The names of all those who have filed their sworn applications to have their names printed on the official ballot as candidates shall be posted by the city secretary in a conspicuous place at his office for the inspection of the public for at least ten days before the city secretary orders the ballots to be printed. All objections to the regularity or validity of the application of any persons shall be made within five days after such posting, by written notice filed with the city secretary, setting forth the grounds of objections. In case no such objection is filed within the time prescribed, the regularity or validity of the application of no person whose name is so posted shall be thereafter contested. The city secretary shall preserve in his office for a period of two years all applications, notice of objections and other related papers.
[Code 1984, ch. 1, § 4(B)]
All municipal elections shall be conducted by one election judge and one alternate judge who are to be appointed by the city council. The election judges and clerks shall be compensated for their services at the rate of $6.00 per hour. The judge who delivers the election returns may be paid an amount not to exceed $25.00 for this service.
[Code 1984, ch. 1, § 4(E)]