The following are provided for guidelines for construction, interpretation and enforcement of this section:
It is the purpose and intent of this section to establish reasonable and uniform regulations relative to conduct on the premises of a sexually oriented business so as to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city and visitors thereto.
This section intends a balance of the right of the citizens of the city to maintain a decent moral society and, on the other hand, the right of individuals to express themselves freely while in accordance with the Constitution of the United States and United States Supreme Court rulings pursuant thereto.
This section is also intended to deter conduct and activities which, directly or indirectly, causes or would cause adverse effects on the stability of the immediate neighborhood and community surrounding the sexually oriented business.
This section has neither the purpose nor effect of imposing a limitation or restriction on the content of any communicative materials, including sexually oriented materials.
Similarly, it is not the purpose or intent of this section to restrict or deny lawful access by adults to sexually oriented materials nor to deny access by the distributors and exhibitors of sexually oriented materials to their intended market.
Similarly, it is not the practice or intent of this section to impose judgment on the content or merits of any constitutionally protected form of speech or expression.
Operators of sexually oriented businesses or activities are also hereby generally charged with complying with a policy of "keep it indoors and under control". All operators bear first line answerability, directly or indirectly, for all users of the premises and activities conducted thereon.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(a), 6-26-2001]
City enforcement personnel may issue citations for the following offenses which occur on the premises of a sexually oriented business at any time the establishment is occupied or open for business:
An operator, manager, employee, entertainment personnel or other person, including customers, commits an offense if he/she refuses to permit or interferes with lawful inspection or enforcement activities of city enforcement personnel on any portion of the premises or of any aspect of the activities being conducted therein.
An operator, manager, employee, or entertainment personnel commits an offense if he/she refuses to furnish information or documentation requested by city enforcement personnel pertaining to inspection or law enforcement activities on the premises or of the activities being conducted therein.
An operator, manager, employee, or entertainment personnel commits an offense if he/she knowingly maintains any portion of the premises in a manner so as to not permit or to unreasonably interfere with inspections or enforcement activities by city enforcement personnel.
An operator, manager, employee or entertainment personnel commits an offense if he/she knowingly permits or allows any customer access to any area of the premises which has been designated as an area not open to customers as per the floor plan approved by the police department pursuant to this section.
An operator commits an offense if he/she fails to maintain a person on the premises while occupied or open for business with the authority and responsibilities as "manager" over all of the business operation, its activities, employees and entertainment personnel. The "operator" and "manager" may be the same person.
An operator commits an offense if he/she knowingly employs or engages the service of any person under 18 years of age as an employee or entertainment personnel for the sexually oriented business.
A person under 18 years of age commits an offense if he/she enters or remains within the premises of a sexually oriented business while the establishment is open for business.
An operator, manager, employee or entertainment personnel commits an offense if he/she knowingly allows a person under 18 years of age to enter or remain within the premises of a sexually oriented business while the establishment is open for business.
A person commits an offense if he/she appears in a "state of nudity" or engages in "specified sexual activities" on any portion of the premises outside the building which is capable of being viewed from a public street or right-of-way.
An operator commits an offense if he/she operates or allows the operation of an internal video surveillance system of persons or activity on the premises without prior written approval from the police department. Internal video surveillance systems may be used only to monitor the premises or activity for legitimate security or safety purposes upon prior inspection and receipt of written approval from the police department, which will not be unreasonably withheld. This subsection shall not apply to video projection systems.
The operator commits an offense by failing to maintain on the premises at all times a current copy of all city ordinances regarding or regulating sexually oriented business activity. The operator shall maintain current copies of current ordinances so as to keep all managers, employees and entertainment personnel duly advised of the applicable city ordinances regarding the sexually oriented business, and its permitted as well as prohibited activities, so as to minimize prospective violations and offenses on the premises.
An operator commits an offense if he/she operates a sexually oriented business without maintaining a current registration card or file on the premises clearly identifying all managers, employees and/or entertainment personnel currently on the premises or employed by the business. The information contained on the registration card shall include at least:
Full legal name;
All aliases or "stage names";
Date of birth;
Color of hair and eyes;
Current residence address and phone number;
Texas driver's license number (or Texas identification number);
Social Security number; and
Color photograph of full face view.
