It is the intent of this chapter to do the following:
Establish requirements for the installation and maintenance of landscaping and buffering elements and other means of site improvement on new development as defined herein, which includes redevelopment of certain previously-developed property in certain instances, in order to enhance the community's ecological, environmental and aesthetic qualities;
Reduce the negative effects of increases in air temperatures, glare, noise, erosion, flooding, and sedimentation caused by expanses of impervious and non-vegetated surfaces within the urban environment;
Preserve and improve the natural urban environment by recognizing that the use of landscaping elements can contribute to the process of air purification; oxygen regeneration; ground water recharge; storm water runoff retardation; and the abatement of noise, glare and heat;
Safeguard and enhance property values and protect public and private investment by encouraging quality new development and re-development within the city;
Provide elements for visual buffering between zoning districts of different character and private uses and public spaces in order to mitigate the effects of potential nuisances such as dirt, litter, noise, heat, and glare of lights; and to provide spacing between different uses that are considered incompatible;
Preserve, protect and enhance the ecological and aesthetic qualities of the city;
Improve the quality of life for residential and corporate citizens;
Improve the visual appearance of the city;
Allow for flexibility and encourage innovation and variety in landscape design within the city; and
Encourage the preservation of existing trees, promote the use of native and other drought-resistant plant species, encourage water conservation principles, and encourage the use of perennial color.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
The definitions used in chapter 90 of this Code shall apply to this chapter, except to the extent that a different definition is provided herein. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
means to share a common boundary line or point.
means to share a common boundary line or point or to be separated only by a public easement, right-of-way, alley or street of no more than 40 feet in width.
means an earth form mound with a gently sloping side that does not exceed one foot of elevation rise to three feet of horizontal distance.
Buffer yard
means a zone of green space intended to provide a measure of separation between uses.
means the average diameter measurement of the trunk of a tree. Caliper is to be measured at six inches above grade when a caliper of four inches or smaller is required, at 12 inches above grade when a caliper between four inches and 12 inches is required, and measured at 4½ feet when a caliper larger than 12 inches is required.
Canopy tree
means a tree identified as a canopy tree in the list of approved or desirable plants contained in Exhibit A to this chapter.
Certified nurseryman
means a person holding a certification as a either a Texas Certified Nursery Professional or a Texas Master Certified Nursery Professional from the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association.
means a continuous vertical element with a minimum of five (5) inches in total height above the surface of a street or roadway abutting the property, and structurally capable of stopping a vehicle's wheel.
Desirable species
means a plant species determined to be long-living, indigenous to this area, drought tolerant, not prone to disease, pests, or other maintenance concerns, and shall include only those plants identified in the list of approved or desirable plants contained in Exhibit A to this chapter.
means the physical alteration of land by humans. This includes one or more of any of the following: subdivision of land; construction or alteration of structures, streets, walkways, utilities or other facilities; installation of septic systems; grading; deposit of refuse, debris, or fill materials; or clearing of natural vegetation cover unless the sole purpose is to permit agricultural activities. Development does not include routine repair and maintenance activities or the construction of fences solely for the purpose of enclosing livestock permitted by this chapter and other applicable city ordinances.
Drip irrigation
means a system of emitters designed to deliver irrigation water to the root zone of plant material without broadcasting over the top of the plant material.
Educational use
means any use listed as a permitted use (with or without a special use permit) under the category or section defined or identified as "educational uses" in the land use table contained in section 90-201 of this Code.
Existing tree
means a tree that exists on a site prior to development.
means any construction activity that results in an increase in the floor or roof area of the structures on a property.
Landscape administrator
means the individual charged with administering this chapter, as designated by the city manager.
Landscape architect
means a person holding a valid and current license as a landscape architect from the State of Texas.
Low-growing shrub
means an approved shrub which generally is expected to grow no more than 36 inches in height, identified as a low-growing shrub in the list of approved or desirable plants contained in Exhibit A to this chapter.
shall have the meaning contained in section 90-4, provided, however, that when used in this chapter in regard to screening walls, engineered decorative concrete panel construction shall also be permitted.
Native plant material
means plant materials as listed in the current issue of the Texas Native Tree and Plant Directory produced by the Texas Department of Agriculture.
New development
means any of the following:
When an existing building is remodeled, altered, or expanded, and the value of the construction (excluding the requirements of this chapter) exceeds 75 percent of the current appraised value of the existing structures, excluding the value of the land, as determined by the chief building official or the chief building official's designee; or
When the total area of the building or buildings on the property are increased in size by 25 percent or greater; or
When buildings are constructed upon currently undeveloped property; or
When the primary or main building on a property is demolished and a new buildings constructed; or
When compliance is made a requirement for approval of a special use permit (SUP) or planned unit development (PUD).
Ornamental tree
means a tree identified as an ornamental tree in the list of approved or desirable plants contained in Exhibit A to this chapter.
Public, civic and utility uses
means any use listed as a permitted use under the category or section defined or identified as "public, civic and utility uses" in the land use table contained in section 90-201, except "parks, playgrounds/playfields."
Solid screening fence
shall have the meaning contained in section 90-4.
shall have the meaning contained in section 90-4.
Tall shrub
means an approved shrub which generally is expected to grow more than 36 inches in height, identified as a tall shrub in the list of approved or desirable plants contained in Exhibit A to this chapter.
Undersirable species
means a plant species prone to disease, pests, or other maintenance concerns, and shall include all plants listed in Exhibit B, attached as an appendix to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
The provisions of this chapter shall apply in all zoning districts throughout the city to all new development, but not to existing development except as otherwise expressly provided herein.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
These requirements shall not apply to property development the purpose of which is to restore existing structures that have been damaged by fire, explosion, flood, tornado, riot, or other sudden casualty or calamity of any kind, provided the property owner first obtains a permit allowing such restoration as provided in this chapter, and further provided that such construction is commenced within 12 months after the date of such casualty or calamity, and completed within 18 months.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
The standards and requirements contained in this chapter are considered minimum standards and requirements.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]
The graphic depictions and illustrations attached as Exhibit C to this chapter are for illustrative and interpretative purposes only. To the extent, if any, that such graphic depictions and illustrations conflict with any of the written provisions of this chapter, the written provisions shall control.
[Ord. No. 1109-08, § 1, 3-11-2008]