The width of main thoroughfares and traffic streets shall be determined by the city manager.
No street dedication shall be less than sixty feet (60') wide, and paving shall not be less than forty-two feet (42') from back to back of curbs.
All new streets shall be continuations of existing streets and where possible, at the same or greater width and having the same names. Where continuation of a street is not possible, there shall be a minimum offset of one hundred fifty feet (150').
Dead-end streets may be platted where the land adjoins potential property not subdivided, in which case the streets shall be carried to the boundaries thereof. In the instances where dead-end streets are otherwise necessary, a cul-de-sac with minimum radius of seventy feet (70') of the dedicated width of the entering street shall be provided.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.801)
Insofar as practical, acute angles at street intersections shall be avoided. Where an acute angle of less than seventy-five degrees (75°) occurs between streets at their intersection, the city manager may require the property lines to be rounded or otherwise set back to permit curb construction of desirable radius without curtailing the sidewalk at the street corner to less than normal width.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.802)
Where a deflection angle of more than ten degrees (10°) in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius [shall be provided. The radius] of curves shall not be less than three hundred feet (300').
Streets shall be platted to allow two (2) tiers of lots with an alley between. Intersecting cross streets may not be more than one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') apart, nor less than three hundred feet (300') apart.
Streets shall be platted with appropriate regard to the county roads, lake areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment.
Where plats are presented for approval which adjoin unplatted property, the owner of the proposed subdivision shall provide his pro rata part of boundary streets.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.803)
Alleys shall be laid in the rear of lots fronting on adjoining street, the minimum width of an alley shall not be less than twenty feet (20') and shall be graded and leveled.
No subdivision showing a reserve strip of land controlling the access to public ways or adjoining properties will be approved.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.804)
In general, lots shall conform in width, depth and area to the pattern already established in the adjacent areas, having due regard to the pattern already established in the adjacent areas, having due regard to the character of the neighborhood, its particular suitability for development for residential purposes and also taking into consideration the natural topography of the ground, drainage, sanitary sewerage facilities and the proposed layout of the streets. Lot width and depth determinations shall be oriented to the city-approved street address assigned to the lot. Unless approved by the city manager, street addresses establishing the lot orientation for width and depth shall be originated so that minimum lot dimensions are conforming to this article.
It shall be unlawful for the building inspector to issue a permit for any residence, utilizing as a building site the rear portion of any corner lot, or the rear portion of any corner lot merged with a portion of any adjoining lot to produce a plottage of sufficient size to meet the minimum requirements for a permissible residential use.
Structures, accessory structures, fences and other developments on lots in each of the zoning regions within the municipality shall meet the setback distances as published in the respective zoning section of chapter 14 of this code.
Size of lot.
Lot area.
No building to be used as a dwelling unit shall be constructed on any lot of less than the square footage listed in the respective zoning section of chapter 14 of this code.
Lot width.
The minimum width of a lot shall conform to those dimensions established for each of the zoning sections as listed in chapter 14 of this code.
Lot depth.
The average depth of a lot shall not be less than one hundred feet (100') with the following exceptions:
A corner lot used for the purpose of a DSFD or DTF, shall have a minimum width of not less than eighty feet (80'), and may have an average depth of less than one hundred feet (100') provided that the minimum depth is no less than eighty-eight feet (88').
Where a lot having less area, width and/or depth than herein required, existed in separate ownership upon the effective date of this article, the above regulations shall not prohibit the erection of a DSFD or DTF thereon on a lot existing in separate ownership at the effective date of this article, provided such that the DSFD or DTF shall not be erected on a lot less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.
The area of the lot shall be computed by taking the average width of the lot times the average depth of the lot measured from the street lot line to the rear lot line.
All side lines of lots shall be at right angles to straight street lot lines or radial to curved street lot lines, unless a variation from this rule would, in the opinion of the city manager, give a better lot plat.
For private housing projects and shopping villages, it will not be necessary to subdivide tracts of land. Site plans, however, must be filed showing the arrangement of the project in detail, together with essential requirements such as parking facilities, locations of buildings and the other uses to be permitted.
(Ordinance 2017.7.1, sec. 4, adopted 7/11/17)