For the purpose of subsection 18-332(11), an employee or entertainment personnel commits an offense by:
Providing false or deceptive information to the operator; or
By failing to timely update and provide to the operator within 14 days any changes in the required information.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(b), 6-26-2001]
In addition to those offenses set forth in section 18-332, citations may be issued for the following:
An operator commits an offense if he/she employs for or on behalf of an escort agency any person under 18 years of age for the purposes of acting as an escort or providing escort services for a customer.
An operator, manager or employee commits an offense if he/she acts as an escort for any person under 18 years of age.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(c), 6-26-2001]
In addition to those offenses set forth in section 18-332, citations may be issued for the following:
An operator commits an offense if he/she employs for or on behalf of an outcall business any person under 18 years of age for the purposes of acting as an outcall person or providing outcall services for a customer.
An operator, manager or employee commits an offense if he/she acts as an outcall person for any customer under 18 years of age.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(d), 6-26-2001]
In addition to those offenses set forth in subsection 18-332(6), citations may be issued for the following:
An operator commits an offense if he/she employs at a nude modeling business any person under 18 years of age for the purpose of acting as a live nude model for customers.
A person under 18 years of age commits an offense if he/she appears for customers while in a "state of nudity" or "simulated nudity" on the premises of a nude modeling business.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(e), 6-26-2001]
In addition to those offenses set forth in section 18-332, citations may be issued for the following:
An operator commits an offense if he/she employs a person under the age of 18 years to appear in a "state of nudity" or "simulated nudity" for customers on the premises of an adult theater or adult motion picture theater.
A person under the age of 18 years commits an offense if he/she appears in "a state of nudity" or "simulated nudity" for customers on the premises of an adult theater or an adult motion picture theater.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(f), 6-26-2001]
In addition to those offenses set forth in section 18-332, an operator, manager or the person otherwise in control of a sleeping room in a hotel, motel, or similar commercial establishment, commits an offense if he/she rents or subrents a sleeping room to a person and, within ten hours from the time the room is first rented, he/she rents or subrents the same sleeping room again.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(g), 6-26-2001]
City enforcement personnel may issue citations for violations of this section.
When a citation is issued, the person to whom the citation is issued shall within ten days make appropriate arrangements in the city's municipal courts to either plead guilty, plead no contest or request a docket setting.
Any person who commits an offense under this section, as amended, shall be charged by written citation with a class "C" misdemeanor criminal offense, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500.00 for each offense.
In the event that an act or omission as set forth in this section as an "offense" also constitutes a criminal offense chargeable as a class "A" or class "B" misdemeanor, or as any type of felony offense as provided by the laws of the State of Texas, then city police department officers may also take appropriate action for the enforcement of said violations.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(h), 6-26-2001]
The following terms shall, for the purposes of this section, have the meanings set forth below. The following terms are not necessarily mutually exclusive as one sexually oriented business operation may provide more than one form of activity, entertainment or merchandise.
Adult arcade
means any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin-operated or slug-operated or electronically, electrically, or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters exhibiting, depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as defined herein.
Adult bookstore and adult video store
shall mean a commercial establishment which regularly offers for sale or rental any one or more of the following:
Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, photographs, films, motion pictures, video cassettes or video reproductions, slides, digital video discs, laser discs, computer software or other digital media, or other visual representations which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters exhibiting, depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas"; or
Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with "specified sexual activities." This does not include items used for conception control or for protection from sexually transmitted diseases.
Adult entertainment cabaret
means a nightclub, bar, lounge, or similar commercial establishment which provides or features to customers live performances by employees or entertainment personnel which are distinguished or characterized by any one or more of the following:
An emphasis on the exposure of "specified anatomical areas", or
An emphasis on "specified sexual activities"; or
An emphasis on "nudity", "state of nudity" or "simulated nudity"; or
A combination of any of the above.
Adult motel
means a hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment which rents or otherwise permits a room to be occupied in exchange for any form of consideration, and also:
Offers accommodations to the tenant or occupier of the room for any television transmissions, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters exhibiting, depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" and/or "specified anatomical areas"; and has a sign visible from the public right-of-way or otherwise advertises the availability of this type of adult accommodations to the public; or
Offers a sleeping room(s) for rent for a period of time that is less than ten hours; or
Allows a tenant or occupant of a sleeping room to subrent the room for a period of time that is less than ten hours.
Evidence that a sleeping room in a hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment has been rented and vacated two or more times in less than a ten-hour period creates a rebuttable presumption that the establishment is operated as an adult motel.
