The City of Cuero is divided into the nine zoning districts that are established by Table 1.101A, Zoning Districts Established.
Table 1.101A
Zoning Districts Established
District Classification
District Name
District Purpose
District Character
The purpose of the agriculture district is to provide for new and existing agricultural uses, agricultural support uses, and single-family detached homes on large lots.
Rural/ Natural
Residential (For the development of new neighborhoods)
Residential Estate
The purpose of the residential estate district is to provide for the development of residential neighborhoods with suburban character.
Residential, General
The purpose of the residential general district is to provide for residential neighborhoods with auto-urban character.
Residential (For protecting the character of existing neighborhoods or facilitating redevelopment)
Neighborhood Conservation
The purpose of the neighborhood conservation district is to preserve the integrity of existing neighborhoods while providing reasonable opportunities for improvement and expansion of existing homes without variances. See Table 1.101B, below, for more specificity.
Varies based on existing conditions, but generally Auto-Urban
Neighborhood Transition
The purpose of the neighborhood transition district is to protect the functional character of existing neighborhoods while facilitating the transition of the neighborhood through the combination of lots and construction of different types of housing types than in the NC district. See Table 1.101B, below, for more specificity.
Nonresidential (including mixed-use and public uses)
Commercial, General
The purpose of the commercial general district is to provide for general commercial uses. It is the primary retail and service district and is generally auto-urban in character. This district also allows the development of new multi-family development.
Central Business District
The purpose of the central business district is to provide for commercial and mixed-use development within the City’s central business district, i.e., “Downtown.” Development within the central business district is urban in character, i.e., “buildings are built to the street and parking is generally provided on-street or in public or private parking lots or parking structures.”
Industrial, General
The purpose of the industrial general district is to provide for a range of industrial uses, regulated by performance standards to mitigate their impacts on the community.
Public and Recreation
The purpose of the public and recreation district is to provide for public-owned and operated uses (e.g., governmental and school buildings and facilities, utility stations, libraries, cemeteries, active and passive recreation parks, public safety complexes, post offices, etc.). These uses are oftentimes unique in nature and scale and thus, not appropriately placed within any other district. Some of these uses may be appropriate in other zoning districts subject to applicable performance standards.
Neighborhood Conservation (NC) and Transition (NT) Subdistricts Established. The Neighborhood Conservation (NC) district is divided into six subdistricts that are established by Table 1.101B, Neighborhood Conservation (NC) and Transition (NT) Subdistricts Established. Any reference in this UDC to the “NC or NT district” also includes reference to each NC and NT subdistrict.
Table 1.101B
Neighborhood Conservation (NC) and Transition (NT) Subdistricts Established
Subdistrict Name
General Characteristics
Neighborhood Conservation Subdistricts
The NC-R1 subdistrict primarily consists of single-family detached houses on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with 40-foot lot widths and alleys using the R-1 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC.
The primary purpose of the neighborhood conservation subdistricts are to preserve the existing character of the established neighborhoods that were developed under regulations that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC, while allowing for the infill of vacant lots, expansion of existing buildings, or redevelopment resulting in the same general character of development.
The NC-R2 subdistrict primarily consists of two-family single-family attached houses (i.e., duplexes) on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with alleys using the R-2 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC.
The NC-R3 subdistrict primarily consists of multi-family houses (i.e., apartments) on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with alleys using the R-3 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC.
The NC-R4 subdistrict primarily consists of single-family detached houses on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with alleys and with lot widths and lot size that is larger than those found in the NC-R1 subdistricts using the R-1 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC.
The NC-R5 subdistrict primarily consists of manufactured housing that was developed using the MH district or manufactured home park provisions that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC.
Neighborhood Transition Subdistricts
The NT-R5 subdistrict primarily consists of single-family detached houses on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with 40-foot lot widths and alleys using the R-1 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC. As these areas redeveloped over time, the characteristics of this area should transition from an area of predominantly single-family housing to that of single-family attached housing.
