The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat, as approved, and if desired by the subdivider, it may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which he proposes to record and develop at the time; provided, however, that such portion shall conform to all requirements of these regulations. In cases where a final plat is submitted for approval and where no change from the approved preliminary plat has been made, it may be submitted directly to the city council for approval. When it is not necessary for the city manager to consider the approval of a final plat because no change has been made from the preliminary plat, such final plat shall be recommended for final approval to the city council. The city will act on a plat within thirty (30) days after the date the plat is filed. If the city does not act on the plat within thirty (30) days, the plat is deemed approved.
An accurate boundary survey of the property, with bearings and distances, referenced to survey lines and established subdivisions, and showing pertinent data concerning property immediately adjacent thereto in dashed lines.
Right-of-way lines of streets and alleys, property lines of residential lots, parks, and other sites, with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflections angles, and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves.
Name and right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way.
Location, dimensions and purpose of any easement.
Purpose for which sites other than residential lots are dedicated or reserved.
The location of minimum building setback lines from all streets on lots and other sites shall conform to the city’s requirements.
A certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks, easements and other land intended for public use, signed by the owner or owners and by all other persons, firms or corporations owning an interest in the property subdivided and platted, and shall be acknowledged in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas for conveyances of real property. A certified copy of all deed restrictions filed for record in Fayette County shall be furnished to the city at the time of recording same.
Receipts indicating that current taxes have been paid on the property to be subdivided and a certificate that no delinquent taxes exist against the property.
All lots and blocks in subdivision shall be numbered in numerical order.
A waiver of claim for damages against the city occasioned by the establishment of grades or the alteration of the surface of any surface of any portion of existing streets and alleys to conform to the grades established in the subdivision.
Surveyor’s certificate, produced on the plat according to the following form:
That I, ____, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown therein were properly placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with section 10.02.262 of the subdivision regulations of the City of Flatonia, Texas.
Name with seal
Certificates of Approval.
Certificate of approval by the city council, to be placed on plat as follows:
Approved this ____ day of __________,20____ by the City Council of the City of Flatonia, Texas.
Certificate of approval by the city manager, where the plat is approved administratively pursuant to section 10.02.124, to be placed on plat as follows:
Approved this ____ day of ___________, 20____ by the City Manager of the City of Flatonia, Texas.
City Manager
Certificate of improvement.
A registered engineer shall furnish the city council with a written certificate stating that all improvements which have been completed prior to final approval have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with all city plans and specifications for such improvements and, if all necessary improvements have not been completed, shall further certify that a sufficient amount of security has been deposited with or a surety bond furnished to the city to secure the completion of all those improvements so required which are incomplete. When a surety bond has been furnished the city in lieu of any or all of the required improvements, it shall be delivered to the city attorney for approval. The surety bond shall have attached thereto a copy of the contract for such improvements and such other information and data necessary to determine the validity and enforceability of such bond. When the bond has been examined and approved, the city attorney shall certify to the city council in writing that the surety bond is valid and enforceable as regards all improvements required by this article still incomplete and for which cash deposit has not been made.
Upon approval of the final plat, the reproducible tracing and one (1) copy shall be retained in the files of the city and one (1) copy shall be transmitted to the County Clerk.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.600)