The City is hereby divided into the following zoning districts. The use, height and area regulations as set out herein apply to each district. The districts established herein shall be known as the following:
Table 1. Zoning Districts Established
Page Number
Residential Zoning Districts
SF-E Single-Family Residential Estate
SF-10 Single-Family Residential
SF-7 Single-Family Residential
MF-1 Two-Family (Duplex) Residential
MF-2 Multiple-Family Residential Medium Density
MF-3 Multiple-Family Residential High Density
MH Manufactured Home (HUD Code)
Nonresidential Zoning Districts
P Professional Office
R Retail
LC Light Commercial
HC Heavy Commercial
I Industrial
Special Zoning Districts
MX Mixed Use
[Ord. No. 1273-14, § 1(Exh. A), 5-6-2014]
The following table will identify zoning districts adopted in the previous Ordinance No. 887-00 and the district that now applies in this Ordinance to those districts:
Table 2. Zoning District Equivalency
Previous Zoning District
Current Zoning District
R-1L Single-Family Residential Large Lot
SF-E Single-Family Residential Estate
R-1 Single-Family Residential
SF-10 Single-Family Residential
SF-7 Single-Family Residential
R-2 Two-Family Residential
MF-1 Two-Family (Duplex) Residential
R-3 Multiple-Family Low Density
MF-2 Multiple-Family Residential Medium Density
R-4 Multiple-Family High Density
MF-3 Multiple-Family Residential High Density
MH Manufactured Home (HUD Code)
MH Manufactured Home (HUD Code)
C-1 Restricted Commercial
P Professional Office
C-2 General Commercial
R Retail
C-3 Multi-Story General Commercial Business
LC Light Commercial
I-1 Light Industrial
HC Heavy Commercial
I-2 Heavy Industrial
I Industrial
PB Planned Business District
MCU Municipal Complex Use
MX Mixed Use
[Ord. No. 1273-14, § 1(Exh. A), 5-6-2014]
SF-E Single-Family Residential Estate.
Character description.
The SF-E Single-Family Residential Estate District is established to allow for larger lots with one-family dwelling structures per lot. This district is intended to provide for residential lands to accommodate more rural settings and accessory yard uses. Lots should be generally located in groups, blocks or areas where the accessory uses of the land do not either materially or in an obnoxious manner influence neighboring properties.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
SF-10 Single-Family Residential.
Character description.
The SF-10 Single-Family Residential District is a single-family housing district in the city with lot sizes of approximately one-quarter of an acre. Development in this district is limited primarily to single-family dwellings and certain community and recreational facilities to serve residents of the district.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
SF-7 Single-Family Residential.
Character description.
The SF-7 Single-Family Residential District is a single-family housing district in the city with the most dense single-family homes at about four to five homes per acre. Development in this district is limited primarily to single-family dwellings and certain community and recreational facilities to serve residents of the district.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
MF-1 Two-Family (Duplex) Residential.
Character description.
The MF-1 Two-Family (Duplex) Residential District is established to stabilize and protect characteristics of low density residential areas. This district may be suitable as a buffer zone between single-family and higher intensity uses. Development in this district is limited primarily to single-family and two-family dwellings, and certain community and recreational facilities to service residents of the district.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
MF-2 Multiple-Family Residential Medium Density.
Character description.
The MF-2 Multiple-Family Residential Medium Density District is established to meet the needs for medium density residential areas where such development is in concert with area aesthetics, is environmentally sound, is compatible to the neighborhood and promotes the character of the community.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
MF-3 Multiple-Family Residential High Density.
Character description.
The MF-3 Multiple-Family Residential High Density District is primarily intended as the appropriate designation for lands suitable for higher impact development and higher volume traffic, while serving the residential needs for higher density living quarters.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
MH Manufactured Home (HUD Code).
Character description.
The purpose of the MH Manufactured Home (HUD Code) District is to provide adequate space and restrictions for the placement of HUD-Code manufactured homes in the city within designated subdivisions. This does not include mobile homes, as defined in article 8, Definitions. This district is also established to provide housing densities compatible with existing and proposed neighborhoods by providing alternative housing types both in construction and economy within the MH district. No HUD-Code manufactured home shall be allowed on any parcel or lot, except on parcels or lots within this district.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
[Ord. No. 1273-14, § 1(Exh. A), 5-6-2014; Ord. No. 1387-19, § 1, 4-8-2019; Ord. No. 1387-19, § 2, 4-8-2019]
P Professional Office.
Character description.
The P Professional Office District is envisioned to maintain its existing character of smaller-scale buildings and generally office-type businesses. A blend of nonresidential uses should be incorporated, but focus primarily on office and medical uses. This area should be oriented toward pedestrians over vehicles, when possible.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
R Retail.
Character description.
The R Retail District is intended to provide locations for various types of general retail trade, business and service uses for services to one or more neighborhoods. These areas should be safely accessible for pedestrians, but may be oriented toward auto traffic. Many of these lots are small in area, and combining lots (i.e., replatting) within the district is desirable.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
LC Light Commercial.
Character description.
The LC Light Commercial District is intended to provide for a variety of office, retail, service, and commercial uses for the purpose of creating a quality mixture of land uses along the roadway. Although these may be heavier uses, the view from major roadways should be aesthically-pleasing. Outside storage should be limited, and adequately screened from the roadway.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
HC Heavy Commercial.
Character description.
The HC Heavy Commercial District is intended to provide for more intensive uses, such as light manufacturing and assembly. These businesses may utilize outside storage, produce moderate amounts of noise, and should not be visible from the city's major roadways to preserve the community's image.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
I Industrial.