Adult motion picture theater
means a commercial establishment which regularly features non-live performances or entertainment such as films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters exhibiting, depicting or describing "specified sexual activities" and/or "specified anatomical areas".
Adult theater
means a theater, concert hall, auditorium, or similar commercial establishment which regularly features persons who appear in a state of nudity, or features live performances which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the exposure of "specified anatomical areas" or by an emphasis on "specified sexual activities".
Chief of police
means the chief of the Richland Hills Police Department or the chief's designee.
City enforcement personnel
means an authorized representative of any of the following departments or divisions:
Department of development.
Code enforcement division.
Health department.
Fire department.
Police department.
Marshal's office.
means any person who:
Enters the premises of and patronizes a sexually oriented business, whether or not in return for the payment of an admission fee or any other form of consideration, gratuity or as a guest of a member; or
Purchases, rents, receives or otherwise partakes of any sexually oriented merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services while on the premises.
means any person working on the premises of a sexually oriented business who receives any form of compensation, including tips or gratuities, from the operator, manager, customers, other employees or entertainment personnel and in exchange therefor:
Renders any work, service, performance, or exhibition whatsoever, directly or indirectly, to or for a customer; or
Renders any other support service whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of the furtherance of the business operations; and
Shall include but is not necessarily limited to bartenders, bouncers, cashiers, dancers, disc jockeys, doormen, escorts, hosts, hostesses, models, masseurs, outcall persons, strippers, waiters, waitresses, or other persons working on or about the premises.
Entertainment personnel
means any person, including persons traditionally regarded as "independent contractors", who receives any form of compensation, including tips or gratuities, from the operator, customers, employees or other entertainment personnel and in exchange therefor:
Renders any live entertainment, service, performance or exhibition whatsoever, directly or indirectly, to or for a customer for the furtherance of the business operation; and
Shall include but is not necessarily limited to bartenders, cashiers, dancers, disc jockeys, escorts, hosts, hostesses, models, outcall persons, strippers, waiters, waitresses, or other persons working in the furtherance of the business operation.
Escort agency
means a commercial venture that provides employees or entertainment personnel who, in exchange for a fee, commission, tip or other consideration "dates" a customer, but shall not include persons engaged in legitimate, nonsexually oriented activities or services such as licensed private nurses, licensed physical therapists, registered massage therapists, aides for the elderly or handicapped, social secretaries, or similar persons whose business or service relationship with their patron is not characterized by sexually oriented activities.
means any method by which a person utilizes his or her hands, feet or an instrument for treating superficial parts of a customer's body for medical, hygienic, exercise, entertainment, relaxation, or stimulation purposes by rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, pounding or vibrating.
Nude modeling business
means any establishment where an employee or entertainment personnel performs a massage or "specified sexual activities" while appearing in a "state of nudity," "simulated nudity," or while displaying "specified anatomical areas," and is also allowed to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted to customers.
Nude modeling studio
means any establishment where an employee or entertainment personnel appears in a "state of nudity," "simulated nudity," or displays "specified anatomical areas," and is also provided or allowed to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted to customers.
Nudity or a state of nudity
means appearing while any of the following portions of the human body are less than completely and opaquely covered:
Genitals, whether or not in a state of sexual arousal; or
Pubic region or pubic hair; or
Buttock(s); or
The portions of the female breast(s) beginning from a point immediately above the top of the areola and continuing downward to the lowest portion of the breast(s); or
Any combination of the above.
Operated or caused to be operated
means to cause to function or to put or keep in operation.
The person(s) in whose name a valid sexually oriented business license has been issued for a sexually oriented business pursuant to this section;
The person(s) in whose name a sexually oriented business license would be required in order to lawfully operate a sexually oriented business pursuant to this section; or
The person(s) who operates or causes to be operated any form of sexually oriented business which is subject to regulation by this section.
Outcall business
means a commercial venture that provides employees or entertainment personnel who, in exchange for a fee, commission, tip or other consideration, goes to the location requested by the customer and while there:
Privately models lingerie or other intimate wearing apparel; or
Privately performs a strip tease; or
Privately performs a nude modeling session; or
Bathes or massages the customer;
But shall not include persons otherwise engaged in legitimate, nonsexually oriented activities or services such as licensed private nurses, licensed physical therapists, registered massage therapists, aides for the elderly or handicapped, social secretaries, or similar persons whose business or service relationship with their patron is not characterized by sexually oriented business activities.
means any individual, proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity.