The primary purpose of the neighborhood conservation subdistricts are to use lot aggregation, replatting, and alternate forms of housing types (e.g., cottages, duplexes, triplexes, and townhouses) to incentivize new development, redevelopment, and substantial improvement of existing neighborhoods that are in need of reinvestment.
The NT-R6 subdistrict primarily consists of single-family detached houses on lots that were developed on a gridded street pattern with 30-foot lot widths and alleys using the R-1 zoning district that pre-dated the effective date of this UDC (although they were nonconforming lots). As these areas redeveloped over time, the characteristics of this area should transition from an area of predominantly single-family housing to that of single-family attached housing.
Zoning of Annexed Land.
The City may process an application for an initial City zoning designation, or may designate a newly annexed property’s zoning district upon its own initiative, in conjunction with annexation proceedings and the procedures set out in Article 14, Permits and Procedures. Land that is not zoned otherwise by the City Council during the annexation process is zoned Agriculture (AG) upon annexation until affirmatively rezoned to another district. Simultaneous processing of the annexation and the zoning change is permitted.
Comprehensive Plan Consistency.
The zoning districts created by this UDC are intended to implement the Cuero Comprehensive Plan, which may be amended from time to time. When a lot or parcel is zoned in a manner that is consistent with the Cuero Comprehensive Plan, then the City Council may find that approvals granted pursuant to the standards of this UDC are consistent with the intent of this adopted plan.
(Ordinance 2015-30 adopted 10/30/15)
Zoning districts are shown on the map entitled “official zoning map” of the City of Cuero, which is attached hereto and made part of this UDC. At least two copies of the official zoning map are on file and available for inspection during regular business hours at the Department.
Force and Effect.
The official zoning map, together with all legends, references, symbols, boundaries, and other information, shall be adopted as a part of, and concurrent with this UDC.
Effective Date.
The effective date of a rezoning ordinance shall be the date specified in the ordinance itself, and not the date of revision of the official zoning map.
Status of the Zoning Map.
The official zoning map that is on file at the Department shall control in the event of a conflict between the map that is on file and any other reproduction of the official zoning map.
The City Council may from time to time adopt a new “official zoning map,” which shall supersede the prior zoning map, in the event that the zoning map becomes damaged or destroyed, for purposes of clarity due to a number of boundary changes, or to correct drafting errors or omissions. However, such adoption shall not have the effect of amending this UDC or any subsequent amendment thereof.
Interpreting the Zoning Map.
Where the official zoning map appears to be unclear regarding the location of district boundaries, the Building Official shall make a determination using the following criteria:
Rights-of-Way or Easements.
Where boundary lines appear to follow existing streets, alleys, railroad tracks, utility lines, or similar features, the zoning boundary shall be construed to follow the centerline of the rights-of-way or easement. Where the location of these features on the ground differs from that shown on the official zoning map, the features on the ground control.
Corporate Limits.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following corporate limits, such corporate limits shall be considered the district boundaries.
Section Lines.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following section lines, quarter section lines, or quarter-quarter section lines, such lines shall be considered the district boundaries.
Property Lines.
Where the boundaries are indicated as approximately following property or other lot lines, such lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
Waterbodies and Watercourses.
Boundaries shown as following, or approximately following, the centerline of drainageways, streams, waterbodies, or other watercourses, shall be construed as following the channel centerline. In the event of a natural change in the location of such streams or other watercourses, the zoning district boundary shall be construed as moving with the channel centerline.
Unsubdivided Land or No Identifiable Feature.
On unsubdivided land, or where a district boundary follows no identifiable feature, the location of the boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by applying, in order, the following rules:
Legal Description.
The boundary shall be according to the legal description in the ordinance establishing the district boundaries.
Text Dimensions.
The boundary shall be located by reference to dimensions shown in the text on the official zoning map, if any.
Map Scale.
The boundary shall be located using the map scale appearing on the official zoning map.
Conflicts Resolved.
In the event of a conflict between the district boundaries on the official zoning map and the zoning of property provided by a duly enacted rezoning ordinance adopted before the effective date of this UDC, the official zoning map shall control.
(Ordinance 2015-30 adopted 10/30/15)