For all gas consumed on and after September 15, 1995, and billed on and after September 15, 1995, all persons, firms, corporations or associations of persons engaged in the business of furnishing, distributing or delivering natural gas to residential and commercial consumers in the city are hereby authorized to charge for their product and service in accordance with the schedules as provided in appendix A.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13; Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
The rates in appendix A for residential and commercial gas are the maximum applicable to residential and commercial consumers per meter per month or for any part of a month for which gas service is available at the same location.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13(A); Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
Each residential and commercial monthly bill at the rates in appendix A shall be adjusted for gas cost as follows:
The city gate rate increase or decrease applicable to current billing month residential and commercial sales shall be estimated to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf based upon:
The city gate rate estimated to be applicable to volumes purchased during the current calendar month, expressed to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf (shown below as "Re"), less
The base city gate rate of $2.7535 per Mcf, multiplied by
A volume factor of 1.0216 determined in establishing the above rates for the distribution system as the ratio of adjusted purchased volumes divided by adjusted sales volumes.
Correction of the estimated adjustment determined by subsection (1) of this section for the second preceding billing month shall be included as part of the adjustment. The correcting factor (shown below as "C") shall be expressed to the nearest $0.001 per Mcf based upon:
The corrected adjustment amount based upon the actual city gate rate, less
The estimated adjustment amount billed under subsection (1) of this section, divided by
Distribution system residential and commercial sales Mcf recorded on the TXU Gas Distribution's books during the prior year for the month that the correction is included as part of the adjustment.
In summary, the gas cost adjustment (GCA) shall be determined to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf by (1) and (2) of this section as follows:
GCA = (subsection (1) + subsection (2))
GCA = ((1.0216) (Re - $2.7535) + C)
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13(B); Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
Effective with bills rendered during the October 2000 through May 2001 billing months, and annually thereafter for the October through May billing months, the residential and commercial consumption rates for gas service as provided in this article and in appendix A, as adjusted, will be subject to a weather normalization adjustment each billing cycle to reflect the impact of variations in the actual heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle from the normal level of heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle. The weather normalization adjustment will be implemented on a per Mcf basis and will be applicable to the heating load of each customer during the period included in the billing cycle. It will be determined separately for residential and commercial customers based on heating degree data recorded by the D/FW Airport weather station. The adjustment to be made for each billing cycle will be calculated according to the following formula:
WNA = × M × AHL
Weather normalization adjustment.
Normal heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle.
Actual heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle.
Weighted average margin per Mcf included in the commodity portion of the rates effective during the October through May billing months.
Actual heating load per customer.
The heating load to which the weather normalization adjustment is to be applied for residential and commercial customers is determined by subtracting the base load for the customer from the total volume being billed to the customer. The base load of a customer is the average level of nonheating consumption.
The weather normalization adjustment is subject to a 50 percent limitation factor based on temperatures being 50 percent warmer or colder than normal. The weather normalization adjustment will be calculated to the nearest $0.0001 per Mcf.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13(C); Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
Each monthly bill at the residential and commercial rates as provided in this article and in appendix A, as adjusted, shall be adjusted for municipal franchise fees (street and alley rental taxes) and the state gross receipts taxes imposed by V.T.C.A., Tax Code §§ 182.021—182.024. Each monthly bill, as adjusted above shall also be adjusted by an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax, or any tax increase or decrease, or any increase or decrease of any other governmental imposition, rental fee or charge (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and taxes on net income) levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to December 31, 1999, upon or allocated to the company's distribution operations, by any new or amended law, ordinance or contract. Municipal franchise fees (street and alley rental taxes) and the state gross receipts taxes imposed by V.T.C.A., Tax Code §§ 182.021—182.024 shall continue to be collected pursuant to individual industrial contracts.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13(D); Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
Connection charge.
In addition to the charges and rates set out in this article and in appendix A, TXU Gas Distribution shall charge and collect the amounts as provided in appendix A. For each reconnection of gas service where service has been discontinued at the same premises for any reason, for the initial inauguration of service, and for each inauguration of service when the billable party has changed, with the following exceptions:
For a builder who uses gas temporarily during construction or for display purposes;
Whenever gas service has been temporarily interrupted because of system outage or service work done by TXU Gas Distribution; or
For any reason deemed necessary for TXU Gas Distribution operations.
Read for change charge.
A read for change charge as provided in appendix A is made when it is necessary for a TXU Gas Distribution employee to read the meter at a currently served location because of a change in the billable party.
Returned check charges.
A returned check handling charge as provided in appendix A is made for each check returned to TXU Gas Distribution for any reason.
Delinquent notification charge.
A charge as provided in appendix A shall be made for each trip by a TXU Gas Distribution employee to a customer's residence or place of business when there is an amount owed to TXU Gas Distribution that is past due. This charge shall not be made when the trip is required for safety investigations or when gas service has been temporarily interrupted because of system outage or service work done by TXU Gas Distribution.
[Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
In addition to the rates in this article and in appendix A, TXU Gas Distribution is authorized to recover the current rate case expense through a surcharge designed for a six-month nominal recovery period. The surcharge per Mcf will be calculated by dividing the rate case expense to be recovered by one-half of the adjusted annual sales volume to residential and commercial customers. TXU Gas Distribution will provide monthly status reports to the city to account for the collection of rate case expense.
[Code 1984, ch. 11, § 13(E); Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]
The charge for extending mains beyond the free limit established by franchise for residential, commercial and industrial customers shall be based on the actual cost per foot of the extension.
[Ord. No. 889-01, 1-9-2001]