Apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, motels, or townhouses over two stories in height or more than 35 in elevation from the finished floor level, shall be equipped with a fire protection sprinkler system on all floor levels that meets the requirements of NFPA Standard 13.
[Ord. No. 999-04, § 7, 10-12-2004]
All structures designed and constructed for use by multiple tenants in separate units or have an occupied area through rental, lease, or other agreement, shall provide a minimum of one hour fire-resistive separation between each unit or occupancy. The required fire-resistive construction shall extend from the floor to the bottom of the roof deck or the sub-floor of the next floor level. Where greater fire-resistive separation is required by the building code, it shall be provided. Occupancies, which are required by this or the building code to have automatic sprinkler systems may be exempt from this separation requirement except in those occupancies that use, store or manufacture certain commodities listed as hazardous materials or when the use causes a higher degree of danger to the life safety of the occupants within the adjoining units.
[Ord. No. 999-04, § 7, 10-12-2004]
It shall be a violation of this article to use any wood shingles as a part of the construction material on structures classified as multi-family dwellings (including duplexes) or commercial buildings.
All wood shingles or wood shakes used upon single-family dwellings shall be factory pressure treated with a fire retardant chemical to meet a class "C" rating as listed by the National Fire Protection Association for fire-resistive requirements.
Existing wood shingle or wood shake roofs maybe repaired in part with class "C" shingles or shakes provided the area being repaired or replaced does not exceed 25 percent of the entire roof area, otherwise the entire roof shall be replaced with material as specified in the code or be treated to meet the fire-resistive requirements.
[Ord. No. 999-04, § 7, 10-12-2004]