Principal business operation
for the purpose of determining whether a business is subject to this section shall mean and include any non-live sexually oriented retail sale or rental business activity which amounts to 35 percent or more of the total business operation at a particular location. The 35-percent criteria may be determined by percentages of floor space utilized, inventory of items for sale or rental, display areas, presentation time of entertainment or performances, or gross revenue of the business as measured over any continuous 90-day period. However, the 35-percent criteria shall not apply to any sexually oriented businesses, featuring or offering any form of live performances, entertainment, modeling or other live activity as all such live activity is subject to this section.
means offering, featuring, promoting or advertising a happening, occurrence or activity on a recurring basis or at a fixed intervals, or as a customary and regular aspect of the business.
Rent or subrent
means the act of permitting a room or other portion of the premises to be occupied in exchange for any form of consideration.
Sexually oriented business
shall mean and include any commercial venture whose operations include:
The providing, featuring or offering of employees or entertainment personnel who appear on the premises while in a state of nudity or simulated nudity and provide live performances or entertainment for customers; or
As a "principal business operation" as defined herein, (35 percent or more) provides, features or offers non-live, sexually explicit entertainment, materials, or items for sale or rental to customers; or provides or offers a service or exhibition of materials or items which are intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to its customers, said materials or items being distinguished by or characterized by an emphasis on subject matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" and/or "specified anatomical areas"; and
Shall include but is not limited to any form of sexually oriented business, adult arcade, adult bath, adult bookstore, adult video store, adult cabaret, adult entertainment cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, nude modeling business, massage parlor offering massage by nude employees, nude modeling studio, adult wrestling establishment, adult out-call establishment, escort agencies, sexually oriented encounter center, or other business establishment conducting sexually oriented activity as defined or regulated herein.
The term sexually oriented business shall not be construed to include:
An otherwise lawfully operating retail business which does not offer or feature sexually explicit merchandise or material for sale or rental to customers as a "principal business operation" (35 percent or less) and does not offer or feature any form of live sexually oriented entertainment;
Any clothing business offering wearing apparel for sale to customers but which does not exhibit merchandise on live models;
A bar, nightclub or lounge that occasionally promotes a swimsuit or similar contest in which the contestants do not appear "nude" or in "a state of nudity";
Any medical practice operated by or employing licensed psychologists, physicians, physical therapists, registered nurses, chiropractors, or athletic trainers engaged in practicing the healing arts; or
Any educational courses conducted at a proprietary school licensed by the State of Texas; or conducted by a private college or university which maintains and operates educational programs in which credits are transferable to a junior college, college or university licensed by the State of Texas, and where in order to participate in a class a student must enroll at least three days in advance of the class and where no more than one nude model appears before the class at any one time.
Sexually oriented encounter center
means a commercial enterprise that offers physical activities, contact, wrestling or tumbling between male and female persons, or between persons of the same sex, when one or more of the persons is in a "state of nudity" or "simulated nudity" and the activity is intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to its customers.
Sexually oriented entertainment
means any variety of live or non-live performances or exhibitions which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters exhibiting, depicting, or engaging in "specified sexual activities", or while exposing "specified anatomical areas," or which provides sexual gratification or sexual stimulation to customers.
Simulated nudity
means a state of dress in which any artificial device or covering is worn on a person and exposed to view so as to simulate an actual "state of nudity".
Specified anatomical areas
means the following portions of the human body:
Genitals, whether or not in a state of sexual arousal;
Pubic region or pubic hair;
The portions of the female breast(s) beginning from a point immediately above the top of the areola and continuing downward to the lowest portion of the breast(s); or
Any combination of the above.
