The City shall have the power and authority to acquire by purchase, gift, devise, deed, condemnation, or otherwise, any character or property, within or without its municipal boundaries, including any charitable or trust funds.
Specifically, but without limitation of the foregoing, the City shall have full power and authority to acquire through the exercise of eminent domain, or by purchase, or otherwise, and maintain and operate, any part or all of any water works system, sewerage system, or other public utility used in serving citizens of the City. Such power and authority shall include that specified in Chapter 51 of the Texas Local Government Code as now existing or as hereafter amended, and any common law or other statutory law applicable thereto, and such power and authority shall not be limited by any such specific statutory provisions. Such power and authority shall include the right to acquire by eminent domain or purchase from any person, firm, or corporation any part or all of the physical properties, easements, franchises, and other tangible and intangible properties and rights that may be in use as an operating utility business. Such power and authority shall include the right to acquire by eminent domain or purchase an undivided interest in any easements or facilities that may be in use to serve any other community and shall also include the right to acquire by eminent domain or purchase any properties located outside of the corporate boundaries of the City if needed by the City in operation of such utility system.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
All real estate owned in fee simple title, or held by lease, sufferance, easement, or otherwise; all public buildings, fire stations, parks, streets and alleys, and all property, whether real or personal, of whatever kind, character or description, now owned or controlled by the City, shall vest in, inure to, remain, and be the property of said City under this Charter; and all causes of action, chooses in action, rights or privileges of every kind and character, and all property of whatsoever character or description which may have been held, and is now held, controlled or used by said City for public uses, or in trust for the public, shall vest in and remain and inure to the City under this Charter, and all contracts, suits and pending actions to which the City heretofore was or now is a party, plaintiff or defendant, shall in no way be affected or terminated by the adoption of this Charter, but shall continue unabated.