The fiscal year of the city is hereby designated, as an interim measure, to begin on April 1, 2002, and to end on September 30, 2002; thereafter the fiscal year shall begin on October 1, 2002, and end on September 30, 2003, and shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30 of each succeeding year thereafter.
(2001 Code, art. 1.300)
State Bank is hereby designated as the official depository of the city. Checking accounts or savings accounts, as authorized by the city council, shall be established at said bank with the requirement that all checks written against any such accounts shall require at least two signatures. The authorized persons who may sign city checks are the mayor, mayor pro tem, city manager or city secretary, with the stipulation that one signature must be that of an elected official.
(2001 Code, art. 1.400)
Except in the case of exempted procurements, the city may not purchase or enter into a contract that requires an expenditure of more than the competitive procurement requirements in Local Government Code chapters 252 and 271, as well as any other relevant provisions, without first submitting such to competitive sealed bidding, except in the case of high technology procurements in which case the city may take competitive sealed proposals. Exempted procurements shall include the following:
A procurement made because of a public calamity that requires the immediate appropriation of money to relieve the necessity of the city’s residents or to preserve city property;
A procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the city’s residents;
A procurement necessary because of unforeseen damage to public machinery, equipment, or other property;
A procurement for personal or professional services;
A procurement for work that is performed and paid for by the day as the work progresses;
A purchase of land or a right-of-way;
A procurement of items that are available from only one source;
A purchase of rare books, papers, and other library materials for a public library;
Paving, drainage, street widening, and other public improvements, or related matters, if at least one-third (1/3) of the cost is to be paid by or through special assessments levied on property that will benefit from the improvements; and
A public improvement project authorized by the voters for which there is a deficiency of funds for completing the project in accordance with the plans and purposes authorized by the voters.
Notice of the time and place at which competitive sealed bids or proposals [will be opened] must be published at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the city. The date for the first (1st) publication must be before the fourteenth (14th) day before the date set to incur the expenditure or the letting of the contract.
For any construction project which involves trench excavation that exceeds a depth of five feet (5'), the bid documents and the contract must include detailed plans and specifications for trench safety systems that meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and that these plans and specifications include a pay item for these safety systems.
(2001 Code, art. 1.1500; Ordinance 443 adopted 10/14/08)
The city shall have its records and accounts audited annually and shall have an annual financial statement prepared based on the audit. The audit shall be performed by a licensed certified public accountant or a public accountant who holds a permit to practice from the state board of public accountancy. Such audit and financial statement shall be filed with the city secretary within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the last day of each fiscal year.
(2001 Code, art. 1.600)
The city manager or his designee shall present fiscal, financial and budgetary policies to the city council for adoption and/or ratification annually at or before the time that the city council adopts and approves its annual fiscal year budget and sets the annual tax levy. These policies shall include but may not be limited to policies establishing and/or governing: fixed assets, inventory control, investments, annual budgets and budget processes, fund balances, debt management, grants, revenue management, and expenditure control.
The city manager or his designee shall present a capital improvement plan to the city council for adoption and/or ratification annually. This plan shall at a minimum, identify current capital assets, their value, useful life and estimated replacement cost. The plan shall also indicate the estimated cost of needed repairs or maintenance on all capitalized items for a period not less than five years from the date of production as well as the cost of any proposed or requested capital expenditures over the same time period.
(Ordinance 2013.11.1 adopted 11/12/13)
Inventory items.
Items to be carried as inventory:
Poles that will not be used on a specific project.
Other items that may be added to the inventory category from time to time by the city council at the suggestion of the external auditor.
Inventory system.
The inventory may be kept as a paper product or a computer file. The director of utilities is responsible for keeping the inventory and accounting for items coming into inventory and being expended out of inventory.
The director of utilities is responsible for setting up a system that will account for inventory that will include at a minimum:
Serial number of the item (or assign a unique number to the item if no serial number exists).
Name of item.
Manufacturer or brand name of item.
Initial cost of item.
Date acquired.
Date expensed out of inventory.
Disposition of item (expensed to supplies, sold, destroyed, returned to vendor, etc.).
Running inventory; annual count.
A running inventory will be kept of all items in inventory. A count will be made at least annually in conjunction with the annual external audit of the city to determine the value of the inventory.
(Ordinance 415, secs. I–III, adopted 3/27/07)
The city manager and the city manager’s designee are hereby designated to serve as the city’s investment officers. The investment officers are authorized to invest city funds in accordance with the direction of the city council and the policy, on file in the office of the city secretary, but in no event may the investment officers invest city funds in contravention of chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code (the Public Funds Investment Act).
(Ordinance 2009.1.1, sec. 4, adopted 1/13/09)
The budget officer shall be the city manager.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.501)
The city manager shall annually prepare a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the city for the succeeding year.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.502)
The budget shall show all expenditures proposed and shall be carefully itemized so as to make as clear a comparison as practicable between expenditures included in the proposed budget and actual expenditures for the same or similar purposes for the preceding year. The budget must also show as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are made in the budget and the budgeted sums for each of such projects. The budget shall also contain a complete financial statement of the city showing all outstanding obligations of the city, the cash on hand to the credit of each and every fund, and funds received from all sources during the ensuing year, the estimated revenue available to cover the proposed budget, and the estimated rate of tax, if any, which will be required.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.503)
The city manager shall have the authority to require any officer, department head, or other unit of the city government to furnish such information as may, in the city manager’s discretion, be necessary to afford proper preparation of the proposed budget.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.504)
The budget shall be filed with the city secretary thirty (30) days prior to the time the city council makes its tax levy for the current fiscal year, or as close as is practical. The budget as filed with the city secretary shall be available for public inspection during all reasonable business hours.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.505)
The city council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. Such public hearing shall occur after the fifteenth (15th) day after the proposed budget has been filed with the city secretary but before the city council makes its tax levy. Public notice of the date, time and location of the hearing shall be given in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.506)
On final approval of the budget by the city council, a copy of the budget shall be filed with the city secretary and the county clerk’s office.
(2001 Code, sec. 1.507)