Character description.
The I Industrial District is intended primarily for uses in the conduct of manufacturing, assembly, and fabrication, and for warehousing, wholesaling, and service operations. Such uses at times may produce moderate levels of noise, dust and smoke.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
BP Business Park.
Character description.
The BP Business Park district is intended to maintain and support an environment for flexible, vibrant, and employment-generating businesses to enhance and protect the city's economic engine. This district should accommodate industrial, commercial, and retail uses that promote a positive image of the city from the SH 121 roadway.
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
[Ord. No. 1273-14, § 1(Exh. A), 5-6-2014; Ord. No. 1367-18, § 1(Exh. A), 10-8-2018]
MX Mixed Use.
Character description.
The MX Mixed Use District is intended to create unique, pedestrian-friendly areas with a blend of residential and nonresidential uses. These districts may include vertical mixed use (typically residential or office above a retail use) or horizontal mixed use (individual uses located adjacent to one another).
Permitted uses.
Uses permitted in this district are outlined in section 3.02 Use Chart.
Other regulations.
Section 4.01 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
Section 4.02 Accessory Structure Standards
Section 4.03 Supplementary Regulations
Section 4.04 Performance Standards
Other Supplementary Ordinances
Area regulations.
SUP Specific Use Permit.
General description and authorization.
The uses listed under the various districts within the Use Chart as specific use permits (SUPs) are so classified because they may have use characteristics or environmental impacts that could negatively impact adjacent land uses if not properly planned or buffered.
Consideration for compatibility.
With consideration given to setting, physical features, compatibility with surrounding land uses, traffic, and aesthetics, certain uses may locate in an area where they will be compatible with existing or planned land uses.
Review and approval authorities.
The city council shall review each case on its own merit, apply the criteria established herein, and, if appropriate, authorize said use by granting a specific use permit for the use.
The planning and zoning commission shall recommend to the city council approval, approval with modifications, or denial for each specific use permit.
Time limit.
City council may choose to place a time limit on an SUP to allow periodic reviews of the impact of the use on surrounding properties.
Application and site plan required.
Application and public hearing procedures for a specific use permit shall be completed in the same manner as an application for rezoning. A site plan shall be included with the application as outlined in section 6.06 Site Plan Requirements.
The planning and zoning commission or city council may require additional inforation or drawings (such as building floor plans), operating data and expert evaluation or testimony concerning the location, function and characteristics of any building or use proposed.
The site plan shall comply with the standards of section 6.06 Site Plan Requirements.
SUP procedure and other regulations.
See section 6.08 Specific Use Permit (SUP) for procedures and other regulations.
PD Planned Development.
General description and purpose.
The PD District is a district that accommodates coordinated development that provides a more flexible regulatory structure than the zoning districts outlined in this Ordinance. A PD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilization or diversification than achieved under conventional zoning approaches. Procedures are established herein to ensure appropriate use of PD zoning.
The PD designation shall be used for the following purpose(s):
Master planning;
To carry out specific goals of the comprehensive plan, city or public/private partnered special projects, and city council strategic focus areas;
Development of mixed use, transit-oriented, or traditional neighborhoods with a variety of uses and housing types; and/or
To preserve natural features, open space, and other topographical features of the land.
The PD designation shall not be used solely for the following purpose(s):
To obtain variances and waivers from existing development standards;
To secure agreements between an applicant and nearby property owners to receive zoning approval; and/or
To assign responsibility to the city of private deed restrictions or covenants.
Permitted uses.
Any use permitted in this Zoning Ordinance shall be permitted in a PD District if such use is:
Specified in the amending ordinance granting a PD District; or
The amending ordinance shall reference a zoning district that will maintain base requirements for the PD.
The size, location, appearance, and method of operation may be specified to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance base zoning district.
Unless specified in the amending ordinance, all buildings and uses shall comply with all city development requirements.
Updated standards to the base zoning district.
If the standards of the base zoning district are amended, then the most recently amended standards shall apply to a PD District unless the standards have been individually listed within the PD adoption ordinance as being different from the base zoning district.
Base zoning district amendments are applicable to PD Districts and do not require special notice to be provided to the properties within a PD District.
PD application and review process.
See section 6.07 PD Application and Review.
Entertainment District Overlay—EDO.
The Entertainment District Overlay is intended to create an identifiable and exciting character for the 14-acre entertainment area in Richland Hills south of SH121. New development and redevelopment in the EDO District is guided by development standards intended to promote a unifying identity for the Entertainment District as a whole through a complementary mix of land uses and physical design. Accordingly, the development standards are intended to allow enough flexibility for creative building solutions, while being prescriptive in areas necessary to establish consistency.
Figure 2.05.04-A Entertainment District Overlay Illustration
Max. dwelling units per acre with one use in a structure. Applicable to districts where residential uses are permitted: 40.
Max. dwelling units per acre with more than one use in a structure. Second use must occupy at least 15 percent of gross floor area of building: 100.
Lot dimensions.
Lot area, width, and depth: refer to base zoning district.
Gross living area per dwelling unit, min. (s.f.):
MF efficiency: 600
MF 1 bedroom: 800
MF 2 bedroom: 950
Interior, min. (ft.): refer to base zoning district.
Building standards.
Building height:
Minimum (ft.): 20.
Adjacent to single-family: 3 stories.
Fronting all other streets: N/A.
Lot coverage, max. (%): 90.
See article 4 for site development requirements and chapter 91 for supplemental development standards.
[Ord. No. 1273-14, § 1(Exh. A), 5-6-2014; Ord. No. 1356-18, § 1(Exh. A), 5-14-2018]