The City Manager, or their designee, shall submit a proposed City budget for the ensuing fiscal year to the City Council in compliance with the timelines outlined in Chapter 102 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. From its date of submission, the proposed budget shall be a public record.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The City Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget as required by Chapter 102 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
After hearing, the City Council may make such changes as it deems proper in the proposed budget and adopt a final budget prior to the beginning of the budget year. All budget hearings and action on the budget shall be open to the public.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The budget shall go into effect on the first day of the budget year. Budget amendments must comply with Chapter 102 of the Texas Local Government Code.
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The City Manager shall include with the proposed budget a five (5) year capital improvement plan. Such plan, upon approval by the Council, shall serve as a guide for capital improvements of the City[.]
[Ordinance 1473-23 adopted 5/16/2023]
The Council shall cause an independent audit to be made of books and records of the City once yearly. The auditor shall be chosen by the City Council. The audit report will be open to inspection by any citizen and the original copy shall be kept as a permanent record of the City.