All master electricians, journeyman electricians and maintenance electricians shall pay the license fee stated in the fee schedule in appendix A for each calendar year in order to be entitled to perform electrical work within the city. In addition, each business operating under the provisions of this Code for the purpose of performing electrical installations in the city shall register as an electrical contractor and pay the license fee stated in the fee schedule in appendix A each calendar year. Any license issued on or after December 1 shall not expire until December 31 of the following calendar year.
License required.
No person shall perform electrical work within the city as defined under the National Electrical Code without having first received the appropriate electrical license from the city and paid the appropriate fee in appendix A.
The following are exceptions to the licensing provisions of this section:
A person employed by the electrical service provider performing work on the public portion of the electrical system.
A person employed in the appliance sales or service business involved in the installation or repair of general purpose household appliances, provided that no alteration, modification or extension is made to the electrical system.
A homeowner performing work on his own residence.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(C)]
Master electrician.
A master electrician shall only register his license with one electric company within the city. To receive a master electrician license, an applicant must complete the written examination administered by the city's officially designated examining agency with a minimum grade of not less than 75 percent and in addition must meet one of the following criteria:
Possess at least one year of experience as a journeyman electrician in the construction industry;
Be a graduate of a recognized Bureau of Apprenticeship Training, U.S. Department of Labor electrical trade school with a four-year curriculum and have at least two years experience as an electrician; or
Be a graduate after majoring in electrical engineering from an accredited college or university which has not less than a four-year curriculum and have at least one year of practical experience.
Journeyman electrician.
To be qualified to take an examination for and obtain a journeyman electrician license, an applicant must complete the written examination administered by the city's officially designated examining agency with a minimum grade of not less than 75 percent and in addition must meet one of the following criteria:
Possess at least four years experience in the electrical construction industry; or
Be a graduate of a recognized Bureau of Apprenticeship Training, U.S. Department of Labor electrical trade school with a four-year curriculum.
Maintenance electrician.
To be qualified to take an examination for and obtain a maintenance electrician license, an applicant must meet one of the following criteria:
Have four years experience in maintaining and repairing electrical apparatus in the electrical maintenance industry; or
Exception: A training license may be issued by the building official with proof of two years of experience.
Possess a certificate from an approved two-year service maintenance training school in lieu of the required two years of experience. Written documentary information as to proof of experience and education shall be required.
Exception: With approval of the board of appeals, a maintenance electrician training license may be issued to training school graduates for the additional two years of experience required. This training license will allow a person who is employed by another maintenance electrician with a valid license to do maintenance in the field of his training. The licensed maintenance electrician shall be responsible for the trainees' work.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(F)]
The building official is hereby authorized to initiate procedures to establish reciprocal agreements with other cities or agencies whose procedures for issuing certificates of examination have been determined to be comparable to the minimum licensing requirements of the city.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(G)]
A person wishing to obtain a master or journeyman electrical license shall file a written application with the city's officially designated examining agency. Such application shall be completed and filed in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the examining agency.
Examination fees, dates, times and places of the examinations, procedures for administering the examinations, grading of the examinations, examination security, examination results, repeat examinations and appeal of examination scores shall be the sole responsibility of the agency administering the examination.
The building official shall determine the city's officially designated examining agency. The building official may also approve examinations conducted by an agency other than the city's officially designated examining agency. It shall be the building official's responsibility to review the qualifications and testing standards of any examining agency approved by the building official. The building official shall not approve an examining agency which does not maintain examination standards at least equal to those required by this Code.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(H)]
Only the following licensees shall be permitted to do the electrical work specified in subsections (1) through (5) of this section:
Master electrician.
A master electrician may contract for and engage in the business of installing, repairing or replacing electrical wiring or equipment of any nature on or in buildings or structures, including signs. The master electrician may employ and supervise journeyman electricians, helpers and apprentice electricians.
Journeyman electrician.
A journeyman electrician shall be permitted to perform any type of electrical work under the supervision of a master electrician but in no case shall a journeyman electrician contract for or engage in the business of electrical work of any nature, except under the supervision of a master electrician. A journeyman electrician shall be permitted to lay out work for and supervise helper or apprentice electricians.
Maintenance electrician.
A maintenance electrician shall be permitted keep in safe repair any and all electrical installations, apparatus, equipment and appliances within a building or in or on the premises where the maintenance electrician is regularly employed on a permanent basis for which an electrical permit is not required under the terms and provisions of this section.
Helper or apprentice electrician.
A helper or apprentice electrician may perform electrical work only when the work is laid out and supervised by a master or journeyman electrician.
Supervising master or journeyman electrician.
The supervising master or journeyman electrician shall be on the job site at all times while electrical work is being performed. The ratio of helper or apprentice electricians shall not exceed three helpers or apprentices to one supervising master or journeyman electrician.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(I)]
If, after a permit is issued to a licensee under the provisions of this division, such licensee abandons the job, becomes incapacitated or his services are terminated prior to final inspection and approval by the building official, the permit holder or the person engaging the services of the licensee shall immediately notify the building official. Upon such notification, the building official shall immediately have an inspection made of the work completed to that time, and he may revoke the outstanding permit and require that a new permit be obtained before the work is allowed to resume.
A license or permit may be suspended, repealed or revoked by the building official by reason of the occurrence of one or more of the following:
Fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining a license or permit;
Conviction of a licensee of defrauding a person for whom he has rendered or contracted to render service; or
Failure to obtain a permit for electrical work requiring a permit.
Upon suspension or revocation of a license, the license shall be null and void and no work thereafter may be performed thereunder.
The licensee has the right to appeal a license suspension or revocation decision made by the building official to the board of appeals. Upon appeal to the board of appeals, such board may affirm, reverse or modify such suspension or revocation.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(J)]
The members of the city council are hereby appointed as the board of appeals as provided by the uniform administrative code provisions for the National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition, and any changes in membership of the city council shall likewise be reflected in the membership of the board of appeals.
[Code 1984, ch. 3, § 4(K)]