No tent or air-supported structure shall be erected, maintained or used in connection with any business, commercial or charitable activity within the city or for purposes of assembly, unless the person desiring to erect or maintain such tent or air-supported structure shall first have obtained a permit from the building official therefor. No tent permit shall ever be issued for a use not otherwise permitted under the zoning classification applicable to the property upon which the tent or air-supported structure is to be erected.
[Ord. No. 818-97, § I, 5-13-1997]
Prior to the commencement of any work in connection with the erecting of a tent or air-supported structure, the person desiring to erect and maintain a tent or air-supported structure shall obtain a permit therefor from the building official. All such applicants shall meet the following requirements:
Complete the permit application form and provide the information required thereon.
Submit a site plan or drawing showing the proposed location of the tent in relation to the boundaries and any other structures located on the property and the proposed dimensions of the tent.
Submit a drawing indicating the use of such tent and the arrangement of stock or merchandise or seating arrangements, within the tent and the relationship thereof to required aisles and exits. Minimum aisle width is four feet.
A minimum of 72 hours will be required for review of a permit application for a tent or air-supported structure permit. It is the responsibility of the applicant to supply all required information to the building official in time to allow for such review prior to issuance of the permit.
If any tent or air-supported structure is erected prior to obtaining a permit therefor, the permit fee shall be doubled and the person erecting such tent or air-supported structure in violation of this article shall be subject to prosecution for violation of this article.
[Ord. No. 818-97, § I, 5-13-1997]
A fee as provided in appendix A shall be collected before issuance of each permit for each tent or air-supported structure within the city. Such permits shall be valid for the time stated thereon by the building official, not to exceed 30 days maximum. Such permits shall be renewable one time only upon application and payment of an additional fee as provided in appendix A and upon approval of both the fire chief and the building official. If any tent or air-supported structure is erected prior to a permit being obtained for such structure, the permit fees as provided in appendix A shall be doubled.
[Ord. No. 818-97, § I, 5-13-1997]
Any person violating the provisions of this article or erecting or maintaining a tent or air-supported structure without first having obtained a permit therefor as required in section 14-221, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a penalty as provided in section 1-14 for such violation, as the provisions of this article concern fire safety within the city. Each and every day, or fraction thereof, during which a tent or air-supported structure is erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate and distinct offense under this article.
[Ord. No. 818-97, § I, 5-13-1997]
No automobile parking shall be allowed within 30 feet of the nearest edge of the tent or air-supported structure.
Automotive or other internal combustion engine equipment used in connection with the tent or air-supported structure shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the nearest edge of the tent or air-supported structure.
Tents or air-supported structures shall be separated from each other by a minimum of 30 feet.
All tents, air-supported structures and their appurtenances shall be adequately roped, braced and anchored to withstand the rigors of Texas weather.
The applicant shall furnish to the fire chief's office the following information from the manufacturer or lessor of the tent:
Date fabric was last treated with flame retardant solution;
Trade name or generic name of chemical used in flame retardant treatment;
The name of the person or firm treating the fabric; and
The name and address of the owner or lessor of the tent.
Every tent or air-supported structure shall be equipped with a minimum of a five-pound ACB fire extinguisher. The fire chief may require additional fire protection equipment when, in his opinion such additional equipment is necessary or advisable.
If required by the fire chief, standby personnel shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the fire code in effect at that time within the city.
The occupancy load and seating arrangements within a tent or air-supported structure shall meet the requirements set forth in the current version of the fire code.
No smoking signs shall be posted conspicuously at all entrances to the tent or air-supported structure and also throughout the interior of the structure. Receptacles shall be provided at the entrances to collect discarded butts or refuse (metal sand buckets are acceptable).
The fire chief will enforce all provisions of the fire code then in effect within the city concerning tents or air-supported structures.
[Ord. No. 818-97, § I, 5-13-1997]