The following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed:
A-weighted sound level.
The sound level pressure in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighting network. The level so read is designated dB(A) or dBA.
Commercial zoned property.
All properties in the city having a zoning designation of public use, office professional, mixed use, commercial or central business district.
Daytime hours.
The hours beginning 30 minutes before sunrise and ending 30 minutes after sunset.
Industrial zoned property.
All properties in the city having a zoning designation of industrial or light industrial.
Noise nuisance.
Any loud, irritating, vexing, or disturbing sound which causes distress, annoyance, discomfort or injury to or which interferes with the comfort or repose of any person of reasonable nervous sensibilities in the vicinity of hearing thereof, or any sound which endangers or injures the safety or health of humans, or any sound which interferes with the physical well-being of humans.
Residential zoned property.
All properties in the city having a zoning designation other than commercial or industrial.
Sound level.
The weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a sound level meter and frequency weighting network such as A, B or C as specified in American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI S1.4-1971). If the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting shall apply.
Sound level meter.
An instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighing network to measure sound pressure levels.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 1(b), adopted 11/13/07)
Any person who has not previously been convicted of an offense under this article and violates any portion of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $35.00 or more than $1,000.00. For the second or subsequent conviction within a twelve-month period, said person shall be fined not less than $70.00 or more than $2,000.00.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 2(e), adopted 11/13/07)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to make, continue or cause to be made or continued any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise which is offensive to the ordinary sensibilities of the inhabitants of the city, interferes with the enjoyment of life or property or disturbs the public peace, comfort and repose.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 1(a), adopted 11/13/07)
The following acts are hereby declared to be prima facie of such a character as to violate the terms of this article as being unnecessarily loud, but such enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
The sounding of any horn or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus, streetcar, or other vehicle, except as a danger signal as required by state law.
The playing of any radio, compact disc player, cassette player, phonograph, or any electrical or mechanical device which emits sound or the playing of a musical instrument in the city in such a manner, or with such volume, as to disturb the peace, quiet, comfort, or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities. This provision shall not apply to church bells or chimes when tolled or played at the normal times for such instruments.
The use of any automobile, motorcycle, bus, streetcar, or vehicle so out of repair, so loaded, or operated in such manner as to create loud unnecessary noises such as spinning or squealing tires, grating, grinding, rattling, or other noise.
The use of any mechanical device operated by compressed air, except pneumatic drills, unless the noise thereby created is effectively muffled and reduced.
The erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration, or repair, of any building in or adjacent to a residential area other than during daytime hours on weekdays and Saturdays, and daytime hours without heavy equipment on Sundays, except in the case of urgent necessity or in the interest of public safety, for which a permit must be obtained from the city manager, or his designee, prior to any deviation from these hours, or at any time such that the sound level at or across a real property boundary exceeds 80 dBA.
The creation of loud and raucous noise on any street adjacent to any school or court which is in session, or adjacent to any hospital, which unreasonably interferes with the working of such institution, provided that conspicuous signs are located in such streets indicating that schools, hospitals, and courts are adjacent thereto.
The creation of a loud and excessive noise in connection with the loading or unloading of any vehicle or the opening and destruction of bales, boxes, crates, and containers.
The sounding of any bell or gong attached to any building or premises, which is reasonably calculated to disturb a person of ordinary disposition if such person were in the vicinity thereof.
The use of any drum or other instrument or sound-amplifying equipment for the purpose of attracting attention by the creation of noise to any performance, show, sale, or display of merchandise as to attract customers to any place of business.
The use of mechanical loudspeakers or sound amplifiers on trucks or other moving vehicles for the purpose of advertising any show, sale, or display of merchandise.
The keeping of any animal or fowl which emits or makes an unreasonable or loud and raucous noise.
The making of a noise on residential zoned property which exceeds 63 decibels when measured from property under ownership different from the ownership upon which the noise is made.
The making of a noise on commercial zoned property which exceeds 70 decibels when measured from property under ownership different from the ownership upon which the noise is made.
The making of a noise on industrial zoned property which exceeds 73 decibels when measured from property under ownership different from the ownership upon which the noise is made.
(Ordinance 2010.11.3 adopted 11/9/10; Ordinance 426, sec. 2(a), adopted 11/13/07)
The city council shall have the authority to issue permits for local celebrations within the city, and musical entertainment or other entertainment which emits sound at such celebration shall not be considered to be a violation of the terms of this article if such emissions are part of the regular activity of the celebration and during the regular hours during which same is conducted.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 2(b), adopted 11/13/07)
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, leasing, operating, managing, or supervising any public place of business or entertainment to permit or allow any such loud noise as specified in this article, or to allow or permit the operation or playing of any radio, phonograph, television, drum, musical instrument, sound amplifier, or similar device which produces, reproduces or amplifies in any place of entertainment at a sound level greater than 80 dBA, as read by the slow response on a sound level meter, at a point that is customarily occupied by a customer or patron, unless a sign, legible and conspicuous to ordinary public view and at least 225 square inches in area, is located outside such place, near each public entrance, stating the following in letters at least two inches high: “WARNING: SOUND LEVELS WITHIN MAY CAUSE HEARING IMPAIRMENT.”
(Ordinance 426, sec. 2(d), adopted 11/13/07)
If conduct that would otherwise violate this article consists of speech or other communication, of gathering with others to hear or observe such speech or communication, or of gathering with others to picket or otherwise express in a nonviolent manner a position on social, economic, political or religious questions, the person or persons must be ordered to move, disperse, or otherwise remedy the violation prior to arrest or citation.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 2(c), adopted 11/13/07)
This article shall not apply to city sponsored or co-sponsored or local fiestas, celebrations, parades, public events or scheduled school stadium events within the city or to musical or other entertainment which emits sound at such fiestas, celebrations, parades, public events or scheduled school stadium events.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 2(f), adopted 11/13/07)
Whenever portions of this article prohibit noise over a certain decibel level, measurement of said noise shall be made with a decibel meter meeting the standards prescribed by the American Standards Association. The instruments shall be maintained in calibration and good working order. Measurements recorded shall be taken so as to provide a proper representation of the noise being measured. The microphone shall be positioned so as not to create any unnatural enhancement or diminution of the measured noise. Traffic, aircraft and other transportation noise sources or other background noises shall not be considered in taking measurements except where such background noise interferes with the primary noise being measured. Measurements may be taken at any point on adjacent private property or on either side of an adjacent public right-of-way at or near the boundary line of the property where the noise is being generated or emitted.
(Ordinance 426, sec. 3, adopted 11/13/07)