Specified sexual activities
means and includes one of more of the following:
The fondling, massaging or other erotic touching or stimulation of "specified anatomical areas";
Normal or perverted sexual activity, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy;
Masturbation, actual or simulated; or
Excretory functions as part of or in conjunction with any of the activities above.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(i), 6-26-2001]
No person may operate or cause to operate a sexually oriented business without a valid license, issued by the city for that particular type of business. The applicant must be licensed according to the provisions of this section. The fact that a person possesses other types of state or city permits does not exempt the person from the requirement of obtaining a license for a sexually oriented business.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(j), 6-26-2001]
An application for a license must be made on a form provided by the chief of police. The application for a license must be accompanied by a sketch or diagram showing the configuration of the premises, including a statement of total floor space occupied by the business. The sketch or diagram need not be professionally prepared but must be drawn to a designated scale or drawn with marked dimensions of the interior of the premises to an accuracy of plus or minus six inches. The sketch must clearly delineate any area of the premises which is not open to customers. An application shall not be considered to have been filed until all information required by the application form has been submitted. If a person who wishes to operate a sexually oriented business is an individual, he must sign the application for a license as applicant. If a person who wishes to operate a sexually oriented business is other than an individual, each individual who has a 20 percent or greater interest in the business must sign the application for a license as applicant. Each applicant must be qualified under section 18-342 and each applicant shall be considered a licensee if a license is granted.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(k), 6-26-2001]
The chief of police shall approve the issuance of a license to an applicant within 30 days after receipt of an application unless the chief of police finds one or more of the following to be true:
The location of the adult entertainment establishment is or would be in violation of section 90-391 of the zoning ordinance.
The applicant failed to supply all of the information requested on the application.
The applicant gave false, fraudulent, or untruthful information on the application.
An applicant is under 18 years of age.
An applicant or an applicant's spouse is overdue in payment to the city of taxes, fees, fines, or penalties assessed against or imposed upon the applicant or the applicant's spouse in relation to a sexually oriented business.
An applicant or an applicant's spouse has been convicted of a violation of a provision of this section, other than the offense of operating a sexually oriented business without a license, within two years immediately preceding the application. The fact that a conviction is being appealed shall have no effect on the denial of a license.
The application or renewal fee required by this article has not been paid.
The applicant has not demonstrated that the owner of the sexually oriented business owns or holds a lease for the property or the applicable portion thereof upon which the sexually oriented business will be situated or has a legally enforceable right to acquire the same.
An applicant or the proposed establishment is in violation of or is not in compliance with any other provisions of this section.
An applicant is the subject of an order from a court of competent jurisdiction or an automatic statutory requirement to register as a sex offender for the remainder of the lifetime of the applicant.
An applicant or an applicant's spouse has been convicted of a crime:
Any of the following offenses as described in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. 43:
Promotion of prostitution;
Aggravated promotion of prostitution;
Compelling prostitution;
Sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor;
Sexual performance by a child;
Possession or promotion of child pornography; and/or
Employment harmful to children.
Any of the following offenses as described in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. 21:
Public lewdness;
Indecent exposure;
Indecency with a child.
Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault as described in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. 22;
Prohibited sexual conduct or harboring a runaway child as described in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. 25.
Criminal attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit any of the foregoing offenses.
Any other Penal Code offense which includes one of the above-listed offenses either as a component, an element or a lesser-included offense.
For which:
Less than two years have elapsed since the date of conviction, or the date of release from the terms of probation, parole, or deferred adjudication, or the date of release from confinement imposed for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the conviction is of a misdemeanor offense; or
Less than five years have elapsed since the date of conviction, or the date of release from the terms of probation, parole, or deferred adjudication, or the date of release from confinement imposed for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the conviction is of a felony offense; or
Less than five years have elapsed since the date of the last conviction or the date of release from confinement for the last conviction, whichever is the later date, if the convictions are of two or more misdemeanor offenses or combination of misdemeanor offenses occurring within any 24-month period.
The fact that a conviction of the applicant or applicant's spouse is being appealed shall have no effect on the disqualification. An applicant who has been convicted or whose spouse has been convicted of an offense listed in this section may qualify for a sexually oriented business license only when the time period required by this section has elapsed. The license, if granted, shall state on its face the name of the person or persons to whom it is granted, the expiration date, and the address of the sexually oriented business. The license shall be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the sexually oriented business so that it may be easily read, at any time.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(l), 6-26-2001]
An applicant or licensee shall permit representatives of the police department, health department, fire department, and building inspections division to inspect the premises of a sexually oriented business for the purpose of insuring compliance with the law, at any time it is occupied or open for business. A person who operates a sexually oriented business or his agent or employee commits an offense if he operates the establishment without maintaining a current list of all employees employed by the business, along with a complete update application. A valid driver's license, state identification card, or passport, all with a photo, shall be required for all applications.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(m), 6-26-2001]
Each license shall expire on December 31 of each year. A license may be renewed by submission to the chief of police of an application on the form prescribed by the chief of police. Applications for renewal shall be made at least 30 days before the expiration date of the license.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(n), 6-26-2001]
The chief of police shall suspend a license for a period not to exceed 30 days if the chief determines that a licensee or an employee of a licensee has:
Violated or is not in compliance with this section;
Engaged in public intoxication while on the sexually oriented business premises;
Refused to allow an inspection of the sexually oriented business premises as authorized by this article; or
Knowingly permitted gambling by any person on the sexually oriented business premises.
