Owners of impounded dogs, cats, or other animals shall be required to pay an impound fee per animal and per day for each animal for services prior to the animal's release from impound. Animal must have proof of current rabies vaccination.
Fee schedule for impound and per animal per day boarding:
Impound fee; spayed or neutered animal:
1st incident $35.00; 2nd incident $45.00; 3rd incident $55.00; all others $65.00.
Impound fee; non-spayed or neutered animal:
1st incident $55.00; 2nd incident $65.00; 3rd incident $75.00; all others $85.00.
Impound fee; after hours: between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
1st incident $100.00; 2nd incident $125.00; 3rd incident $150.00; all others $200.00.
Boarding fee:
$10.00 per day per animal.
City tag:
$5.00 annually per calendar year.
Surrender fee:
Adult pet (over 6 months) $50.00; per puppy or kitten $20.00.
If an animal is not spayed or neutered upon surrender, an additional $27.50 will be charged.
An adoption fee of $27.50 plus $5.00 for the city tag shall be charged for the adoption of any animal. In addition, an adopted animal must have all current shots.
An owner's failure to pay such fees or has not coordinated to add to water bill, constitutes abandonment and shall be deemed a violation of this article. In addition, any such animal not claimed by its owner shall be disposed of as provided in this article.
(Ordinance 491 adopted 3/26/20; Ordinance 517 adopted 12/21/2023)
The mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement or contract for a period not exceeding two years, renewable after expiration, with any approved and recognized animal shelter or organization, such as the Animal Defense League or Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc., to receive and find acceptable new owners and homes for stray or unowned animals impounded by the city in lieu of euthanization at a fee schedule to be approved by the city council and reset from time to time by the council as circumstances require.
(Ordinance 374, sec. 3.85, adopted 5/27/08)
The position of animal control officer is hereby created and shall be an additional duty conferred upon the city administrator, who will be the officer designated for the sole purpose of this chapter and who will enforce and carry out the provisions of this chapter in conjunction with the sheriff's department.
(Ordinance 374, sec. 3.86, adopted 5/27/08; Ordinance 522 adopted 7/11/2024)
Any person aggrieved by an action of the city animal control officer in interpretation or enforcement of this chapter or in amending, limiting, defining, suspending, or revoking any approval required by this chapter may request a hearing before an appeal board comprised of the mayor, alderman, and city secretary. A hearing must be requested in writing and filed with the city secretary within ten days of the protested decision or action, by the aggrieved party. If no such request is received, the decision or action of the animal control officer becomes final. Any decision should include the written opinion of the city veterinarian, when applicable.
Based on the recorded evidence of such hearing, the appeal board shall make a final finding, and by simple majority shall sustain, modify, or rescind any notice or order considered in the hearing. A written report of the hearing decision shall be furnished to the person who requested the hearing.
(Ordinance 374, sec. 3.87, adopted 5/27/08)
In lieu of or in addition to impounding animals as provided for in this chapter whose owners can be identified, a citation to such animal owner for violation of provisions of this chapter may be issued at the discretion of the citing officer.
For any such offense, if unaggravated, the owner of the animal, upon receiving a citation, may either pay a standard fine of $50.00 plus costs for each offense, or appear in municipal court on the proper date to answer said citation for such offense.
(Ordinance 374, sec. 3.88, adopted 5/27/08)
Acts or omissions denounced herein as unlawful and/or denounced as a violation of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, plus costs, upon conviction in the municipal court.
(Ordinance 374, sec. 3.89, adopted 5/27/08)
It shall be unlawful to interfere with the animal control officer or his designee thereof, in order to hinder him in the performance of his official duty.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.23)
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer or his designee to keep or cause to be kept accurate and detailed records of:
Impounding and disposition.
Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into his custody. Such records shall be kept for a period of at least three years and shall give the description of all animals impounded, date of impounding, date of sale or other disposition, the amount of money received from the sale, and the name and address of the purchaser.
Bite cases.
All known animal bite cases shall be recorded by the city.
Monies received.
Records regarding monies received under the provisions of this chapter shall be open to inspection at reasonable times by persons responsible for similar records of the city, and shall be audited by the city auditor annually in the same manner as other city records are audited.
(2002 Code, sec. 3.24)