his designee and the judge of the municipal court shall establish procedures for the handling of and accounting for all such funds.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
Bail or bond in any case shall be set by the judge, or under his direction. Such bail or bond shall be a duly executed surety bond approved by the judge or under his direction. Any person arrested for an offense within the jurisdiction of the court may be admitted to bail upon executing a bond to the city with sufficient security, to be approved by the judge or under his direction, in double the amount of the acceptable cash escrow deposit set for such case, not to exceed double the amount of the highest penalty provided for such offense. Said bond conditioned that the defendant shall appear upon a day and at an hour to be set by the judge, or under his direction, to answer for the violation of which he is accused, and there to await his or her trial and shall appear from day to day and from time to time until the case is finally disposed of, which said bond shall be returned to the judge and filed in the office of the clerk.
Appeal bonds shall be executed in the manner and form as provided by statute for the Justice of Peace Courts.
The aforementioned bonds shall be forfeited in the manner prescribed by the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
Every person shall be entitled to a trial by jury, and shall be responsible for notifying the judge to place the case upon the jury docket at least three (3) days before the actual trial of the case begins. Upon failure of a person to notify the judge of the desire for a jury trial, a nonjury trial shall be conducted.
Members of the jury panel shall be qualified as required by state law for jurors in the Courts of the Justice of the peace.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
The judge of the municipal court, with the approval of the city manager, may appoint such clerks, administrative assistants, or other personnel as are necessary for the efficient operation of the court.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)
The records of the municipal court are declared to be records of the city and as such are public records, except as authorized by the laws of the state. The maintenance, storage and disposal of the municipal court’s records shall be in accordance with the laws of the state and the ordinances and policies of the city, its records may be maintained and stored either on paper or by computer to effect administrative efficiency.
(Ordinance 211-15 adopted 7/13/15)