Flatonia Economic Development Commission (FEDC). Located in Flatonia, Fayette County, Texas.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The mission statement of the Flatonia Economic Development Commission is:
“Flatonia will be a community that retains its old fashion charm through managed growth and development while providing quality education and economic opportunity.”
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The purpose of the economic development commission is:
To promote economic growth of both existing and new businesses in the city.
To advise and recommend to the city council economic policies/programs that will enhance the city business vitality/economy and recommend such programs and policies to the city council for approval.
To administer economic incentive policies, incentive program awards and issue regular reports of such activities to the city council.
To openly communicate with the citizens and business leaders of the city on FEDC topics of interest with the intent of keeping everyone informed of the FEDC activities, plans and incentive decisions.
To actively participate in solicitation of prospective business ventures.
To interface and collaborate with various government agencies and other community groups as required to promote the economic development of the city.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The membership of the city economic development commission shall be made up of seven voting members (directors) and three non-voting associate directors. The directors are approved by the city council. Being a resident of the city is not a requirement for membership.
Directors shall not receive any compensation for their services. Directors may receive reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties when submitted in writing with supporting receipts to the treasurer which will be submitted to the city council for approval.
While final determination of the directors shall be the responsibility of the city council, it shall be a goal to include in the membership the president of the chamber of commerce (or designated representative), city business leaders, and other individuals interested in actively promoting city economic development.
Associate directors shall be one city council person appointed by the city council, the city manager and the director of the chamber of commerce or designate. These three associate directors will actively participate in the FEDC regular meetings and related activities offering their insight where appropriate. Associate directors may not be an FEDC officer.
Indemnification of FEDC Directors shall be provided by the city liability insurance umbrella coverage.
Directors shall not be held liable when acting in good faith and with reasonable and ordinary care, relying on information, opinions, reports, or statements including financial statements or other financial data concerning the FEDC and other public or private entities.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
To complement the FEDC, persons with a specific area of expertise and/or business leadership experience may be appointed to the advisory board by the FEDC chairperson. Term of office for advisory board members would be one (1) year and may be reappointed at the end of each term without limitation on consecutive terms.
The purpose of the advisory board is to give knowledgeable opinions/information in their areas of expertise to aid the FEDC in prudent decision making.
Advisory board members shall be notified of all FEDC meetings and may attend at their discretion.
Advisory board members shall serve in an advisory capacity only and shall not be voting members.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The officers of the FEDC shall be:
The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the FEDC. The chairperson shall appoint standing and special committees and task groups as required. The chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and task groups appointed by the chairperson.
The chairperson may not concurrently hold any other office.
Vice chairperson.
The vice chairperson shall in the event of the absence or disability or inability of the chairperson to exercise his or her office duties become acting chairperson of the FEDC with all the rights, privileges and powers as if he or she had been the duly elected chairperson.
It shall be the duty of the secretary to record or cause to have recorded minutes of all regular and special meetings of the FEDC, to preserve the minutes of such meetings and to make reports of those meetings to the city council and to the FEDC directors and associate directors.
The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all monies budgeted for the FEDC and caused to be expended by the FEDC or all monies received and disbursed by the FEDC. Such records shall be kept on file. The treasurer shall chair the finance committee.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
Regular scheduled meetings shall be held monthly. The meetings shall be held in the city council chambers unless notified otherwise.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
At least ninety (90) days prior to a new year, the FEDC directors shall adopt a proposed budget of expected revenues and proposed expenditures for the next year. The budget shall contain such classifications and shall be in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the city council and be in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. The budget shall not be effective until it has been approved by the city council.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The FEDC may with prior city council approval contract with any qualified and appropriate person, association, corporation or governmental entity to perform and discharge designated tasks which will aid or assist the FEDC in the performance of its duties. However, no such contract shall ever be approved or entered into which seeks or attempts to divest or circumvent the FEDC of its discretion and policy making functions
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
Any FEDC director who has a real or perceived conflict of interest in FEDC activities shall openly address these concerns as soon as they are apparent at the next FEDC regularly scheduled meeting. The FEDC directors shall determine what action if any shall be taken. The city attorney may be consulted for legal counsel.
When the FEDC determines there is a real or perceived conflict of interest, the director with the conflict of interest would be excluded from:
Serving on a related committee or subcommittee,
Voting on any related issues and/or
Determining award of any incentives on related issues.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
The FEDC shall not officially support, campaign for, or in any other way endorse any political candidate or political issue. While directors of the FEDC may endorse, campaign and/or run for political office or support political causes, they shall not use or imply support for or from the FEDC.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
These bylaws shall be adopted by ordinance with a majority vote of the city council.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
These bylaws may be altered or amended or new bylaws may be written at any meeting of the FEDC at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire FEDC, provided notice of the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal is contained in the notice of such meeting. However, these bylaws may not be altered, amended or repealed and/or new bylaws may not be adopted without the prior approval of the city council.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
To the extent these bylaws refer to any approval by the city and/or city council, that approval shall be evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance, resolution, order or motion duly adopted by the city council.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
These bylaws shall become effective upon the occurrence of the later of the following events:
The adoption of these bylaws by the city council.
The adoption of these bylaws by the FEDC.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)
This commission shall be governed by these bylaws as approved by the city council and associated standing rules as adopted by the FEDC. In the event of controversy on procedures, the Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail.
(Ordinance 2009.9.5 adopted 9/8/09)