There is hereby created a court in and for the city which shall be known as the municipal court of the city. This court shall have jurisdiction within the city with power to hear and determine all cases of alleged violations of the ordinances of the city and all other cases over which municipal courts are generally given jurisdiction by state law as provided for in V.T.C.A., Government Code, section 29.003.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.102)
Office created.
There is hereby created the office of judge of the municipal court, who shall have all the powers and authority as granted by state law and the ordinances of this city, and shall perform all the duties as prescribed by the laws of the state and the ordinances of this city.
Appointment; term; compensation; bond; temporary replacement.
The judge shall be appointed for a term of office running concurrently with that of the mayor. He or she shall receive such compensation as the city council shall fix by ordinance or resolution and shall furnish such surety bond as may be required by the city council, the premium to be paid by the city.
In the absence of the regular municipal judge, the city council may appoint any other person qualified for the position to sit for the regular municipal judge, or the mayor may serve as ex officio judge until a judge is appointed.
The judge of the municipal court may be removed by a majority of the city council for incompetence, corruption, misconduct or malfeasance in office, after due notice and an opportunity to be heard in his defense. The judge of the municipal court may also be removed from office by a city council resolution declaring a lack of confidence in the judge, provided that two-thirds (2/3) of the city council vote in favor of said resolution.
The judge of the municipal court, prior to taking office, shall take the oath of office required by the state constitution and state laws. This is the oath required by the state laws for mayors of cities.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.101)
Office created; compensation; appointment; term.
The office of municipal court clerk is hereby created, and shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the city council. The municipal court clerk shall be appointed to office by a majority vote of the city council and shall be subject to removal at any time by the mayor with the consent of the city council.
Performance of duties by city secretary.
It is further provided that, in the event of the failure to so appoint a clerk for said municipal court, the city secretary shall act as ex officio clerk of said court until such appointment and shall be authorized to appoint a deputy with the same power as the secretary.
The court clerk of the municipal court shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the municipal court, issue all process, and generally perform all duties of the clerk of a court as prescribed by law for a county clerk insofar as the same may be applicable.
The city council may remove the court clerk for incompetence, corruption, misconduct, or malfeasance in office after due notice and an opportunity for a hearing before the city council.
The municipal court clerk shall furnish such security bond as may be required by the city council, the premium to be paid by the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.103)
The duly appointed city attorney shall serve as ex officio prosecutor in the municipal court. The city council shall prescribe the compensation for the prosecutor, which shall be paid out of the city treasury.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.104)
The chief of police or any police officer shall serve as bailiff to preserve order and decorum while court is in session and upon request by the judge.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.105)
The chief of police or any police officer shall serve as warrant officer to serve all process or papers issued by the municipal court and upon request by the judge.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.106)
The rules prescribed by state law governing trials in the state justice of peace courts shall govern the procedure and practice of the municipal court, and the city council may prescribe such additional rules of practice and procedures as are not inconsistent with state law.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.107)
Each person serving as a juror in municipal court is entitled to six dollars ($6.00) for each day or fraction of each day served as a juror.
(2001 Code, sec. 7.108)