When the chief of police is authorized to suspend a license under this section, the chief shall give the licensee the opportunity to pay a reinstatement fee, rather than have the license suspended. Payment of this reinstatement fee shall be considered an administrative admission of the violation. However, this shall not be used as an admission of guilt in a criminal prosecution under this article. If the licensee does not pay the reinstatement fee before the expiration of the third working day after notification, he loses the opportunity to pay it and the chief of police shall impose the suspension. Each day in which a violation is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate cause for suspension.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(o), 6-26-2001]
The chief of police shall revoke a license if a cause of suspension in subsection 18-345 occurs and the license has been suspended or a reinstatement fee paid within the preceding two months. The chief of police shall revoke a license if the chief determines that:
A licensee gave false or misleading information in the material submitted to the chief of police during the application process;
A licensee or an employee has knowingly allowed possession, use, or sale of controlled substances on the premises;
A licensee or an employee has knowingly allowed prostitution on the premises;
A licensee or an employee knowingly operated a sexually oriented business during a period of time when the licensee's license was suspended;
A licensee has been convicted of an offense listed in section 18-343 for which the time period required has not elapsed;
On two or more occasions within a 12-month period, an employee of the establishment committed in or on the licensed premises an offense listed in section 18-343 for which a conviction has been obtained;
A licensee or an employee has knowingly allowed any act of sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, masturbation, or sexual contact to occur in or on the licensed premises. The term "sexual contact" shall have the same meaning as it is defined in V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 21.01; or
A licensee is delinquent in payment to the city for hotel occupancy taxes, ad valorem taxes, or sales taxes related to the sexually oriented business.
The fact that a conviction is being appealed shall have no effect on the revocation of the license. Subsection 18-346(7) does not apply to adult motels as grounds for revoking the license unless the licensee or employee knowingly allowed the act of sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, masturbation, or sexual contact to occur in a public place or within public view. When the chief of police revokes a license, the revocation shall continue for one year and the licensee shall not be issued a sexually oriented business license for one year from the date revocation became effective. If, subsequent to revocation, the chief of police finds that the basis for the revocation has been corrected or abated, the applicant may be granted a license if at least 90 days have elapsed since the date the revocation became effective. If the license was revoked under subsection 18-346(5), an applicant may not be granted another license until the appropriate number of years required under subsection 18-342(11)b. has elapsed.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(p), 6-26-2001]
If the chief of police is authorized to deny the issuance of a license, or suspend or revoke a license, the chief of police shall give written notice to the applicant or licensee of such intention.
The notice shall provide that the denial of issuance, suspension, or revocation shall take effect at the expiration of the third working day after notification unless the licensee provides a written response to the chief of police before the expiration of the third working day.
If a written response from the applicant or licensee is received by the chief of police before the expiration of the third working day, the suspension, denial of issuance, or revocation will be stayed pending a decision by the chief of police. The chief of police shall review the response before rendering a decision.
The chief of police shall give written notice of such decision to the applicant or licensee.
The decision by the chief of police is effective immediately and final pending any appeal.
Notice shall be deemed delivered by hand delivery to a licensee, owner, or employee of the establishment or by a posting of the notice at the usual business entrance of the establishment. Notice may also be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Such notice shall be mailed to the address listed in the license application for receipt of notice.
Upon receipt of written notice of the denial, suspension, or revocation, the licensee whose application for a license has been denied or whose license has been suspended or revoked shall have the right to appeal to an appropriate court. An appeal to the appropriate court must be filed within 30 days after the receipt of notice of the decision of the chief of police or decision of the license appeal board, as applicable. The licensee or applicant shall bear the burden or proof in court.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(q), 6-26-2001]
No person shall transfer his license to another person or operate a sexually oriented business under the authority of a license at any place other than the address designated in the application. No person shall counterfeit, forge, change, deface, or alter a license in any way.
[Ord. No. 901-01, § I(r), 6-26-2001]